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Dear Semiconductor Professional, Teradyne, a leading supplier of Automatic Test Equipment used to test complex electronics, including the newest system-on-

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Presentation on theme: "Dear Semiconductor Professional, Teradyne, a leading supplier of Automatic Test Equipment used to test complex electronics, including the newest system-on-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dear Semiconductor Professional, Teradyne, a leading supplier of Automatic Test Equipment used to test complex electronics, including the newest system-on- a-chip (SOC) and system-in-package (SIP) devices used in consumer, automotive, computing and telecommunications industries, welcomes you to join us for a day of learning and interaction at our annual Device Test Seminars. This technical seminar will provide an overview of Teradyne’s test systems, including UltraFLEX™,J750 and Eagle testers, as well as the architecture behind them. We will also describe the latest technology, instruments and solutions that Teradyne has to offer. Our goal is to help test engineers and managers understand and apply test strategies that provide better test quality, faster time to market and lowest test cost. Date: Thursday, Dec.9, 2010 Time: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Venue: Park Yard Hotel, Shanghai Address: No.699 Bibo Road,Shanghai Pudong 上海博雅酒店, 上海浦东张江碧波路 699 号 ( 地铁 2 号线, 张江高科站, 出口 5) Lunch and refreshments will be served. To reserve a seat for this free event, please email or fax the attached RSVP form before November 22, 2010 Fax no: 86-512-67639105 Email

2 Seminar Program

3 Abstracts USB 3.0 Testing Requirements and Solution: The Super-Speed Universal Serial Bus (USB 3.0 rev 1.0) is the latest release of the high speed consumer serial interface for PCs, storage peripherals, cameras, flash memory and many other consumer applications. At a data rate of 4800Mbps, USB 3.0 leverages the physical layer technology of PCI Express and SATA in a lower cost, backward compatible format. This presentation will review the technology and challenges of USB 3.0 and how to use the Ultra FLEX test instrument suite to test these emerging devices. The seminar will also review of the “Electrical Compliance Test Specification, SuperSpeed Universal Serial Bus.” Wafer Level Chip Scale Packaging RF Testing Challenge: Testing Wafer Level Chip Scale RF Packages can be a real hurdle for any test system. In addition to the challenges of RF, testing many devices in parallel to meet economic goals for cost of test can add another layer of complexity. In this seminar, you will see how Teradyne’s Ultra FLEX test system with the UltraWave12G architecture, ESA toolkit and PIB design capability can make light work of this emerging challenge. Planning for Concurrent Test Implementation: Concurrent Test (CT) is one of the most important new test methodologies being addressed today for significant cost-of-test reduction in complex devices. This is enabled by multi-core SoC and SiP device designs required by the end market. These designs can drive significantly large test times due to the increased device content. Maximizing multisite testing is still the standard first piece of test cost reduction, however Concurrent Test is fast becoming the new standard to support the next level of cost savings. Planning is the critical first step to achieve a successful Concurrent Test implementation that maximizes the concurrent efficiency supported by the device design. A logical methodology will be presented, along with a software tool to help the planning process so errors can be avoided and optimal concurrency can be achieved.

4 Eagle Test Systems Business Unit Product Overview This section will summarize the Eagle product family, market segment coverage, and system features, including some of the latest introductions to including: ETS-88 Multi Sector software technology (MST) Dual Audio Analyzer Unit for testing studio quality audio (DAAU) SPU112 Smart Pin Other overview topics included are: Floating Resource review Op Amp Overview Discrete Overview LED Driver Testing LED products are taking the market place by storm. Technology advancements in white LEDs enable them to be used in a variety of applications including back lighting, industrial lighting, display technology and others. To drive LEDs, many new LED driver control integrated circuits (ICs) are being developed. When testing LED driver control ICs, many fast and accurate current measurements are required. The Eagle Test System offers very accurate current measurements on its standard Analog pins and provides a new and unique way to make these measurements faster by using programmable pattern sequencers available to the user. This coupled with some advanced switching methods make for very fast test times.

5 Sub-pico Farad Capacitance Testing The continued increase for higher bandwidth performance in devices means a continued requirement to decrease capacitance. In order for semiconductor manufactures to guarantee functionality when devices are used in high bandwidth applications, capacitance becomes an important factor to measure. In this presentation the Eagle Test Systems Capacitance Application Module (CAM) will be introduced and shown how it can be used to test a whole host of devices in the sub-pico farad range. It will also cover the unique abilities of the CAM to compensate or minimize stray cable or printed circuit board trace capacitance. Embedded 14 Bit ADC testing Analog to Digital Converters are becoming increasingly integrated into many of today’s integrated circuits. Devices such as antilock brake ASICs, battery gas gauges and digital DC-DC converters all incorporate embedded ADC’s in their designs. Testing integral and differential non-linearity (INL & DNL) usually requires a very accurate instrument to generate steady low noise ramps for implementing histogram test techniques. The presentation will show how standard instrumentation and a very small amount of applications components can a unique solution for addressing these challenges.

6 RSVP 回函 公司名称 : 姓名 : 联络电话 : 手机号码 : Email: 请于 11 月 22 日 ( 星期一 ) 前, 填妥此 RSVP 回函並传真 0512-67639105, 謝謝您 ! 咨询专线 : 0512-67639101 Jessica Zhang Email:

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