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2 Gresham-Barlow School District (Background) State of Oregon: We are one of the 10 th largest School District in the State with 11,385 students. School Infrastructure: We have 11 Elementary, 5 Middle and 2 High Schools with one Alternative High School with a total of 1,696,046 square feet. Our oldest school was constructed in 1914 and our newest in 2002 with an average age of 44 years old. Resource Conservation: Our Resource Conservation Management program started in 1998 under the leadership of Michelle Granger-Moore (CFO). Continued support from current CFO, Mike Schofield, has provided continual positive support and stability over the last two years.

3 Gresham-Barlow School District Leadership ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year: We received the 2006 & 2008 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for Energy Management and 2009 for Sustained Excellence – the first School District in the Nation. ENERGY STAR Leadership: We are the first organization to receive the ENERGY STAR Leader Award with an increase of 30+ points for our entire portfolio. ENERGY STAR Schools: 19 of our 19 schools have achieved the ENERGY STAR Label and proudly display their ENERGY STAR plaques near their front doors (12 schools in 2006 and 5 schools in 2007 and 1 school in 2008 and 1 school in 2009). Pacific Northwest Leadership: We received the 2007 BetterBricks Award. This is the highest energy efficiency and environmental award available in the Pacific Northwest. School District Leadership: We are constantly encouraging and providing leadership guidance to other school districts in the Pacific Northwest and throughout the United States.

4 GBSD Leadership Example at the National level Comment from businesses: If you ran your School District like a Business, you would have more money. Well in our Case our Superintendent can say if you ran your company like we run our School District you would have more money! We are not for profit we are here for kids in our communities. But it does not hurt to put more money in the classrooms from Utility savings

5 ENERGY STAR Certified Schools – 100% Public Disclosure of Energy Performance is a Powerful Tool for ensuring consistent participation

6 12-Year Cost Performance – Rates Continually Go Up Days of Electric Competition ENRON

7 Our Focus – Usage- Working to Maintain “Best Practice” Three new schools on-line

8 Culture is Dictated from the Top Down Board Policy sets the stage for success

9 Fundamental Realty of Managing Energy/Utilities Energy is used by everyone; therefore, everyone must be part of helping to manage it. Managing Energy Effectively has 3-core Challenges / Problems: 1 st. – Energy/Utilities is a People Problem. Get your people aware, educated, engaged and empowered to participate. 2 nd. – Energy/Utilities is an Equipment Problem. Know your building’s controls and equipment, so you will know where to invest your capital wisely. 3 rd. – Energy/Utilities is a Continuous Problem. People move on, equipment breaks, and systems fail so keep a sharp eye on your performance and catch problems early.

10 Six Fundamental Steps of Managing Energy/Utilities You Can’t Manage, What You Don’t Measure Our success is built on the foundation of good information. Our energy information system is the most critical component to our past and future successes that save over $1,500,000 annually. This system cost us $35,000/year to maintain.

11 Step One – Energy Information (Basic & Advanced) Bill Payment Energy Accounting Monthly Reports Resource Conservation Manager 15-minute Interval Data (Load Profile) Maintenance HVAC Technician EMS Specialist Custodians Teachers & Students Principals & Office Staff Advanced Started in 2004

12 Step One – Energy Information (Basic) Get a good energy accounting system in place. Energy accounting is the process of capturing the line-item data from your utility bills and having this information available in a database for reporting.

13 Step One – Energy Information (Basic) Information needs to be in an easy to use format speaking to our people at each school in an actionable format they can use.

14 Step One – Energy Information (Basic) Energy Analysis – Factoring in Weather

15 Step Two – Making Sure Billing is Correct (Basic) Working on Example Northshore SD Example Inglemoor HS Example water use over multiple years. Local paper contacted the district to notify that we would be one of the top 10 water users in the area. We found a water leak in a HS that showed steady water use over multiple years. Should have compared the High Schools against each other. Total cost recovered $180,000

16 Step One – Energy Information (Advanced – Started 2004) Interval Data is provided next day to our People

17 Step Three – Behavior (Next Day Information) Engaging and Empowering People to Change their Behavior

18 Step Three – Behavior (Team Work) Thom Swenson at Deep Creek knows how to Engage and Empower People to Change their Behavior and have FUN too…

19 Step Three – Behavior (Empowering People) A Custodian Empowered with good data = Success (15% Reduction)

20 Step Three – Behavior (Student Owned Energy Board) A Teacher Empowered with good data to teach from and then Empowering Kids to Make a Difference

21 Step Three – Behavior (Small savings add up)

22 Step Three – Behavior (Good Feedback is Critical) Changing behavior is hard. To ensure long-term sustainability, change needs to be consistently promoted.

23 Step Three – Behavior (Rewarding Performance)

24 Step Four – Equipment Commissioning Optimum Start Turning the building on way-to-early

25 Sequencing of Equipment Run-time Operational Changes to Custodial Work Summer Break Savings: 33,775 kWh over previous summer Step Four – Equipment Commissioning

26 Step Five – Retrofit (DDC upgrade – Bond & SB1149)

27 Step Five – Retrofit (Lighting – SB1149) SB1149 Funding: SB 1149 money spent $815,649.25 to date Available funding $478,283.52 (current)

28 Step Six – Renewable Energy Supply First Go Lean, then Go Green GREEN is Cool and Sexy – Huge Incentives for Renewable Energy Supply and Sustainable Buildings. Kelly Creek: FORD Motor Company Contest Winner $250,000 ECO Make-over (35,000 contestants) LEED-EB (3 rd in the Country) Visit with Senator Ron Wyden - $400 million in Renewable Research

29 Step Six – Sustainable Resource Conservation


31 Step Six – Sustainable – One Stop Shop


33 Electric Usage Reduction Performance - Sustainable

34 Total Cost Avoided in 2008-2009 over - $1.5 million (26 Teachers)

35 Fundamental Steps to Resource Conservation Management Over the last 28 years Educational Facilities Management has really become so much more then fixing and cleaning schools over the summers. Today’s world we must compete on a daily basis. GBSD competes daily to maintain the highest performing running school district that we possibly can. The efforts and savings from our program are used to fund over 26 Teaching positions annually and that ties directly to educational outcomes. Sometimes the business side of School Districts take a negative hit especially now. Well in our case we show and prove that our collective hard work pays off and everyone wins in our District and Community.

36 Fundamental Steps to Resource Conservation Management Facility Program Improves Learning Environment $1.5 million 26 Teaching Positions Sustainable – Smart Business National Leader Can’t Do It Alone

37 Conclusion


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