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Senior Speech Unit. Why? Because how you speak makes a difference in how people___________ ________. Watch examples (youtube)

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Speech Unit. Why? Because how you speak makes a difference in how people___________ ________. Watch examples (youtube)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Speech Unit

2 Why? Because how you speak makes a difference in how people___________ ________. Watch examples (youtube)

3 Types of Speeches Persuasive Informational How To/Demonstration Book reports Timeline Lectures Acceptance _________________

4 Adults spend… 42% of their time ___________ 32% talking 15% ____________ 11% writing Statistics

5 ____________ ____________in the classroom spend… 53% of their time ____________to professors and classmates. Why?

6 Our ability to retain or remember what we hear is___________ Immediately after listening to a speech or teacher talk, we can only recall __________of what was said

7 After several days, we only remember about ________of what was said…if we are lucky Most people will ____________ _____________that was said (this is why you should take notes)

8 Concentration Span= A student’s _____ + one ____________

9 So… Instead of listening most of the time, you will be taking an active role during this unit. How? By giving speeches

10 Great Male Public Speakers ______________________ Martin Luther King Bill Clinton

11 Famous Female Public Speakers Hillary Clinton Susan B. Anthony _________________________ Maya Angelou

12 Why were they great? Enunciation ___________________________ Motivated and Inspired people Captivated people ____________________

13 Introduction -Introduce your topic and state your purpose Body -The main part of your speech, details Conclusion -Re-cap your purpose Parts of a Speech

14 Speech Suggestions from a Professional Put your notes on index cards and number them. Why? If you feel more comfortable using paper, write your speech in a notebook so if you drop it everything doesn’t fall out.

15 Leave space between your headings. This helps you stay focused on the points in your speech. Consider using a _____________for key points. Use only one side of the paper or card. Why?

16 How to Control Your Nerves Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! Focus on your___________, not yourself Take several deep breaths before you start Realize that you are your own worst____________

17 Things to Remember Avoid slang, um, and uh Try not to twirl your hair or dance with the podium No gum Don’t mumble Don’t read your speech to the podium Practice your speech more than once Speak loudly Stand up straight at the podium, no hands in your pockets

18 Speech Etiquette If a classmate is giving a speech and you are in the hall, ___________ ___________the door until the speech is finished. Never yell things out to the person who is delivering a speech Do not talk to a ____________while someone is delivering a speech Do not work on an _________________while someone is delivering a speech Enter the classroom ________________for your speech and ready to go.

19 Remember… If for any reason class is cancelled and you were scheduled for a speech that day, you will present the_______________ ___________. If you are absent on your scheduled day, you must be ready on the day of your return.

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