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The Solar System Click to learn a silly planet sentence Contrasting colors, vivid pictures to stimulate excitement & interest.

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2 The Solar System Click to learn a silly planet sentence Contrasting colors, vivid pictures to stimulate excitement & interest

3 Mercury First planet from the Sun Very hot and cold Lots of craters no air or water Click for more Mercury facts Top/Left information is looked at first

4 Venus second planet from the Sun hottest planet covered by poison clouds Click for more Venus facts Dramatic picture, instills danger

5 Earth Third planet from the Sun Only planet with life Has liquid water Home sweet home Click for more Earth facts Consistent, presentation increases confidence

6 Mars Fourth planet from the Sun Known as the “Red Planet” Has ice at its polar caps Click for more Mars facts Three/four key traits are easier to remember

7 Jupiter Fifth planet from the Sun Largest planet Most moons with 39 Known for the “Great Red Spot” Click for more Jupiter facts Reviews previously learned information

8 Saturn Sixth planet from the Sun Known for its rings Gas giant with rocky center Click for more Saturn facts On website, can be used as job aid

9 Uranus Seventh planet from the Sun Rotates sideways Mostly made of methane gas Click for more Uranus facts Planet concept includes critical features to identify planets

10 Neptune Eight planet from the Sun, sometimes the ninth Methane gas giant Blue planet with dark spots Click for more Neptune facts Low stress, relaxed learning environment

11 Pluto Ninth planet from the Sun Smallest planet Frozen solid planet, unlike the other outer planets Click for more Pluto facts Knowing planet facts can be cool, new meme

12 Useful Websites Solar System for all planets: NASA Solar System for kids Yahooligans Solar System search BrainPOP Welcome to the Planets The Nine Planets

13 Silly Solar System Jingle MyMy V ery E ager M om J ust S erved UsUs N ine P izzas ERCURYERCURY ENUSENUS ARTHARTH ARSARS UPITERUPITER ATURNATURN RANUSRANUS EPTUNEEPTUNE LUTOLUTO Mnemonic, very good for learning facts

14 Mercury Diameter of planet:3,032 miles Average distance from the Sun:36 million miles Time to orbit Sun:88 days Time to rotate:59 days Number of satellites:0

15 Venus Diameter of planet:7,518 miles Average distance from the Sun:67 million miles Time to orbit Sun:225 days Time to rotate:243 days Number of satellites:0

16 Earth Diameter of planet:7,926 miles Average distance from the Sun:93 million miles Time to orbit Sun:365.25 days Time to rotate:1 day Number of satellites:1

17 Mars Diameter of planet:4,217 miles Average distance from the Sun:142 million miles Time to orbit Sun:687 days Time to rotate:24 hours, 37 min Number of satellites:2

18 Jupiter Diameter of planet:88,846 miles Average distance from the Sun:483 million miles Time to orbit Sun:11.9 years Time to rotate:9 hours 50 min Number of satellites:39

19 Saturn Diameter of planet:74,898 miles Average distance from the Sun:887 million miles Time to orbit Sun:29.5 years Time to rotate:10 hours 14 min Number of satellites:18

20 Uranus Diameter of planet:31,763 miles Average distance from the Sun:1,784 million miles Time to orbit Sun:84 years Time to rotate:17 hours 54 min Number of satellites:15

21 Neptune Diameter of planet:30,775 miles Average distance from the Sun:2,796 million miles Time to orbit Sun:165 years Time to rotate:19 hours 12 min Number of satellites:8

22 Pluto Diameter of planet:1,491 miles Average distance from the Sun:3,674 million miles Time to orbit Sun:248 years Time to rotate:6 days 10 hrs Number of satellites:1

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