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2016 “ ” Dictionary --- Chapter 3 By Lucy Chen. “ ” Qualitative Information Defination: The information that have no numbers in it. Ex: the water is hot.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 “ ” Dictionary --- Chapter 3 By Lucy Chen. “ ” Qualitative Information Defination: The information that have no numbers in it. Ex: the water is hot."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 “ ” Dictionary --- Chapter 3 By Lucy Chen

2 “ ” Qualitative Information Defination: The information that have no numbers in it. Ex: the water is hot. Sentence: Use the qualitative information to help us organize our thought.

3 “ ” Quantitative Information Defination: The information that have numbers in it. Ex: the water is 97 degree. Sentence: Quantitative information could help us know the matter more objective.

4 “ ” Observation Defination: The qualitative information that known by our direct sense Ex: the ruler is a triangle Sentence: The observation is different from different person.

5 “ ” Interpretation Defination: The opinion about what it means Ex: 50 ℃ water→the water is hot ! Sentence: Everyone has different interpretation about one matter.

6 “ ” Description Defination: An account which explains what they are or what they look like. Ex: the bicycle has 115cm high. Sentence: This paper described the technology of Clon.

7 “ ” Data Defination: The quantitative information which collected from experimant. Ex: The vapour presser increase when the temperature of the liquid increased. Sentence: The data shows the tendancy of this ticket.

8 “ ” Experiment Defination: The test that is carried out in order to discover a result. Sentence: We do the experiment to prove our new knowledge.

9 “ ” Hypothesis Defination: A fack, unproved idea which is attempt to prove it by experiment Sentence : After we have a question, we need to do a hypothesis.

10 “ ” Theory Defination: The hopothesis that is proved by a large amount of data. Ex: Arrhenius Theory of acids and basess Sentence: The scientists got theory after amount of experiment.

11 “ ” Law Defination: The summary statement which describes a large amount of experimental evidence. Sentence: Density is mass over volum, this is a law.

12 “ ” Matter Defination: Any thing that has mass and occupied space Sentence: Apple is a kind of matter because it has mass and occupied space.

13 “ ” Physical property Defination: A property that do not created new things. Sentence: The physical property of an apple includes its color melting point and boiling point

14 “ ” Chemical property Defination: A property that do created new things. Sentence: Once hydrogen meet oxygen, the chemical property of hydrogen make them turn into water.

15 “ ” Extensive property Defination: A property that eyes can tell or the direct data. Sentence: Extensive property includs mass and volum.

16 “ ” Intensive property Defination: A property that only focus on the item nature, does not depend on the amount of substance. Sentence: When we are using the density of the melting point, we are using its insentive property.

17 “ ” Solids Defination: The subject that is rigid and do not change its shape. Sentence: The table is solid

18 “ ” Liquids Defination: The subject that is fluid and changes its shape with the shapes of their container. Sentence: Water is liquid.

19 “ ” Gases Defination: The subject that chages its shape with the shaoes of their container. Sentence: The air we breathed is gas.

20 “ ” Hardness Defination: The ability of a soild to resist abrasion or scratching. Sentence: Diamonds have high hardness that are hard to break.

21 “ ” Malleability Defination: The ability to be rolled or harmmed into thin sheet. Sentence: We can test the malleability of iron by hiting.

22 “ ” Ductility Defination: The ability to be streched. Sentence: Copper has ductility because it can be rolled into wires.

23 “ ” Lustre Defination: The reflect of the objects. Sentence: The smoother surface has better lustre.

24 “ ” Viscosity Defination: The fluidity of an object Sentence: Honey has very nice viscosity

25 “ ” Diffusion Defination: The ability of an object to separatin to water. Sentence: Diffution happens when it has a high concentration and low concentration.

26 “ ” Vapour Defination: The gas which is made by the evaporation. Sentence: When water boiled, the molecules move faster and faster, then goes to the air which called vapour

27 “ ” Element Defination: The substance which cannot be simpler. Sentence: Sodium is an important element.

28 “ ” Atom Defination: The substance which is the smallest unit of an element Sentence: Atom is the smallest unit.

29 “ ” Molecule Defination: The substance that two or more atoms bind togetherby eletrical forces. Sentence: Water is formed by the molecule of hydrogen element and oxygen element.

30 “ ” Ion Defination: The Atom with electrical change. Sentence: The change of sodium ion is positive one.

31 “ ” Partical Defination: A general term used to describe a small bit of matter. Sentence: When we watch the haeted metal from the microscope, when can see the metal particle.

32 “ ” Homogenous substance Defination: The substance that have only one phase. Sentence: Air, water and ion are all homogenous substance.

33 “ ” Heterogenous substance Defination: The substance that have two or more phase. Sentence: Human beings and pencil are all heteogenous substance.

34 “ ” Pure Substance Defination: The substance which will have no change. Sentence: Salt is a kind of pure substance.

35 “ ” Mixture Defination: Two or more substance mixed together. Sentence: In order to made mixture, mix water and salt together.

36 “ ” Mechanical Mixture Defination: All of heterogenous mixture which two or more substances. Sentence: Gravel is a kind of mechanical mixture

37 “ ” Solution Defination: A homogenous of two or more substance. Sentence: Air, water, and soda pop are examples of solution.

38 “ ” Solvent Defination: The component in a solution which exists in the greater quantity. Sentence: water is a good solvent.

39 “ ” Solute Defination: The substance that can be solved into solvent. Sentence: Salt is a usual solute.

40 “ ” Compound Defination: The pure substance that made of two or more types of atoms Sentence: Suger is a kind of compound.

41 “ ” Homogenous mixture Defination: A changeable mixture, but each particular compposition has unchanging, uniform physical properties. Sentence: The density, color of a cup of salt water will not change, keep constant.

42 “ ” Heterogenous mixture Defination: A changeable mixture which has different physical propreties, regardless of composition. Sentence: When we boiled the heterogenous mixture of water and iron, the water has its owe bp, but the ion needs higher tempreture to melt.

43 “ ” Filtration Defination: The way of sepert solid out of solid-in-liquid solution. Sentence: We can separat sand from water by filtration.

44 “ ” Filtrate Defination: The liquid without solid in it. Sentence: Filtrate is the water that left after filtration.

45 “ ” Residue Defination: The solid that was separated. Sentence: The sand which left in the funnel is called residue.

46 “ ” Distillation Defination: The way to separat low-boiling-point liquid out of high-boiling-point liquid from liquid-in-liquid solution. Sentence: We distillate the water from sea water.

47 “ ” Solvent Extraction Defination: The way to separat liquid-in-liquid solution by the different desity of different liquid. Sentence: The reaserch advance of purifying wet- process phosphoric acid with solvent extraction method was introduced.

48 “ ” Recrystallization Defination: The way to separat solid-in-liquid solution with crystalline state. Sentence: The recrystallization of the fibre will restore the desired shape.

49 “ ” Gravity Separation Defination: Separat the mechanical mixture by the different density of the substance. Sentence: We use the gravity separation to separat jusic and fruit meat.

50 “ ” Chromatography Defination: The separation that use paper and column to separat small amount of solid-in-liquid solutions. Sentence: To do this, the oil were broken into their component parts and and analysed using gas chromatogaphy and mass spectrometry

51 “ ” Chemical Change Defination: The change that will make new things Sentence: Chemical change will make new things.

52 “ ” Physical Change Defination: The change that would not make new things but chage the shape or form. Sentence: Water changes to gas is a kind of physical change.

53 “ ” Kinetic Energy Defination: The mechanical energy that a body has by virtue of its motion. Sentence: Kinetic energy can make molecules move or change their shape.

54 “ ” Rotational Energy Defination: The energy that molecules rotates around an axis(no change in shape). Sentence: Molecules rotates with rotational energy.

55 “ ” Vibrational Energy Defination: The energy that molecules change their bond lengths or the angles between atoms. Sentence: Vibrational energy makes molecules change their bond's length and angle.

56 “ ” Translational Energy Defination: The energy that makes molecules move around. Sentence: Translational energymakes the molecules move around.

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