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Resource Management Goal “Use every acre of land within its capability and treat it according to its needs” Hugh Hammond Bennett Founder Soil Conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Management Goal “Use every acre of land within its capability and treat it according to its needs” Hugh Hammond Bennett Founder Soil Conservation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Resource Management Goal “Use every acre of land within its capability and treat it according to its needs” Hugh Hammond Bennett Founder Soil Conservation Movement

3 “The treatment must fit not only the needs and adaptabilities of the land but the needs and adaptabilities of the farmer as well.” – Hugh Hammond Bennett

4 Small Farmer Problems NRCS Conservation Practice Standards seen as a barrier –Too complicated –Too expensive –Too restrictive NRCS Field Office –Work with large operations (1985 Farm Bill) –Don’t understand limitations or needs of Small Farmers –Program driven in offering solutions –Challenges with “Payment Schedule”

5 What is the Purpose of a Conservation Practice Standard? Provide the minimum criteria needed to be followed to determine if a practice has been properly designed and implemented Ensure that the natural resource concern has been addressed (solved) Strive to be size neutral

6 Fence Control movement of animals and people Materials, type and design must be of high quality and durability Height, size, spacing and type of materials used will provide the desired control

7 States Modified Standard Limited materials used Required complicated installation Made it difficult for farmers to do the work

8 Watering Facility Frost Proof Old Tire Plastic Tub

9 Small Farmer Irrigation Needs Flexibility in design Diversity of crops Portability Maximize existing water supply

10 Small Scale Farmer Information Sheets Conservation practices and techniques appropriate for small scale farmers Easy to understand Use photos to tell the story Enough information to get farmers interested Not a job or design sheet







17 Cropland Information Sheets Agricultural Chemical Handling Facility Biological Pest Management for Controlling Insects and Disease Cover Crops Grade Stabilization to Controlling Head Cutting Gullies Managing for Native Pollinators Crop Rotation for Pest Management Rotations for Livestock Feed Rotations for Soil Fertility Controlling Soil Erosion on Cropland Testing your Soil for Nutrients Vegetative Barrier to Control Erosion

18 Grazing Information Sheets Balancing Your Animals with Your Forage Biological Pest Management for Controlling Plants Fence Heavy Use Area Protection Rotational Grazing Sources of Water for Farm Use Stream Crossing for Farm Equipment and Livestock Watering Facility for Livestock

19 Livestock Information Sheets Animal Mortality - Disposal of Farm Animals Managing Nutrients in Manure Manure Storage Controlling Odor around Livestock Operations Runoff Management to Control Water around Farm Buildings and Farm Lots using

20 Irrigation Information Sheets Irrigation Water Management Low Cost Irrigation Systems Selecting an Irrigation System

21 Forestry and Wildlife Information Sheets Alley Cropping to Produce Trees and other Crops Direct Seeding of Trees from Seed Early Successional Habitat Management Fish Pond Management Forest Farming Pruning Trees Silvopasture (Producing Trees, Forage and Livestock on the same acre) Small Woodlot Improvement

22 Spanish Versions of the Information Sheet Manejo del Agua de Riego (Irrigation Water Management) Sistema de Riego de Bajo Costo (Low Cost Irrigation System) Seleccionando un Sistema de Riego (Selecting an Irritation System) Fuentes de Agua (Sources of Water for Farm Use)

23 Future Plans Ongoing project will add new sheets as need arises –Organic Farming –Woodland Grazing for Small Ruminants Hoping to expand to cover more of the country Original idea was to make template available to states –Could tailor to their needs –Have a consistent format across the country

24 Where to get copies CD available Working on a Web site FTP access – can download copies

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