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David Castilllo President EXECUTIVE REPORT #4. THOUGHT.

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Presentation on theme: "David Castilllo President EXECUTIVE REPORT #4. THOUGHT."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Castilllo President EXECUTIVE REPORT #4


3 CONGRATULATIONS Nic TilburyViolette Hammad

4  Seminary Negotiations  Mayoral Debate  HBK Summit  Grants  Co-Curricular Record UPDATE

5  “In the spirit of Catholic values, we the students strive to enhance the university experience for all students of King’s University College by providing opportunities for growth and development outside of the classroom and in the King’s, Western and London communities.”  Is this how we still feel?  What exactly is the KUCSC? Who are we?  What does the KUCSC do right/wrong?  What is our biggest challenge going forward?  Is there a group of students we are missing?  What are our priorities? STRATEGIC PLANNING

6  Advocacy for a change. WHITE PAPER

7  Strategic Plan  Christmas Social  Seminary  Communication UPCOMING TASKS

8   519 2810364  @davecastil CONTACT

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