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+ Expanding Cultural Competency in the WSU Campus Health Center Presented by Nick Sarchet, Agility Results, LLC B EYOND P INK & B LUE Module 1.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Expanding Cultural Competency in the WSU Campus Health Center Presented by Nick Sarchet, Agility Results, LLC B EYOND P INK & B LUE Module 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Expanding Cultural Competency in the WSU Campus Health Center Presented by Nick Sarchet, Agility Results, LLC B EYOND P INK & B LUE Module 1

2 + Welcome  Trainer Introduction  Participant Introductions Name Role Share something you hope to gain from this training and interaction

3 + Introduction  Today’s purpose  TRANSforming HealthCare video

4 + The Words that Define Us The Words that Divide Us  Terms and definitions are fluid  People who transgress gender roles and stereotypes may or may not identify with these terms  These words are offered as a way of opening a dialogue so that you can be aware and open to hearing differences in defining one’s own identity

5 + Transgender Lives

6 + Sex vs. Gender  Biology Male Female Intersex  Identity Man Woman Trans Other…

7 + Sex Continuum FemaleMaleIntersex A variety of conditions in which a person is born with reproductive and/or sexual anatomy and/or chromosomes that don’t fit the typical definitions of female or male. XX vagina XY penis

8 + Gender Continuum Woman ManTrans* Transgender: an umbrella term used to categorize people who’s identities do not easily fall within the bounds of female/woman or male/man. An identity generally associated with females. An identity generally associated with males.

9 + Gender Identity  Transgender Umbrella Cross-dresser Transvestite Drag Queen/King Bigender Androgynous Transgender Trans(s)exual GenderQueer Gender Bender Others?!

10 + Breaking down the Trans  Transgender Generally lives full-time in gender different from one assigned at birth May or may not alter body May or may not legally change name  Trans(s)exual Pre-op Post-op Non-op FTM MTF

11 + Continuums Sex Female Male Intersex Gender Identity Woman ManTrans… Gender Expression FeminineMasculineAndrogynous

12 + Uncouple Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity  Sexual orientation and gender identity are separate, but related concepts  A transgender person has a sexual orientation just like non-trans folks do Sexual Orientation Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Gender Identity

13 + Sexual Orientation  Heterosexual - “straight”  Lesbian/Gay  Bisexual  Pansexual  Queer  Questioning

14 + Sexuality Continuums Male Sexual Attraction Female = StraightMale = Gay Both = Bi Female Sexual Attraction Female = LesbianBoth = BiMale = Straight Intersex?!Trans?!But what about :

15 + Pansexuality and Queer  Pansexuality Expanding on the idea of bisexuality Inclusive of all possible sexes and gender identities  Queer An expansive term that can define ones sexual, gender, social, and/or political identities

16 + Consider the Environment  Ongoing training for staff regarding transgender identity and health  Post non-discrimination policies in highly visible areas  Sensitive intake forms  Offer unisex bathrooms  Listen to the terms your patient uses to describe themselves and their needs  Post inclusive posters and provide diverse education materials

17 + Violence and the Trans Community See Fast Facts handout

18 + Resources  WPATH: World Professional Assoc. for Trans Health  GLBT Health Access Project www.glbthealth.orgHAPMaterials.htm#order  Trans-Health  Center of Excellence for Transgender Health

19 + Contact Information Nick Sarchet 303-881-4057 Feel free to contact me with questions, for resources, or with training requests. Thank You!

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