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Guide for Freshmen Graduate School of Korea University Feb. 22, 2016.

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1 Guide for Freshmen Graduate School of Korea University Feb. 22, 2016

2 Graduate School of Korea University History & Facts Korea University Founded in 1905 Graduate School Established in 1949 Sejong Campus Completed in 1982 Celebrated its Centennial in May 5, 2005 18 Graduate & Professional Schools 22 Undergraduate Colleges & Divisions 35,000 Students 3 Campuses 01

3 Graduate School of Korea University Alien Registration 1. Passport 2. Application form for alien registration (Immigration office) 3. 1 color photo (3.5cmX4.5cm) 4. Processing Fee : KRW30,000 (Government Revenue stamp) 5. Certificate of studentship (enrollment) * Certificate of studentship will be issued from Mar. 2(Wed.), 2016 at One-Stop Service Center of Korea University (B1F Central Plaza(Room B111) in Main Campus, Hana Square(Room B108) in Science Campus or Sejong Library(1 st floor) in Sejong Campus with your student number. Student should make a reservation and receive a confirmation receipt via HiKorea prior to his/her visit to an immigration office. ( 02

4 Graduate School of Korea University Student ID Card (without No Banking service) 1.Registration Date: Any time after 10am, Mar. 7(Mon.), 2016 2.Place: One-stop service center 3.B1F Central Plaza(Room B111), Hana Square(Room B108) or Student Welfare Team, Sejong Campus(Sejong Library) 4.Required Documents: Application form, A color photo(3.5cmx4.5cm, passport size ) A photocopy of your alien registration card(front page) ** Alien Registration should be completed before making your student Card. You must enroll your alien registration number in your department office in advance. 03

5 Graduate School of Korea University Report of Arrival Please submit one of the following document by email( to Graduate School no later than Mar 4(Fri.),2016 We need to report your arrival to the office of immigration. 1.Copy of alien registration card (front page & back page) or, 2.Certificate of Application for permit of stay ( 체류허가신청확인서 ) (from the immigration service in Korea) 04

6 Graduate School of Korea University On-line Course Registration 1.Course Registration Period: Feb. 23(Tue.) ~ Feb. 25(Thu.), 2016 / 9am to 5pm 2.Course Registration(Add/Drop/Change) Period: Mar. 7(Mon.) ~ Mar. 8(Tue.), 2016 / 9am to 5pm 3.Beginning of Semester: Mar. 2(Wed.), 2016 4.Website( 05

7 Graduate School of Korea University Steps of Course Registration 1.Enter your student number ( 학번 Feb. 3) and password ( 암호 Feb. 3). 2.Choose “graduate courses ( 대학원전공과목 )” and your department and query ( 조회 ). 3.To make a course registration ( 수강신청 ), click “ 수강신청 ” and enter course number( 학수번호 ). 4.3 to 12 credits per each semester should be registered. Those required to take advisor designated courses can register up to 15 credits including those designated courses. 06

8 Graduate School of Korea University Advisor Designate Courses It is mandatory credits required to get a degree aside from course work credits. Designation of such courses will be determined by the tutor professor. Opinion reviews for designation or exemption of the course is needed in according to the decision of tutor professor.  Designation of courses will be determined by the head of the dept. (or advisory faculty). Please contact him/her with the copy of official transcript of previous degree to decide the courses between Mar. 2(Wed.) and Mar. 4(Fri.), 2016.  Please visit the website ( and create portal (KUPID) ID from Mar. 1(Tue.), 2016. Class/Class activity/Graduate school prerequisites/Input of designated courses by thesis advisor  Print (Please confirm the list of the courses. You cannot change the list after print it out.)  Sign from your advisory faculty and the head professor of the dept.  Submit it your department office. 07

9 Graduate School of Korea University KUPID(Portal ID) 1. You need to create your own portal(KU information technology system) ID at [] to have Korea University free e-mail account and get informed by the web-based university bulletin board. It is eligible from Mar. 2(Wed.), 2016. 2. If you visit the website, you will find out the screen like below. Choose “ Single ID 신청 (Regist Single ID) ”, enter your student number and then you need to choose mobile verification or e-mail verification. 08

10 Graduate School of Korea University Grade Posting  Period : within 2weeks after the final examination of each semester (Grade posting schedule will be announced on Jun. 2016.)  Students can review their preliminary grades after they complete the course evaluation. website for grade review ④ How to enter the system ID & password -> portal(KUPID) ID & password 09

11 Graduate School of Korea University Freshmen Documents Submission [Period] Mar. 2(Wed.) ~ Mar. 4(Fri.), 2016 [Place] Department office  Application for Advisor (Tutor Professor)  Application for advisor designated courses : from portal system Certificate of Degree and Transcript Those who submitted their certificate of expected degree at the time of application must submit their apostille or consul verified(stamped) certificate of degree and transcript starting the scores to the last semester. ④ A Copy of Alien Registration Card Please submit it by Mar. 4(Fri.) with application for Correction regarding Personal Information. When you submit it, please register your mobile phone number. ⑤ Photocopy of Bankbook You can open your own bank account with your passport. You will have easy access to Hana bank(located on the Main Campus). ⑥ Photocopy of Medical Insurance (National Health Insurance Corportation or Private Insurance company) 10

12 Graduate School of Korea University Conditions to maintain the Scholarship Award 11 When a student keeps his/her GPA 3.5 or above, College of Medicine will keep granting the Foreign Student. Foreign Student - Maintain GPA 3.8 or above Scholarship A - From GPA 3.0 above to GPA 3.8 below for two consecutive semesters: 75% scholarship will be granted, but if a student keeps his/her GPA 3.8 after then, 100% scholarship will be awarded. - GPA 3.0 below for two consecutive semesters: Scholarship award will be suspended. But if a student keeps his/her GPA 3.0 after then, 75% scholarship will be granted. - Scholarship A will not be granted after the scholarship suspension. Foreign Student - Maintain GPA 3.5 or above Scholarship B Foreign Student - Maintain GPA 3.5 or above Scholarship C The graduate school - Maintain GPA 4.0 or above honors program at KU Sejong Campus

13 Graduate School of Korea University Credits requirements for the completion of program 12 Credits requirements Master’s Program Ph.D. Program Integrated Master-doctor Program Course credit 243654 Research Guidance credit 8816(12)

14 Graduate School of Korea University Time limits for coursework & Enrollment/Submitting the dissertation 13 Degree program coursework leave of absence submitting the dissertation Master’s Program2 years 6 years Integrated Master-doctor program 4(3) years3 years12 years Ph.D. Program2 years3 years10 years ※ Reduction of Coursework Period within one year is allowed for integrated master-doctor program one semester: at the end of 6 th semester two semesters(one year): at the end of 5 th semester

15 Graduate School of Korea University Time limits for submitting the dissertation and procedure ※ Published more than one research paper as the lead or co-author in the world- renowned journal listed in the Science Citation Index (SCI) or publications of the National Research Foundation of Korea as well as expanded publications(If not a science major). However, similar achievement can be approved by the dean if it is necessary, and the approval shall be included in internal regulations of each department. 14 Completion of required credits Foreign(Korean) Language Exam /Comprehensive Exam The dissertation examination AdmissionGraduation Time limits for submitting the dissertation Master: 6years /Ph.D.: 10years / Integrated program: 12years - Status: Completed student of coursework - Fee : tuition + Mutual health aid association fee (It will be charged to students who fail to pass the dissertation examination again) - Enrollment is compulsory during the semester which you apply to the dissertation examination. - Language Exam & Comprehensive Exam - Requirements: A. Language Exam: It is eligible from 2 nd semester. B. Comprehensive Exam: Master18, Ph.D.27, Integrated Program 45 credits(or above) - Students can apply exams during the semester of leave of absence Completion Qualification Exam for dissertation

16 Graduate School of Korea University Foreign(Korean) Language Exam(1) 15 1.Master’s program: Korean Language Exam 2.Ph.D. Program & Integrated Program: Korean Language Exam (But, students of the following department also have to pass English Language Exam with Korean Language Exam) Law, Korean Language & Literature, English Language & Literature, Chinese & Japanese Language and Literature, Russian Language & Literature, French Language & Literature, German Language & Literature, Spanish Language & Literature, History, Sociology, Linguistics, Philosophy, Korean History, Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture, Visual Culture, Human Ecology, Geography, Cultural Heritage Studies Exemption of English Language Exam (TOEFL iBT 80, IELTS 6.0 or TEPS 660) 3. Schedule for Language Exam : Saturday of March (or September) It is eligible from 2 nd semester.

17 Graduate School of Korea University Foreign(Korean) Language Exam(2) 16 There are three ways to pass the Korean Language Exam 1.Submission of TOPIK level 4 or above Please submit the original copy of Topik score at the Academic Affairs Office of Graduate School. (application fee: KRW40,000)  2.Taking Korean Language Exam substitution class at Korean Language & Culture Center (KLCC)in the campus -Taking regular class of Korean Language(level 2 or above) and obtaining grade B or above at KLCC (applicatin fee: KRW1,630,000(200hours) per a semester) -Taking the 8-week Korean Language Substitution class at KLCC during summer or winter vacation (application fee: KRW470,000(84hours), KRW280,000(48hours)) The exact amount of fee will be decide by the result of placement test. 3. Taking Korean Language Exam at KU on Saturday in March(or September). -Applying for the Korean Language Exam about a month before the test date on the KUPID(portal) website. (Application fee: KRW10,000) -Korean Language Exam consists of some multiple-choice questions and short essays. -Please don’t panic. KU requires international graduate students the low-intermediate level of Korean language proficiency for graduation of degree program.

18 Graduate School of Korea University Free Korean Language Program 17 We offer free Korean Language Program in Seoul by Institute of Foreign Language Studies (Mr. Jun Ho Shin, tel: 3290-1452, ). It is acknowledged by advisor designated course. It will not be acknowledged as major credits. On-line course registration is required between Feb. 23(Tue.)~25(Thu.) or Mar. 7(Mon.)~8(Tue.) on the website ( This course is not considered as a way to pass Korean Language Examination for graduation. Classes will begin from Mar. 2 (Wed.), 2016. Course Number Course Name Credit(hours)Time IFLS 108-50 Beginner’s Korean I 3 credits (6 hours/w) Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. 7pm~8:15pm IFLS 109-50 Beginner’s Korean II 3 credits (6 hours/w) Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. 7pm~8:15pm IFLS 110-50 Intermediate Korean I 3 credits (6 hours/w) Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. 7pm~8:15pm

19 Graduate School of Korea University Free Korean Language Program 18 We offer the following free Korean Language Program in Sejong Campus by Sejong Institute of International Affairs and Education (tel: 041-860-1665, ). It is acknowledged by advisor designated course. It will not be acknowledged as major credits. On-line course registration is required between Feb. 23(Tue.)~25(Thu.) or Mar. 7(Mon.)~Mar. 8(Tue.) on the website ( This course is not considered as a way to pass Korean Language Examination for graduation. Classes will begin from Mar. 2(Wed.), 2016. Course Number Course Name Credit(hours)Time SLSC 221-00Beginner’s Korean I 3 credits (6 hours/w) Mon. 16:00~18:50 SLSC 223-00Intermediate Korean I 3 credits (6 hours/w) Mon. 14:00~15:50 Wed. 16:00~16:50 SLSC 225-00Advanced Korean I 3 credits (6 hours/w) Mon. 16:00~16:50 Wed. 14:00~15:50

20 Graduate School of Korea University Change of Status and Dissertation Examination 1.Change of Status : leave of absence/reinstatement, Readmission, Withdrawal, Change of tutor professor, Change of major March 2~March 9 / Sep 1~Sep 8 If students stay overseas, he/she should submit reinstatement form at least three months earlier than the designated deadline for the visa. 2. Request for Dissertation Examination online application: March(graduation on Aug.) /Sep.(graduation on Feb.) Payment for review and processing fee of theses/dissertation: April(graduation on Aug.) /Oct.(graduation on Feb.) Master-KRW150,000, Ph.D/Integrated program–KRW500,000 Enrollment is compulsory during the semester which you apply to the dissertation examination. ※ Detailed information and the exact amount of review and processing fee will be announced on portal website and website of Graduate School. 3. Place to apply : Department office 19

21 Graduate School of Korea University Medical Insurance(mandatory) 1.National Health Insurance Corporation You can directly insure National Health Insurance Corporation with your alien registration card. location : Wolgok subway station(exit 2), Line 6 NHIC bldg 2 nd floor It usually costs about KRW45,000(USD42) for medical insurance fee per month. The exact amount will be determined by student’s age. 20

22 Graduate School of Korea University 2. Private insurance company -Dongbu Insurance : 동부화재 T)2266-4110, 010-3285-6288 -Samsung Insurance : 삼성화재 T)1899-0010 -KB Insurance : www. KB 손해보험 T)1544-0800 21 Age Premium 1 year6 months3months under age of 25120,00060,00030,000 25~under age of 30140,00070,00040,000 30~under age of 35160,00080,00050,000 35~ under age of 40180,00090,00060,000 40~ under age of 45200,000100,00070,000 Medical Insurance(mandatory)

23 Graduate School of Korea University Health Center 1.Location : B112, B1F Central Plaza (tel.3290-1571) B102, B1F Hana Square (tel.3290-1572) Mon.~Fri. 09:00~17:00(lunch 12:00~13:00) Doctor’s office hour : Mon. Tue. Thurs, Fri. (10:00~16:00 ) 2. International students who do not have national health insurance should visit the university health center and receive Medical Benefit Eligibility Verification. They should bring the verification and make sure to use the designated hospital before going to the hospital and then submit the receipt from hospital to health center. 22

24 Graduate School of Korea University Health Center 3. Designated hospital & Clinics KU hospital- Anam(International Health Care Center) There is dental clinic in KU hospital. : Tel) 920-5677, Mobile : 010-4576-5677 email : emergency center : 02-920-5373, 5374 Saram In Dental Clinic : Tel) 929-2857 Anam Dental Clinic : Tel) 925-2875 23

25 Graduate School of Korea University Certificate of Immunization 1. Chest X-ray Examination Seongbuk Community Health Center 2F, Tuberculosis LAB : Tel) 920-1940 성북구 보건소 결핵실 Wokgok Subway station (Line 6) Exit 2 2. MMR(Measles,Mumps,Rubella) combination Vaccine Hospital or Clinic (eg. H&B clinic near Anam subway station) KRW25,000~KRW30,000 (It depends on clinic.) * If female student has a plan on being pregnant in near future, she need to consult with doctor whehter she is available for this vaccination or not. Result of Chest X-ray examination about tuberculosis & Certificate of Immunization(Vaccination) regarding MMR should be submitted no later than Mar. 4(Fri.) by email ( or visit to Graduate School * Venue : room 126B, Graduate School bldg. 24

26 Graduate School of Korea University Thank You!

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