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Workshop on Online Surface Water Monitoring systems Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Monitoring Systems 8-7-2013 Drs. JPM van de Graaf Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Online Surface Water Monitoring systems Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Monitoring Systems 8-7-2013 Drs. JPM van de Graaf Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Online Surface Water Monitoring systems Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Monitoring Systems 8-7-2013 Drs. JPM van de Graaf Consultant waterquality/ecology Bosscheweg 56 5283 WB Boxtel Postbus 10.001 5280 DA Boxtel +31411618248

2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Monitoring Systems Content Waterboards Monitoring surface water –Operational monitoring –Online monitoring –WFD Online monitoring –Better insights –Effect CSO –modeling Measurement conditions Location of online sensors People with know-how Cost

3 Thank you for your inventation 12-12-2011 Study visit Holland Turkish delegation for Twinning project WFD monitoring at Waterboard the Dommel. Where you there? I organised a demonstration on biological monitoring; sampling and lab analyses at Waterboard the Dommel. Macrofauna at Lab Presentation at office Waterboard de Dommel Demonstration in the field

4 750 years of water governance 10.000 employees € 2 billion/yr self finance self governance Responsible for waterquantity and waterquality Safety living and working area Prevent waterpollution Cleaning waste water (8 sewage treatment plants) 26 Waterboards in the Netherlands Waterboard De Dommel Scale The Netherlands vs Turkey

5 Works of the waterboard Monitoring policy agriculture Clean water Wastewater treatment Dry feet

6 Routine monitoring (e.g. monthly) On-line monitoring (O 2,T, Conductivity, NH 4 -N, flow) (Aquatic) ecological monitoring (e.g.1x/yr) Automatic sampling stations Field work Monitoring surface water Our efforts

7 Operational monitoring/ Occasional monitoring/ Routine monitoring (Fys/chem monitoring) locations: 1/month Advantage: -Trend analysis for long term purposes -1980 – 2013; monthly -All parameters Disadvantage -Large gap between data (sampling monthly) -Transport, cost -Takes long to receive data (field – lab – data analysis) Operational measurements Measurement locations Monitoring surface water

8 Monitoring: 24/7 Online Advantage: -Short term trend analysis -Quick data collecting Disadvantage -Few locations -Few parameters -Big distance between sensors Online measurements: Monitoring surface water

9 WFD: From goals to measures How online monitoring helps achieving WFD objectives Measures watersystem Species Improve WWTP River restoration online monitoring Advice to improve water quality Bad Good It is a way to monitor water quality. It provides insight into your water system. Monitoring surface water

10 Online monitoring Better insights Online: -24/7 -Whole year data -Pikes -Strong declines -O2 Operational monitoring: -1/month -Few data 2012 Advantage: Continuous measurements Detailed data Beter insights Better advices Better WFD score

11 Online monitoring Advantage: continuous measurements leads to action When we measure strong oxygen drops we redirect water to protect WFD water bodies In case of: -Pollution -Heavy sewer overflow -Drought City: Eindhoven Online Oxygen measurement Weir

12 Online monitoring Monitoring Eindhoven city - surface water - Effect combined sewer overflows (CSO) and Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Dommel Tongelreep Kleine Dommel Kerkhoef WWTP Sampling station CSO WWTP Sampling station river Online Disolved Oxygen measurement On line Flow measurement CSO 1 2 3 4 City of Eindhoven Belgium Online NH4, T, pH, cond. & turb.) Advantage: Very specific information about effect CSO and waste water (overflow = O2 reduction, NH4 increase) WWTP

13 Online monitoring Online O2 monitoring and sewer overflows O2 drops to 1 mg/l !! Duration: 1day Example 1 Recovery period

14 Online O2 monitoring and sewer overflows Example 2 Standard 6 mg/l O2 O2 drops to 0,1 mg/l !! Recovery period Advantage: Knowlegde about the sensitivity of your watersystem With monthly lab analyzes you will never find this brief anoxic conditions. sewer overflow

15 Online monitoring Modeling waterquality with online monitoringdata CSOOxygen measurement Online data O2/Temp We use online data to calibrate water quality models Checking based on knowledge of the system Comparing model and measurements Result: model and measurements match very well

16 Online monitoring Modeling waterquality with online monitoringdata Build a Water Quality Model with online monitoring data: –Link WWTP and CSO’s to chemical conditions in receiving waters –Simulate Oxygen, Ammonium etc –Identify vulnerable areas; –evaluate measurement scenarios

17 Measurement conditions: differences winter vs summer Winter: -Temperature water can drop to 1 °C (freezing of materials) -Less maintenance Summer: -Temperature water can reach >20 °C -Rubbish and lumber can block sensor (specially during river maintenance) -Fouling algae specially in summertime Automatic cleaning system No cleaning system

18 Measurement conditions Not all collected online data is usefull Sensor ASensor ESensor F Sensor G Sensor C Sensor D Sensor B Loss of data % Cause: -Power break -Lumber -Fouling -Drift of sensor  drift data -No water (drought) -Fabric maintenance -Cleaning procedure

19 Think carefully about where you place the sensor: -Not mobile -It creates obstacles in river -You need power on location or solar powerd devices in remote areas -Vandalism can destroy precious equipment (or theft) O2 and flow sensor Current method “mobile” Sensor on solar power Immobile sensor O2/temp, online sensor Very robust Location of online sensors Think before acting Location under a highwaybridge Power and Data transfer

20 Location of online systems Think before acting In case of normal sampling you don’t have to think about vandalism, land ownership, obstacles, power, waterlevel, etc, etc, etc NH4 online sensor test setup Ground: waterboard (or agreement with farmer) Vandalism proofpower Egalize ground supply hose / water level

21 People with know-how Online technology is a relatively new disciple -Data from Field →online → Office -Using telemetry hardware/software) -Consultants and contractors or employees? - Calibrating your device: which method tells the truth? - Cleaning and maintenance takes skills - When is fouling influecing your data? Question for managers: hiring consultants or educate employees? Who is cappable to get data from field to office? How do you guarantee this knowledge for the long term? Calibrating online sensor Consultant is installing sensors

22 Cost of online monitoring Online monitoring: disadvantage or advantage? Total cost of first year online O2 monitoring Purchase: -System (supplier) -Installation materials -Installation cost (contractor) -Hours employees (labor costs) As technology and (your) experience increases the cost will be less. Compare these costs with laboratory costs -Field sampling, transport -Labanalysis Disadvantage or advantage?

23 The The end Thank you for your attention! I’m happy to answer your questions. Teşekkürler

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