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Political parties in the united states chapter 5.

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1 Political parties in the united states chapter 5

2 Many political parties exist….but Democrats & Republicans dominate our sys. Political party goals – get their candidates elected & their issues discussed in Congress.

3 Goal- Gain majority in Congress and or have their parties issues discussed in Congress Try to control Congress; or get some policies passed. House & Senate

4 One main function of Party to Chose Candidates to control the government A political party is a group of people with common principles, who seek to control the government


6 In reality, Two Major parties control American Political System.


8 U.S. Congress 2015; Republican Control

9 Platform- A parties statements, ideas, policies & Beliefs All Political parties have a platform!

10 Libertarian Platform- Less governmental intervention & More Personal Freedoms!

11 The U.S. Political Spectrum Conservative- Believes in less governmental control & more individual responsibility Liberal- More governmental control & open to more change

12 Why a two-Party System? Historical Basis - from 1st days of political parties, US has always had 2 main ones Tradition - people get used to supporting “their” party Electoral System – winner takes all system- most of our elections pick a single officeholder makes it extremely hard for 3rd parties

13 US - our 1st parties wealthy, big business, strong gov’t Anti Federalist- later become Democrat- Republicans Party




17 Do other countries have different Party Systems?

18 Multiparty Systems in other countries. Canadian parliament 2015Australian Multiparty

19 One Party Rule China- One party; Communist Party Vietnam & one party; communist

20 Sect 3: minor Parties

21 Minor Party Spoiler Role Mr. Nader, Green Party, won just 3 % of the nationwide vote, but his totals in the closely contested states of Florida, Oregon and New Hampshire, gave Bush the win in those states. Took votes from Al Gore. Minor Parties can take votes away form a major party Candidate

22 Splinter Party. A splinter party is a group that has broken away from the primary party in power. Today it is a part of the Republican party… the Tea Party could be seen as splinter group.


24 3 Step Process for Presidential Elections in U.S. 1- Primary Elections in each State 2. Winners announced at National Convention 3. General Election for the Presidency & V.P.

25 Primary Elections

26 Many Democratic candidates & many republican candidates 2008 Primary Elections

27 2008- Two Democratic Candidates..

28 The Convention votes between the candidates to decide who will be the Republican Nominee… 2008 out of the Republican candidates, Mitt Romney won and ran against the democratic candidate.

29 Winners of the primary elections are announced at…. Democratic or Republican Conventions!

30 National Conventions Purpose: announce President & V.P. candidates that will run against each other in the General Election 2008 DNC, Denver, Colorado2008, RNC, Minneapolis

31 Electoral System- Winner Take All in General Election of Pres.


33 Presidential Election 2016 Democrats- Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Martin O’Malley Republicans- Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush

34 Vocabulary- Ch. 5 sect. 1- Use Quizlet on my website & book. CampaignsPartisanship ElectorateBallot NominateMinority Party PlatformBipartisan Incumbentmany others… see textbook & Quizlet

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