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AP World History (10/1)  Do Now: What is this man doing that drew a fifteen yard penalty? Was this fair? Why or why not?

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Presentation on theme: "AP World History (10/1)  Do Now: What is this man doing that drew a fifteen yard penalty? Was this fair? Why or why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP World History (10/1)  Do Now: What is this man doing that drew a fifteen yard penalty? Was this fair? Why or why not?

2 Husain Abdullah  Prostrating in sajdah-prayer to praise and glorify allah (bow in direction of Kaaba at Mecca)  The position involves having the forehead, nose, both hands, knees and all toes touching the ground together.  Left the NFL to take part in the Hajj-the pilgrimage to Mecca  “It was life changing, energizing and spiritual.... Now I am back and I feel great about everything moving forward.”

3 AP World History (10/1)  Essential question: How do people identify themselves and express themselves culturally and intellectually?

4 What have we seen so far?  Discovery of agriculture led to growth of civilizations  As humans organized themselves into families, gender roles emerged  Patriarchy  Across social, political, and religious systems  Exchange of goods and ideas (cultural diffusion) shaped this period  Silk Road  Indian Ocean routes  Mediterranean Sea  Major religions and philosophies began and had wide ranging influence  Civilizations grew more organized and many became empires

5 Origins of Islam  Rose at a time when religion was becoming a unifying force (Eurasia)  Culturally  Economically  Bedouins  Kinship based tribes  Fought over resources  Survival=strong family ties  Centered around two trade centers  Mecca  Medina

6 Bedouin beliefs  Umayyad clan (Quraysh tribe)  Dominated politics and economy of Mecca  Well established religious center  Shrines to various spirits  Ka’ba (the black stone)  Spirits that resided in natural objects (Animism)  Allah was one of these deities (a supreme deity)  Bedouin beliefs  Blend of animism and polytheism

7 Birth of Muhammad  Born in 570 CE  Trader and merchant  Through travels, came into contact with other clans and Jews and Christians  Received visions from Angel Gabriel  Focus-Allah was one true God  Why might this be a threat to Umayyad Clan?

8 Escape to Medina  Verge of civil war (622 CE)  Flees to Medina (the hijrah)  This becomes year one on Muslim calendar  Here he becomes:  Prophet  Political and military organizer  628 CE-Quraysh sign peace treaty with him  Returns to Mecca and smashes all idols  Leaves black stone- symbolizing one god, Allah

9 Islamic beliefs  Umma-Muslim community  Quran (Koran)  Sacred word of Allah  Not collected sayings of Muhammad  Shari’a- law based on Islamic religious principles  Five pillars  1. Confession of faith-No God but Allah…  2. Prayer-five times a day (facing Mecca)  3. Fasting-30 days of Ramadan (commitment)  4. Alms-portion of wealth to needy (build cohesion)  5. Hajj-pilgrimage to Mecca (universality of the faith; connection to other beliefvers)  Other beliefs  No pork  No alcohol  No marriage to non-Muslims  No priesthood-equality of all believers

10 Do Now: What does this look like?  In the life of Husain Abdullah, where do we see:  Connections to the five pillars of Islam?  Values/beliefs of Islam reflected in his actions?

11 Sunni vs. Shi’ite  Caliph-religious and political leader (successors to Muhammad)  First four after Muhammad  Negotiated between powerful clans  Most assassinated by rival clans  Ali-4 th Caliph  His assassination creates a split  Ali’s supporters-only caliphs from Muhammad’s family ( Shi’ites )  Ali’s successor-Muawiya-his supporters ( Sunnis ) believed all caliphs legitimate and Muawiya’s family had right to rule (Umayyad Dynasty)

12 Sunni (L) vs. Shi’ite (R)


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