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Brno September 30, 2014. Azerbaijan Macroeconomic Indicators 2013 GDP – 73 bln. GDP Growth – 5.8% (2013), 10 % average in 2003-2013 Non-oil Growth –

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Presentation on theme: "Brno September 30, 2014. Azerbaijan Macroeconomic Indicators 2013 GDP – 73 bln. GDP Growth – 5.8% (2013), 10 % average in 2003-2013 Non-oil Growth –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brno September 30, 2014

2 Azerbaijan

3 Macroeconomic Indicators 2013 GDP – 73 bln. GDP Growth – 5.8% (2013), 10 % average in 2003-2013 Non-oil Growth – 10 % GDP per capita – 7,495 USD Inflation – 2.4 % Investment – 28 bln., FDI – 10 bln. Foreign currency reserves – $50 bln. Unemployment – 5.2 % Poverty – 5.3 %




7 Diversification 51 % of non-oil GDP ITC (2 nd recipient of FDI, University, First Sattelite) Transportation (TRACECA, TASIM, Baku- Tbilisi-Kars railroad, North-South) Agriculture Tourism

8 Economic Achievements 2006 - UNCTAD quoted Azerbaijan as NO 1 globally as per the FDI Inflow Performance Index 2007 – UN Public Service Award 2008 – World Bank Ranked Azerbaijan Top Reformer in Doing Business 2010 – World Economic Forum ranked Azerbaijan as Leading ICT use and Network Readiness Index among Eurasian countries 2011 – World Bank commended Azerbaijan’s poverty reduction strategy (for 10 years from 49 % to 12% (national estimation – 7%)) 2013 - Global Competitiveness Report ranked Azerbaijan 39 th in the world

9 Existing Pipelines Caspian Sea Turkey Iran Iraq Syria Russia Georgia Baku Ceyhan Erzurum Kazakhstan Black Sea Tbilisi Med. Sea Azerbaijan Turkmenistan ACG Oil Production & Development Alov Exploration Inam Exploration Shah Deniz Gas Development Sangachal Terminal South Caucasus Pipeline Gas WREP Pipeline BTC Pipeline Oil NREP Pipeline Supsa Novorossiysk Stage 1 Stage 2 Azeri DWG Chirag

10 Three pipeline projects: South Caucasus Pipeline (SCPX) – Azerbaijan, Georgia Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) – Turkey Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) – Greece, Albania, Italy

11 10 reasons to invest in Azerbaijan 1. Political and economic stability - Foreign debt is only 7.5% of the GDP - 39 th Most competitive economy - 8 th Most stable macroeconomy 2. FDI friendly laws - Strong investor protection policy and legislation. - Guarantees for foreign investors against adverse changes in the legislation, nationalization, requisition, discrimination policy. - Compensation of damages and repatriation of profits ensured legislatively

12 10 reasons to invest in Azerbaijan 3. Favourable tax regime - Azerbaijan has third easiest taxpaying procedures among CIS countries - Tax holidays (except land tax) in agriculture - Tax incentives in industrial and hi-tech parks 4. Skilled labour force - Around 30 thousand students graduate annually - State Programme on Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad in 2007-2015. The number of graduates will reach 5000 by 2015 (200 annually in Canada) - A large R&D center, 28 research institutes, 52 universities and 108 colleges

13 10 reasons to invest in Azerbaijan 5. Abundant resources - Besides oil and gas, Ferrous and nonferrous, rare and fine metals, construction materials - 9 climate zones 6. Favourable location - Logistic hub and easy access to market in CIS, Central Asia and Middle East 7. Developing infrastructure - 5 international airports, largest port on Caspian Sea, international transportation routes

14 10 reasons to invest in Azerbaijan 8. State support - NO restrictions to foreign investments 9. Reformist environment - Top reformer among post-Soviet countries 10. Liberal trade regime - Trade relations with over 155 countries - NO EXPORT DUTIES and restrictions except for some strategic commodities

15 Azerbaijan-Czech $1.6 billion trade turnover Major exports: crude oil and oil products. Major imports: ferrous metal made rails, electrical appliances; home equipments. Potential fields for cooperation Heavy industry, chemical industry, Tourism, eco-tourism, Construction, Agrarian industry.

16 Booming Economy

17 New Opportunities

18 Q/A Contact Embassy of Azerbaijan Na Zátorce 783/17 Praha 6, 160 00 Tel: (+420) 246-032-422 Fax: (+420) 246-032-423 E-Mail:

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