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Palestine vs. Israel Describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflicts in the Middle East.

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Presentation on theme: "Palestine vs. Israel Describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflicts in the Middle East."— Presentation transcript:

1 Palestine vs. Israel Describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflicts in the Middle East

2 Palestinian-Israeli War in 1948 War breaks out between the two Middle Eastern nations Palestine and Israel. Although Palestine had help from other surrounding Arab countries, Israel wins the war. By winning the war, Israel survived and took even more land from Palestine and surrounding countries than originally planned.

3 Palestine vs. Israel After the war many Palestinians became refugees (people who had to leave their homes as the result of the war). In the last 60 years there have been additional wars between Israel and Palestine that were all based on the idea that Israel should not exist in the eyes of the Palestinians and other Middle Eastern Arab countries. Many of the Palestinians and their decedents still live in refugee camps or in parts of Israel they feel should be a Palestinian state.

4 Palestine versus Israel Surrounding Arab countries strongly support the side of Palestine and the United States is a powerful supporter of Israel. The Arab-Israeli conflict plays a major role in the difficulties that the United States and the rest of the world face when trying to find peaceful settlements between or with Middle Eastern countries.

5 Pop Quiz 1.What was the outcome of the 1948 War between the new state of Israel and the Arabs living in and around Palestine? a.The conflict ended and all Palestinian Arabs became citizens in the new State of Israel b.Israel won the war and the new State of Israel was even larger than originally planned. c.Almost no Jewish people were willing to go to Israel because of the country’s angry Arab neighbors d.The United Nations decided to withdraw the proposal to create a State of Israel because of all the problems it caused in the area.

6 2. What is a “refugee”? a.A person who had to leave their home as a result of war b.A person who opens his home to those who need a safe place to stay c.A person who refuses to take in someone who is without a safe place to stay d.Someone who refuses to leave his home even though it is dangerous to stay there

7 3. What has become of many of the Palestinians who became refugees in 1948? a.Many still live in refugee camps b.Most have become Israeli citizens c.They have been given a state of their own in which to live. d.They have given up any claim to return to the land they lost in 1948.

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