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Greenland Ice Service Henrik Steen Andersen Ice Charting and Remote Sensing Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Greenland Ice Service Henrik Steen Andersen Ice Charting and Remote Sensing Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenland Ice Service Henrik Steen Andersen Ice Charting and Remote Sensing Division

2 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 Some IICWG 2000 Issues Data and Information Usage of future satellites R&D Training Data sharing

3 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 Future Sensors & Satellites  Data from present satellites do not fully meet the requirements of DMI !  DMI consequently intends to exploit data from new satellites - primarily ENVISAT and RADARSAT-2 Better coverage in time and space Less vulnerable to technical failures Increased possibilities for handling difficult ice situations Competition leads (hopefully) to lower prices

4 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 Future Sensors & Satellites  Ice services do have common demands e.g. : Data processing and quality Data continuity Sensor types Scheduling and planning Data transfer & compression Data formats ACTION IICWG should identify common requirements and lobby the data providers

5 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 Sharing Satellite Data  DMI is interested in sharing Radarsat and Envisat data to have access to a larger pool of data  We have to address some important issues related to data sharing Contractual issues Issues related to use of data Time critical products Less time critical products Practical issues E.g. communication, compression and planning ACTION IICWG should establish a working group to identify possible ways of data sharing

6 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 From Data to Information End User Presentation Symbolisation Schemes Spatial Elements and Attributes  Use and exchange of digital ice information will increase during the coming years  IICWG is an ideal forum for the exchange of ideas on digital ice charts and products

7 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 From Data to Information  Will influence internal and external use of ice information Ice attribute standards Spatial information, positions and topology Additional information, e.g. on accuracy and source identification Spatial Elements and Attributes

8 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 From Data to Information  Adaptation of WMO standards to the digital future Symbols, line types and colours Symbolisation Schemes

9 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 From Data to Information  Exchange of ideas on presentation of ice information to end users End user presentation systems Ice information on the Internet Combination of information layers ECDIS End User Presentation

10 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 From Data to Information End User Presentation Symbolisation Schemes Spatial Elements and Attributes ACTION It is suggested that an IICWG subgroup is formed to identify and analyse areas of common interest within the field of digital ice charts

11 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 Training and Tutorials  The IICWG should promote training and fruitful exchange of knowledge and methods: SAR interpretation Combination of information and data layers Available tools Quality control  and exchange training material Is ‘Ice Tutor’ sufficiently flexible and open ? ACTION IICWG should organise an ice analyst workshop

12 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 Research and Development  DMI research priorities Development of tools which will improve the ice analyst ability to correctly interpret SAR imagery Detection of low concentration ice Detection of icebergs

13 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000 Research and Development  IICWG should promote collaborative research and exchange of information Fruitful collaboration has already been established Iceberg data from CIS and IIP ARKTOS software from NIC Future research and development Combined use of ice drift models and ice analysis ? Exploitation of ENVISAT ASAR data.... Exchange of validation data, e.g. US Healy’s mission to West Greenland ACTION List research priorities of the ice centres and identify possible areas of collaboration ACTION Interpretation of SAR images is a common problem - how can we address it ?

14 International Ice Charting Working Group - Reykjavik October 2000

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