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Lay Leadership Roles.  Lay Leader/Lay Member  Nominations and Leadership Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Lay Leadership Roles.  Lay Leader/Lay Member  Nominations and Leadership Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lay Leadership Roles

2  Lay Leader/Lay Member  Nominations and Leadership Development

3 Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation Connecting Your Congregation and Your Annual Conference

4 ¶ 243 The Book of Discipline

5  By virtue of our baptism  Ministry vs. “ a job”


7  Interpreting actions and programs of the annual conference and the general church  Communicating the vision and needs of the local church to the annual conference and general church


9 Advocacy Modeling Discipleship Building awareness Recognize and celebrate the ministry of the laity Meet with the pastor Serve on various committees Assist the church council Continue to study Inform the laity of educational opportunities

10 Representing the Laity

11  History Cover - 1931

12  Resources  Article  Suggested Worship Resources  Posters, Bulletin Inserts/Covers  Power Point Presentation 

13  Disciples Called to Action; (Quadrennial Theme)   Developing Effective Lay Leadership (2013)  Engaging Small Groups (2014)  Creating Unity in Ministry (2015)  Living Vital Worship (2016)



16  Participate in all sessions and vote  Report to the congregation  Interpret actions taken at annual conference  Serve on Church Council, SPR/PPR, and Finance Committee

17  Geographic area with assigned bishop.  The annual meeting of lay and clergy members of the geographical area (Annual Conference Session)

18  Study  Attend district meetings  Understand the process  The Book of Discipline  Discuss issues

19  Attend laity sessions  Participate in all other sessions  Listen  Worship  Attend Bible study  Explore

20 Reflections about;  Proceedings  Discussions  Worship  Special ceremonies  Music

21  Share information  Celebrate the opportunity and accomplishments


23 Servant Leadership Spiritual Disciplines Accountability Spiritual Gifts Lay Servant Ministries Christian conferencing Communication Skills Leading Change Evaluating Your Leadership

24  Mt. 20:25-28  The United Methodist Book of Discipline  Part IV. Sections III. - V.

25 “ O begin! Fix some part of every day for private exercises..Whether you like it or no, read and pray daily. It is for your life; there is no other way: else you will be a trifler all your days.” John Wesley Spiritual Disciplines

26 The General Rules First: Do no Harm Second: Do Good Third: Attend upon all the Ordinances of God (Means of Grace) “To form the Savior in the Soul”


28 “Each one of us has received a special gift in proportion to what Christ has given.” Ephesians 4:7



31 I Peter 2:9 (The Message)






37  Ready to Serve  Informed  Committed  Equipped

38  Serve local church  Give leadership, assistance, and support  Lead meetings  Conduct or assist in services of worship  Assist in Holy Communion Sandy Jackson

39  Serves local church and/or district or annual conference  Local churches other than the one where they hold membership Sandy Jackson

40 Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts Leading Prayer Leading Worship United Methodist Heritage (Living Our UM Beliefs) United Methodist Polity ( Life Together in the United Methodist Connection) Preaching

41 Local Church Lay Servant: Serve primarily in the local congregation Certified Lay Servants: (Local Church Lay Servants who have taken an advanced course in LSM) Serve in the local congregation and beyond Lay Speakers: Certified Lay Servants who provide pulpit supply Certified Lay Minister: Certified Lay Servant or Lay Speaker who is assigned by DS to a particular ministry within the district or annual conference - certified by DCOM





46 our service and our witness. transform the world

47 Service

48  Matthew 5:13-16





53 “What on Earth is a Lay Servant?” Copyright © 2013 The General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church, PO Box 340003, Nashville TN 37203-0003. Website: This presentation may be reprinted and used for nonprofit local church and educational purposes with the inclusion of the complete copyright citation plus the words "Used by permission." It may not be sold, republished, altered, used for profit, or placed on a website not under the auspices of The General Board of Discipleship.

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