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Vlaams – Nederlandse Delta CO 2 expertenmeeting. Het Rotterdam Climate Initiative is het klimaatprogramma van de gemeente Rotterdam, Deltalinqs, DCMR.

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Presentation on theme: "Vlaams – Nederlandse Delta CO 2 expertenmeeting. Het Rotterdam Climate Initiative is het klimaatprogramma van de gemeente Rotterdam, Deltalinqs, DCMR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vlaams – Nederlandse Delta CO 2 expertenmeeting

2 Het Rotterdam Climate Initiative is het klimaatprogramma van de gemeente Rotterdam, Deltalinqs, DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond en Havenbedrijf Rotterdam NV. Rotterdam/Zuid Holland Carbon capture and Storage (CCS) Carbon Dioxide re-use (SCOT, CDU)

3 Het Rotterdam Climate Initiative is het klimaatprogramma van de gemeente Rotterdam, Deltalinqs, DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond en Havenbedrijf Rotterdam NV.

4 CCS in NW Europa, een logische combinatie!

5 RCI goals, importance of energy efficiency

6 CCS-netwerk in 2025: 17,5 Mton


8 Re-use of industrial heat Goal: 20 PJ in 2020

9 Presentation Title Subtitle ▪ Presentation title SCOT: CO 2 re use

10 FP7 – Theme: Regions 2012–2013–1 Coordination and Support Action Grant agreement n° 319995 Regions and Project Partners

11 Start of WP3 ▪ Strategic European Research and Innovation Agenda for Europe in the field of CDU ▪

12 Main Project Deliverables & Target Audience V ISION 2030S TRATEGIC E UROPEAN R ESEARCH & I NNOVATION A GENDA (SERIA) J OINT A CTION P LAN (JAP) A IM Strategic & policy paper [the future of CDU] Science & technology driven agenda Operational plan: to implement SERIA T ERM Long-term perspective 2030-2040 Mid-term perspective 2018-2025 Short-term perspective 2015-2020 T ARGET A UDIENCE  Policy-makers, regulators, Member States  Risk capital, private bankers, EIB, regional investment funds  The European Industry  The scientific community  The European Commission (input for future R+D programmes)  The European Institute of Technology (EIT)  Risk capital, private bankers, EIB, regional investment funds  Member States (ERDF, ERA-NET, national funding)  PPPs, Knowledge-Intensive Communities  European clusters  Members of the SCOT community  Regional authorities involved in SCOT (ERDF, regional investment funds)

13 Status half way the project ▪ Mineralisation ▪ feasible first applications on the market ▪ products with added value ▪ Relatively small volumes ▪ Power to fuels ▪ Proof op principle, yes certainly ▪ First large scale pilot plants/demo’s o.a. Roozenburg ▪ Scaling up ▪ Combination of multiple steps in one step ▪ What about intermittency?

14 FP7 – Theme: Regions 2012–2013–1 Coordination and Support Action Grant agreement n° 319995 Examples of Synthetic Fuels Methanol Dimethylether (DME) Ether Ethanol Propanol Higher branched alcohols Ethylene glycol Acetic acid Methane

15 FP7 – Theme: Regions 2012–2013–1 Coordination and Support Action Grant agreement n° 319995 Chemical building blocks

16 FP7 – Theme: Regions 2012–2013–1 Coordination and Support Action Grant agreement n° 319995 Questions always questions ▪ Power to fuels means first making hydrogen. Why not use that? ▪ When does which technology reach market readiness? ▪ Electrolysers ▪ Artificial leaves ▪ Plasma ▪ Intermittancy of power supply, consequences, how to deal with it? ▪ What kind of policies need to be in place to make CO 2 re-use happen?

17 Engage with SCOT Email us at: Join us at: CO 2 as resource not as waste

18 Thank you for your attention Questions? FP7 – Theme: Regions 2012–2013–1 Coordination and Support Action Grant agreement n° 319995

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