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Worksheet #2 Absolute Population Growth Annual Growth Rate.

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Presentation on theme: "Worksheet #2 Absolute Population Growth Annual Growth Rate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worksheet #2 Absolute Population Growth Annual Growth Rate

2 Main Points: Worksheet #2 Countries with the highest population change (i.e. the United States) DON”T always have a fast GROWTH RATE (I.e USA has a slow growth rate). The regions of the world that have the fastest growth rate are:South America, Africa, and South Asia.

3 Main Points: Worksheet #2 The regions that have the slowest growth rate are: North America, Europe, Australia and Northern & Eastern Asia. Surprises? That East Asia has a low growth rate (i.e China, Must be something up with that!)

4 Main Points: Worksheet #2 Most developed regions (generally) and most developed countries have the SLOWEST growth rates, while the least developed regions and countries have the FASTEST growth rate.

5 Main Points: Worksheet #3 Generally, the HIGHER the birth rate the less developed a country is! –Niger = (Birth Rate: 53 per 1000 people) (GNP per capita: $220) Generally, the LOWER the birth rate the more developed a country is! Japan = (Birth Rate: 10 per 1000 people) (GNP per capita : $39 640)

6 Main Points: Worksheet #3 Death rate patterns reflect the same as Birth Rate, that is: Higher the death rate the less developed, while the lower the death rate the more developed.

7 Main Points: Worksheet #3 The HIGHER the Rate of Natural Increase, the LOWER the level of economic development. The LOWER the Rate of Natural Increase, the HIGHER the level of economic development.

8 Main Points: Worksheet #3 Global patterns in Rate of Natural Increase. –The Less-developed regions (Africa, Asia and Latin America) have the highest rate of Natural Increase. –The Most-developed regions of the world (Europe and North America) have the LOWEST rates of Natural Increase.

9 Problems associated with Overpopulation

10 World Population Growth Rate Growing at a rate of 1.6 per cent 90 million people added each year Developed countries 2.0% Least developed countries 3.5%

11 Population Growth Developed Versus Developing Developed (1 baby) own a car that will burn fossil fuel contributing to global warming

12 Eat beef. Cattle will contribute to methane levels (Global Warming)

13 Own a pet, feed by food grown in pastureland from Central America that was created by destroying rainforest.

14 Buy electronics packaged by cardboard my from cutting down the rainforest.

15 Least Developed The majority of people cannot afford this level of consumption. While there will be stresses on the local environment, there will be less stress on the GLOBAL environment.

16 Problems associated with Overpopulation Food Shortages, famine. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

17 Problems associated with Overpopulation Low standard of living and quality of life. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

18 Problems associated with Overpopulation High infant, child, and maternal mortality. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

19 Problems associated with Overpopulation Poor health and medical care. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

20 Problems associated with Overpopulation Unsanitary living conditions. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

21 Problems associated with Overpopulation Low life expectancy. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

22 Problems associated with Overpopulation Spread of disease and epidemics. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

23 Problems associated with Overpopulation Deforestation, desertification. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATIO N CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

24 Problems associated with Overpopulation Loss of biodiversity and habitat HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

25 Problems associated with Overpopulation Pollution, the production of toxic waste. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

26 Problems associated with Overpopulation Environmental illnesses. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

27 Problems associated with Overpopulation Climate change and global warming. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

28 Problems associated with Overpopulation Low family incomes. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

29 Problems associated with Overpopulation Unemployment and underemployment HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

30 Problems associated with Overpopulation Inflation. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

31 Problems associated with Overpopulation Political conflict. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

32 Problems associated with Overpopulation Migration, refugees. HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

33 Problems associated with Overpopulation Human rights violations HOW DOES OVERPOPULATION CONTRIBUTE TO THESE?

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