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Your students can make the playoffs by building professional digital footprints… by Janine Lim | Associate Dean, Online Higher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Your students can make the playoffs by building professional digital footprints… by Janine Lim | Associate Dean, Online Higher Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your students can make the playoffs by building professional digital footprints… by Janine Lim | Associate Dean, Online Higher Education @ Andrews University | twitter: outonalim Daniel X. O'Neil


3 My Background & Experience 1997-2011: Instructional Technology Consultant, Berrien RESA, Supported 22 school districts with K12 Videoconferencing 2011-present: Associate Dean, Online Higher Education, Andrews University; oversight of 300+ online courses & campus educational technology support Teaching blogging & social media

4 Art & Design Department Communication Department




8 1. Why? 2. What? 3. How? 4. Now What? Beatrize C. Teaching Professional Digital Footprints

9 Why teach students about their digital footprint?

10 Help students stand out from the crowd Steven Depolo

11 Prepare for employers who will Google candidates

12 Teach them to participate in profession al online communitie s

13 Design department: Teach students to sell their skills for freelance work

14 Communicati on Department: Enhance the degree curriculum

15 1. Why? 2. What? 3. How? 4. Now What? Beatrize C. Teaching Professional Digital Footprints

16 Main content in my course

17 Digital Footprint Inventory

18 Introduction to Branding

19 Personal Learning Network

20 Evaluating Online Sources

21 Online Participation Skills

22 with recognition and thanks to Rheingold & Weeks: Net Smart: How to Thrive Online Curating Information Atoms & Molecules A tweet is an atom. A photo on Flickr is an atom. A conversation item on Google Buzz is an atom. A Facebook status message is an atom. A YouTube video is an atom. Thousands of these atoms flow across our screens in tools like Seesmic, Google Reader, Tweetdeck, Tweetie, Simply Tweet, Twitroid, etc. A curator is an information chemist. He or she mixes atoms together in a way to build an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule. - Robert ScobleRobert Scoble Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

23 If you want to curate, “pick something very specific and become the world authority on [it]. Totally cover it. Own that small niche.” - Robert Scoble quoted in Rhiengold, NetSmart If you were going to curate anything, what would it be? What would it take to “cover it”?

24 Copyright & Creative Commons

25 Focus, Attention & Multitasking Sleep & Aimless Surfing Leonid Mamchenkov Thinking & Reflection Time Focus on Difficult Tasks Mathieu HERVOUET Multitasking / Task Switching Gerard Stolk Digital vs. Print Notetaking & Reading Kevin Gessner


27 A study published last year in Psychological Science showed that students who write out notes longhand remember conceptual information better than those who take notes on a computer. "Whereas taking more notes can be beneficial," the article’s abstract reported, "laptop note takers’ tendency to transcribe lectures verbatim rather than processing information and reframing it in their own words is detrimental to learning.“


29 Researchers asked 96 undergraduates, who had worn a sleep-monitoring device the night before, to sit at a computer and pay close attention to a 42- minute lecture by a professor (whom they were told was being considered for a job). The students were left alone for this task, which required considerable concentration and patience, but any web surfing they did was monitored. As predicted, the less students had slept the night before, the more they were likely to wander off from their assigned task. Conversely, every minute of sleep meant.05 fewer minutes surfing.

30 Major Course Projects Weekly blogging and/or social media choice Setting up online brand Digital footprint inventory Participating in two live events with twitter Book discussion forum Service project


32 1. Why? 2. What? 3. How? 4. Now What? Beatrize C. Teaching Professional Digital Footprints

33 Delivery formats for the course

34 Undergrad outcomes Examine your digital footprint and modify online practices reflectively. Create a professional online presence for yourself, your faith, your hobby or your organization. Critique competing perspectives on social media practices, digital tools, and their effects. Learn the modes, consequences, some of the responsibilities and dangers of different kinds of digital participation, from curation to blogging and commenting. Grad outcomes Examine your digital footprint and modify online practices reflectively in light of scholarship and communication theory. Articulate the insights gained from creating a professional online presence for yourself, your faith, your hobby, or an organization, assess a variety of approaches, and defend the significant of the work in light of scholarship and communication theory. Propose a path to a resolution of a specific problem evidenced by competing regional, national, and international perspectives on social media practices, digital tools, and their effects. Challenge the practices of digital participation, from curation to blogging and commenting, by raising and examining relevant ethical perspectives.

35 Challenges Student experience levels Poll everywhere Pushing them to really engage online Freaky idea of social media as professional learning network

36 1. Why? 2. What? 3. How? 4. Now What? Beatrize C. Teaching Professional Digital Footprints

37 If you don’t have a social media class now, how could you fit it in? in existing classes? in general education? in an elective? Consider Your Curriculum Christine Schmidt

38 Inventory Your Resources

39 1. Why? 2. What? 3. How? 4. Now What? Beatrize C. Teaching Professional Digital Footprints

40 Your students can make the playoffs by building professional digital footprints… by Janine Lim | Associate Dean, Online Higher Education @ Andrews University | twitter: outonalim Daniel X. O'Neil

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