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The Life of Sammy the Swallow Written by Corey Duguid and Kelvin Wong Hi, I'm Sammy the Swallow. Remember to spot the mini Sammy the Swallow on each page.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life of Sammy the Swallow Written by Corey Duguid and Kelvin Wong Hi, I'm Sammy the Swallow. Remember to spot the mini Sammy the Swallow on each page."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life of Sammy the Swallow Written by Corey Duguid and Kelvin Wong Hi, I'm Sammy the Swallow. Remember to spot the mini Sammy the Swallow on each page.

2 My name is Sammy the Swallow. I am going to tell you about my life.

3 I live pretty much everywhere!!!!! I live in NZ, Australia, Asia, Europe, Northern America and North Africa.

4 This me as an egg! You would probably be able to hold 2 or 3 of their eggs in one hand at once.

5 This is me as a baby. I am called a Fledgling.

6 I’m too young to go flying so I have to stay in the nest.

7 Now I have straight feathers and I’m fully grown!

8 This is me, I’m in a flock with my friends A flock means a group of birds who fly together.

9 I’m traveling towards the sun to get warm.

10 Whew, I’m tired. I’ve been flying for miles and miles so I’m going to rest in the sunshine.

11 It is time for me to go now! I hope you have learnt more about my life cycle. Look out for me flying around Meadowbank School.

12 Page1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 Sammy the Swallow Page 2&11 Blue sky Page 3 Map Page 4 Nest with eggs Page 5 Fledgling Page 7 Swallow Page 8 Swallow flock Page 6 nest with Fledgling Page 9 Blue sky Page 10 Swallow on branch

13 Quiz 1.What is a baby Swallow called? 2.What does the Swallow need to do when it’s just hatched? 3.How does the Swallow keep warm? 4.Where does a Swallow rest? 5.Do Swallows live in flocks?

14 Answers 1.A Fledgling. 2.Stay in it’s nest. 3.Travel to the Sun. 4.In the Sun. 5.Yes.

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