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Jane Stubberfield Organisational Implications of Coaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Jane Stubberfield Organisational Implications of Coaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jane Stubberfield Organisational Implications of Coaching

2 At the end of this session you will be able to:  Define the Learning Organisation  Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the Learning Organisation concept  Evaluate the use of coaching in developing a Learning Organisation

3  Organisational learning happens anyway  Learning organisation is one that manages its own learning processes to its advantage

4  “the learning company or organisation is not a defined end state. It is the journey, not the destination. As Carl Rogers put it ‘we are all in a process of becoming’. Hence, organisations that embrace learning commit to an ongoing process. It would be a contradiction in terms to say ‘We are now a learning organisation – we’ve got the plaque on the wall – what’s our next project?’ Hughes, M., (1995, March), Propagating the Learning Organization, Financial Training Review

5  An organisation which facilitates the learning of all its members and continuously transforms itself as a whole Pedler, M., Burgoyne. & Boydell, T., (1991), The Learning Company, McGraw Hill  Organisations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, when new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free and where people are continually learning how to learn together  Senge, P., The Fifth Discipline, Centuary

6  A Learning Organisation harnesses the full brainpower, knowledge and experience available to it, in order to evolve continually for the benefit of its stakeholders Mayo, A., & Lank, E. (1995, 16 November), Changing the Soil Spurs New Growth, Personnel Management

7  Learning is essential to provide rapid continuous change  The competitive advantage of learning quicker than competitors  Increasing the rate of change  Increase in creativity  Organisations success depends on engagement and learning at all levels of the organisation

8  Implemented with speed and without careful consideration of the implications and objectives  Superficial implementation  Can be regarded as management fad  Considered as panacea for all the organisations ills ◦ Either in time of crises or in an effort to be seen as progressive  Consideration not given to triple loop learning  Can be seen as quick fix which can be achieved by sending all managers on a short training course!

9 1 What are the important considerations in a Learning Organisation? 2 Evaluate the use of coaching as a strategic intervention to create a Learning Organisation? Learning Organisation Exercise

10 Hughes, M., (1995, March), Propagating the Learning Organization, Financial Training Review Pedler, M., Burgoyne. & Boydell, T., (1991), The Learning Company, McGraw Hill Senge, P., The Fifth Discipline, Centuary Mayo, A., & Lank, E. (1995, 16 November), Changing the Soil Spurs New Growth, Personnel Management References

11 This resource was created by the University of Plymouth, Learning from WOeRk project. This project is funded by HEFCE as part of the HEA/JISC OER release programme.Learning from WOeRk This resource is licensed under the terms of the Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales license ( The resource, where specified below, contains other 3 rd party materials under their own licenses. The licenses and attributions are outlined below: 1.The name of the University of Plymouth and its logos are unregistered trade marks of the University. The University reserves all rights to these items beyond their inclusion in these CC resources. 2.The JISC logo, the and the logo of the Higher Education Academy are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution -non-commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK England & Wales license. All reproductions must comply with the terms of that license. Author Jane Stubberfield InstituteUniversity of Plymouth Title The Learning Organisation Description The Learning Organisation concept and its implementation Date Created 17.01.2011 Educational Level 7 Keywords UKOER, LFWOER, Learning from WOeRK, UOPCPDLM, Continuous Professional Development, CPD, Work-based Learning, WBL, Learning, development, strategy, coaching, learning organization, learning organisation Back page originally developed by the OER phase 1 C-Change project ©University of Plymouth, 2010, some rights reserved

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