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MAN UP BIBLE SERIES Be All You Can Be Lesson 10. The Real World Why do we go to worship on Sunday? Do we really need to go to our local Salvation Army?

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Presentation on theme: "MAN UP BIBLE SERIES Be All You Can Be Lesson 10. The Real World Why do we go to worship on Sunday? Do we really need to go to our local Salvation Army?"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAN UP BIBLE SERIES Be All You Can Be Lesson 10

2 The Real World Why do we go to worship on Sunday? Do we really need to go to our local Salvation Army? I can get all I need of God out on the golf course. These are all really good questions. I hope this lesson can open up our minds to the reality that belonging is a natural instinct in any Christian’s life. We need friends and a place where everyone knows my name. Hey, that is the message of the opening song for the sitcom Cheers! We see so many today jumping around from church to church without any real commitment or connection to anyone. We have become, McChristians. What was unthinkable is now the norm, Churchless Christians. We have become a bunch of spiritual hitchhikers who travel around looking for the best show but unwilling to pour ourselves into something great!

3 The Real Word Hebrews 10:25 (NIV) 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

4 Real Talk Why do you attend worship on a Sunday? Did your family go to church? What can you do at your local Salvation Army on a Sunday?

5 Real Steps Benefits of going to the Corps regularly: Worship – Elevation power of being together. Hearing the Word – Your soul needs to feed on God’s Word. Discipleship – Commitment makes it possible to grow. Fellowship – We need to meet with others of faith. Vision – See what God sees. Mission – Being committed to something more than we are. Being a Christian on Purpose means you: Attend Regular Worship Services You become a member – Soldier or Adherent You Give a Portion Regularly - giving 10 percent will bless you. You Participate using your gifts.

6 Time To Close Let me be clear here. You do not have to go to church to be a Christian. You do not have to go home to married but it makes for a very poor relationship. The benefits of becoming a part of the local fellowship of believers is so very important for your growth as a Christian and the future heritage of your family. The Scriptures are clear that not being connected is not an option. The church provides us with all the essentials we need; Life, Character, Worldwide View, Mission, Vision, Peace and Hope. We need to be in constant connection with those who we are called to serve. We need to be committed to Christ and His Church, to our families, our marriages, our friendships and ministry. All this happens in the context of a place of worship. If church is boring take a look inside of you… What is missing? Time to MAN UP!

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