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wkÿK cwiwPwZ gynv¤§` gymwjg DwÏb we.G (Abvm©), Gg.G (evsjv) Diploma in Computer, NT(Networking Tech.), MCSA certified and etc. mnKvix wkÿK (AvBwmwU/ Kw¤úDUvi)

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Presentation on theme: "wkÿK cwiwPwZ gynv¤§` gymwjg DwÏb we.G (Abvm©), Gg.G (evsjv) Diploma in Computer, NT(Networking Tech.), MCSA certified and etc. mnKvix wkÿK (AvBwmwU/ Kw¤úDUvi)"— Presentation transcript:


2 wkÿK cwiwPwZ gynv¤§` gymwjg DwÏb we.G (Abvm©), Gg.G (evsjv) Diploma in Computer, NT(Networking Tech.), MCSA certified and etc. mnKvix wkÿK (AvBwmwU/ Kw¤úDUvi) nhiZ LvRv Kvjy kvn (int) mywbœqv wmwbqi gv`ªvmv, mxZvKzÛ, PÆMÖvg| Cell: 01822981617 E-mail:-mmu.ctg13@

3 cvV cwiwPwZ GKv`k-Øv`k †kÖYx AvBwmwU/Kw¤úDUvi 2q Aa¨vq :- †bUIqvK© Uc‡jvwR 40 wgwbU|

4 wkLbdj  wkL‡e I ej‡Z cvi‡e| 1.Kw¤úDUvi †bUIqvK© Kx ? 2.‡bUIqvK© U‡cvjwRi cÖKvi‡f` Ges Kxfv‡e KvR K‡i|

5 A network is defined as two or more computers linked together for the purpose of communicating and sharing information and other resources. Most networks are constructed around a cable connection that links the computers. Computer Network Topology LAN (Local Area Network)design is called topology, which describes the appearance or layout of a network and how data flows through the network.

6 Computer Network

7 Uc‡jvwR evm/ BUS wis/ RING ‡gk/ MESH nvBivwm‡ Kj/ HIRER. ÷vi/ STAR

8 Demo of Star topology

9 Demo of Bus topology

10 Demo of Ring topology

11 11

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