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GAME:IT The Engineering Design Cycle. GAME:IT THE DESIGN CYCLE  The basic steps of design are the same if you are building a bridge, house, skyscraper.

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Presentation on theme: "GAME:IT The Engineering Design Cycle. GAME:IT THE DESIGN CYCLE  The basic steps of design are the same if you are building a bridge, house, skyscraper."— Presentation transcript:

1 GAME:IT The Engineering Design Cycle

2 GAME:IT THE DESIGN CYCLE  The basic steps of design are the same if you are building a bridge, house, skyscraper or a game  Designing is really about solving a problem – that’s the reason things are created  Engineers, designers and developers have created a standard method to take projects from start to finish and solve the problem  This method is called the design or engineering cycle and it is used in all types of industries – it solves problems

3 GAME:IT THE DESIGN CYCLE  The basic idea of using the design cycle is to make sure ALL BASES are covered and the problem gets solved in an efficient manner  It provides organization and focus for the team working on a project  It helps define who does what & when  In our case we will use it to solve a problem; design a working computer game

4 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE STEPS IN ORDER: 1.Discovery 2.Design 3.Development 4.Delivery Note the evaluation step is used during the entire process

5 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE STEPS  #1 – Discovery  In order to solve a problem you need to know what the problem is and what solutions are possible  You need to ask questions and do research on your given problem to start thinking about a plan  Game designers need to know: what type of game is needed, who will play this game, how much should it cost, what is the deadline, how will players access it…and many other considerations  ALWAYS EVALUATE YOUR DISCOVERY INFORMATION

6 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE STEPS  #2- DESIGN  After thorough discovery and evaluation, if you think you have an idea for a solution, you can start forming a plan  Engineers and architects draw blueprints & specs  Game designers usually start with a story & story board  Think about the game step by step, level by level, maze by maze, etc., and visualize how the game “works” – remember it also needs a goal

7 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE STEPS  #3 – DEVELOPMENT  After discovery, evaluation, storyboarding and more evaluation you can start to actually build your game  Games are usually developed by teams; project managers, programmers, physics programmers, graphic artists, audio editors & technical writers  Each part of the team is assigned specific tasks that will be compiled into a complete game

8 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE STEPS  #4 - DELIVERY  After you have developed and compiled your idea into a working game you need to make it available for your users  We all know games can be made for many different devices like: computers, online, WII, Play Station, phones, etc.  The development team needs to make sure the game is compatible with the technology needed to run (play) the game, trouble shoot the game for bugs and offer service & support for help

9 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE STEPS  #1-#5 EVALUATION  Notice in the graphic, that evaluation was shown in the middle, that is because evaluation has to be part of every step along the cycle  After each step, it is critical to review what you have learned to date, what problem you are trying to solve and confirm you are on the right track  Evaluation involves constant testing of your ideas, programming codes, graphics, audio effects, instructions, etc., to make sure everything is working as you build the game

10 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE IN ACTION  Let’s see how this actually works - The mayor of your town wants you to build a new city hall  Where would you start? What would you do?  When it gets down to it, you are really just solving a problem  The problem being your town needs a new city hall  So let’s solve the problem

11 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE IN ACTION  New City Hall  Discovery / ask questions & get some information How big do we need it? How much land do we have? What is our budget? How many people use it daily? How much parking do we need? How does public transportation access the site? Evaluate and make sure you have enough data to start the project.

12 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE IN ACTION  NEW CITY HALL  Design / plan the project draw a prototype building Come up with specifics like: colors, number of windows, elevators, ramps, Make a materials list: steel, concrete, glass, dirt, brick Design and draft actual blueprint EVALUATE! Check with the mayor, potential users, other experts to make sure the design solves the problem – it is easier to fix problems now, before construction occurs

13 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE IN ACTION  New City Hall  Develop / build city hall Hire necessary contractors Start building based on blueprints and specs created in the design phase Manage the project to make sure codes are followed, that the project stays on time and within budget Evaluate and test to ensure quality and client satisfaction (mayor, fellow citizens)

14 GAME:IT DESIGN CYLE IN ACTION  New City Hall  Deliver Test all functions and operations like: plumbing, electrical, heating & air, elevators, etc. Provide directions and any needed instructions to operate and maintain the building Provide help & support if there are questions in the future Welcome the town – what a fantastic building!

15 GAME:IT DESIGN CYCLE REVIEW  This new city hall example was just that – an example of how the design cycle is used to solve problems  Whether the problem is a new building, new type of computer, new smart phone, new electric car or a new way to use solar power the design cycle process is used to provide solutions  Game design studios use the same cycle, and so will you, to design original games!

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