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Welcome to our New Parent Meeting! June 2015. Who’s who? I am talented. Together we are amazing.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our New Parent Meeting! June 2015. Who’s who? I am talented. Together we are amazing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our New Parent Meeting! June 2015

2 Who’s who? I am talented. Together we are amazing.



5 Purpose of tonight… I am talented. Together we are amazing. We want to help reduce any queries or worries to ensure a happy start for you and your children. (Curriculum Workshop to follow in October)

6 We believe that a strong partnership between home and school is in everyone’s best interest and enables your child to have the best possible foundation for learning. It is our wish that parents will feel valued and welcomed. We value the insight you give us into the experiences and skills which your child has at home with you and your family. We actively encourage you to share your child’s achievements with us. We enter in to a Home/School Agreement at the start of each year which is given out at the Parent Evening in October and returned to school. I am talented. Together we are amazing. Home and School Partnerships…

7 The basics …  We are known as Foundation Stage, FS2 or Reception!  Three classes – Robins, Ducklings and Puffins  School starts at 8.45am  School ends at 3.20pm Monday – Thursday  School ends at 1.30pm on Friday I am talented. Together we are amazing.

8 Organisation at beginning and end of the day… I am talented. Together we are amazing. In the morning - the children line up in their three classes outside the Foundation Stage playground fence and staff come out to meet the children Please encourage independence and help your child to manage their own belongings Home time routines - the children are brought to parents and safely handed over. Please wave when you see your child at the front of the line! We have an open door policy.

9 Please ensure that your contact details are always up to date. We must have these details before the first visits to school. Money - Any money must be sent in envelopes and clearly labelled. Reporting absence – Please phone school on a daily basis to let us know about your child’s absence. The school office will phone you daily if there is no call from you. Arriving late to school or collecting early for appointments - Please go to the office and let staff know beforehand and bring any appointment cards or letters for medical or dental appointments. I am talented. Together we are amazing! School Office - 700443

10 Safety… Security - The gates are locked during the day. You must phone the office or inform your child’s teacher if someone else is picking up your child from school to ensure their safety. Parental Support- DBS checks are carried out for all Parents and Grandparents who help at school. Cars can be parked at Morrison’s Supermarket to increase safety outside the school. I am talented. Together we are amazing.

11 Snack I am talented. Together we are amazing. o Snack time held every morning. o Free healthy snack provided. o Children encouraged to try! o Free milk or water available.

12 Lunchtimes… We have a Gold Award for our school dinners! All infant children are entitled to a free lunch. Menus are found and ordered online. There is no need to remember what has been ordered as stickers are given by the staff. Packed lunches- We hold a Healthy Schools Award. No nuts or chocolate are allowed. I am talented. Together we are amazing.

13 Breakfast Club and After School.. Haydonleigh Breakfast Club is run by school staff. Registration forms can be collected from the office. The children must be registered beforehand and dates booked in advance. Each session costs £2.50. The earliest drop off time is 8 o’clock. After School Clubs are run by the Haydon Centre and by Green Meadow. Children are collected from school. The Clubs close at 6pm. I am talented. Together we are amazing.

14 Medical issues… Our school nurse is Ruth Horton. Her contact details are in your Welcome Pack. Medical problems and allergies should be noted on your child’s contact form. Care plans are written with Ruth and school staff where specific medical needs are identified. Medicines can only be given in school if they have a prescription label and paper work completed. Asthmatic children must have an up to date blue inhaler at school and a spacer if they use one. Spare inhalers held in school for emergencies. Pink slips for accidents at school. I am talented. Together we are amazing.

15 Induction sessions… Induction – Two visits in groups next week, one morning and one afternoon. Please arrive through the front gates where the staff will welcome you and take you to our Foundation Stage playground. Please return here to collect the children. Children do not need to wear uniform or bring anything with them. Please bring any remaining paperwork with you. I am talented. Together we are amazing.

16 In July… You will receive a letter to confirm classes. This will include photos of the Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant. Children will be allocated their House Team. Thursday 2 nd July (9.30-11.30am) – final visit with new class and class teacher. The letter will also have the times and dates of their 3 week induction period in September. I am talented. Together we are amazing.

17 Getting ready for school over the Summer… Talk to your child about school, their visits, their friends and their teacher. Be positive about school and talk about all the fun they will have at school learning new things and meeting new friends. Encourage them to follow your rules and praise them for their efforts! Encourage them to be independent when using the toilet or getting dressed and undressed. Ask them to help you to tidy up and encourage them to make choices. I am talented. Together we are amazing.

18 The first day… Checklist…  Please don’t worry!  Bring to their classroom door to line up  Uniform  Book bag  PE bag  Wellies  EVERYTHING NAMED ! I am talented. Together we are amazing.

19 Want to know more about our school? Visit our website Download our school brochure from the website Read our latest OFSTED report (June 2015) to be published on I am talented. Together we are amazing.

20 Our Uniform I am talented. Together we are amazing. Please, please, please label EVERYTHING!

21 Finally… I am talented. Together we are amazing. We are so excited to work with you and your children.

22 Time to ask any questions… I am talented. Together we are amazing.

23 Let’s visit the Foundation Stage area… Please help yourself to a drink and take time to explore the classrooms and chat to staff.

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