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Writing Standards Based IEPs. Ground Rules Be courteous. Take care of your needs. Questions on sticky notes. Please do not write on colored paper. Choose.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Standards Based IEPs. Ground Rules Be courteous. Take care of your needs. Questions on sticky notes. Please do not write on colored paper. Choose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Standards Based IEPs

2 Ground Rules Be courteous. Take care of your needs. Questions on sticky notes. Please do not write on colored paper. Choose the following at your table: Recorder Reporter

3 Standards-Based IEPs Day 1 Overview of Standards-Based IEPs Student Profile Summary Determining Needs Day 2 Share Training Plan Standards Present Level of Performance Impact Statement Day 3 Measurable Annual Goals Objectives Evaluation Progress Putting it all together

4 Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Standard Area of need for the student Standard Area of need for the student Present Level of Performance The areas of strengths & needs pertaining to the identified standard Present Level of Performance The areas of strengths & needs pertaining to the identified standard Impact Statement How the stated needs keep the student from reaching the standard selected Impact Statement How the stated needs keep the student from reaching the standard selected Annual Goal

5 Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Standard Present Level of Performance Impact Statement Annual Goal

6 Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Standard Area of need for the student Standard Area of need for the student Present Level of Performance The areas of strengths & needs pertaining to the identified standard Present Level of Performance The areas of strengths & needs pertaining to the identified standard Impact Statement How the stated needs keep the student from reaching the standard selected Impact Statement How the stated needs keep the student from reaching the standard selected Annual Goal

7 Connecting IEPs to Standards…

8 Selecting a Standard

9 Standard Selection Considerations

10 What knowledge and skills does Sam need? What are the prerequisite skills Sam will need for this standard?

11 Choosing Standards You have a pair of eighth grade standards Which of the two would likely transfer to more academic situations such as Science Literacy Social studies Why will your chosen standard provide more bang for your buck?

12 Speaking & Listening SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. SL.8.2 Analyze the purpose of information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and evaluate the motives (e.g., social, commercial, political) behind its presentation.

13 Writing W.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. W.8.8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.

14 Reading Literature RL.8.3 Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. RL.8.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the high end of grades 6–8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

15 Language L.8.1.c Form and use verbs in the indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, and subjunctive mood. L.8.4.d Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., by checking the inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary).

16 Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Standard Area of need for the student Standard Area of need for the student Present Level of Performance The areas of strengths & needs pertaining to the identified standard Present Level of Performance The areas of strengths & needs pertaining to the identified standard Impact Statement How the stated needs keep the student from reaching the standard selected Impact Statement How the stated needs keep the student from reaching the standard selected Annual Goal

17 Next Step? Determine the following as they relate to the standard: Strengths Needs Data Sources This information makes up the Present Level of Performance.

18 Next Step? Present Level of Performance StrengthsNeedsData

19 Present Level of Performance Math Social Skills Behavior Daily Living Skills Reading


21 Let’s Practice!

22 Student Profile vs. Present Level Profile is an overview of where the student is functioning in relation to his or her school experiences. Profile is a general picture of the student’s functioning in all areas. Present Level addresses skills tied to a standard. Present Level provides a summary of baseline information that indicates the student’s achievement on specific standards or functional skills.

23 Present Level of Performance Considerations Expectations of the grade level Instructional strategies used in the general classroom Behavioral expectations at this grade level Extracurricular activities

24 Present Level Example Rosie said she likes to be with peers and eats lunch with a preferred group of 3 peers. Her science teacher reported that Rosie is off task during labs and wanders the room. Several observations of Rosie in Science lectures and labs indicated that when she is required to interact with peers, she threw material, yelled profanity, and left her group 3 out 5 lab days within the first 3 minutes of a group activity. Once off task, it took up to 25 minutes for her to reengage in the activity. When presented with expectations prior to the beginning of the lab, Rosie was involved in the lab, did not show aggression, and accepted redirection.

25 Present Level Example Strengths: Rosie eats lunch with a preferred group of 3 peers Rosie reengaged with activities within 5 minutes when she was presented with the steps and expectations before the lab began. Rosie was involved in the lab and did not show aggression when the lab expectations were outlined prior to the lab. Needs: Rosie is off task during labs and will wander the room. When required to interact with peers, she threw material, yelled profanity, and left the group 3 out of 5 days within the first 3 minutes of a group activity. Once off task, it took up to 25 minutes for her to reengage in the activity. Data: Teacher observations Student interview


27 Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Standard Area of need for the student Standard Area of need for the student Present Level of Performance The areas of strengths & needs pertaining to the identified standard Present Level of Performance The areas of strengths & needs pertaining to the identified standard Impact Statement How the stated needs keep the student from reaching the standard selected Impact Statement How the stated needs keep the student from reaching the standard selected Annual Goal


29 Impact Statement

30 StandardPresent Level

31 Caution What NOT to write: Marley’s learning disability affects his progress in the general curriculum. What TO write: Marley’s weakness in making inferences and making complex predictions, affects his progress in comprehending sixth grade literary materials.”

32 Identifying Needs and Impacts Need: social skills

33 Impact Statement Example Sam has difficulty solving problems requiring more than 2 steps which impacts his ability to calculate scientific equations across all of the high school science courses.

34 Impact Statement Example Justin’s pragmatic language ability causes him to understand all comments on a literal level. He does not understand figurative language which impacts his ability to comprehend passages using figurative language.

35 Impact Statement Example Emma’s articulation disorder causes her to spell words as she pronounces them impacting her writing ability.

36 Student Scenarios

37 Choosing Standards for Larry Go to Larry’s Student Profile Summary. Read his Profile What needs are apparent? Be prepared to share out.

38 Choosing Standards for Larry Keeping Larry’s math needs in mind, choose a math standard that might be appropriate. Share at your table. Compare with the standard we chose for Larry.standard

39 Practice Present Levels for Larry Table Activity. Look at Larry’s information. Use the Present Level of Performance Worksheet. Share out.

40 Impact Statement for Larry Table Activity Use Larry’s IEP page. Share out.

41 Choosing Standards for Karen Go to Karen’s Student Profile Summary. Read her Profile. What needs are apparent? Be prepared to share out.

42 Choosing Standards for Karen Keeping Karen’s reading fluency needs in mind, choose a Reading Literature standard that might be appropriate. Share at your table. Compare with the standard we chose for Karen.standard

43 Practice Present Levels for Karen Partner Activity. Use Karen’s information. Write a Present Level statements with your partner. Share out.

44 Impact Statement for Karen Partner Activity Write Impact for Karen Share your Impact Statement with the others at your table. Share out.

45 Choosing Standards for Jerome Go to Jerome’s Student Profile Summary. Read his Profile. What needs are apparent? Be prepared to share out.

46 Choosing Standards for Jerome Keeping Jerome’s communication needs in mind, choose a Speaking and Listening standard that might be appropriate. Share at your table. Compare with the standard we chose for Jerome. standard

47 Practice Present Levels for Jerome Partner/Independent Activity Use Jerome’s information. Write a Present Level statement for Jerome. Share with your table. Share out.

48 Impact Statement for Jerome Individual Activity Write Impact Statement for Jerome Share out.

49 Choosing Standards for Your Student Go to the Student Profile Summary that you wrote for your student. Read the Profile that you wrote Day One. What needs are apparent? Be prepared to share out.

50 Which standards? Does the standard cover multiple subjects? Does the standard support long term learning? Does the standard help the student move to the next level of the content?

51 Choosing Standards Keep your student’s needs and strengths in mind (present level statement), choose an appropriate standard. services/curriculum-and-instruction/arkansas-k-12- science-standards services/curriculum-and-instruction/arkansas-k-12- science-standards Write the standard on the blank IEP form. Share at your table.

52 Practice Present Level for Your Student Independent Activity. Look for your student’s information. Write a Present Level Statement. Share with your elbow partner.

53 Check Yourself

54 Remember The Present Level of Performance sets the stage for developing IEP goals!

55 Impact Statement for Your Student Independent Activity Write an Impact Statement for Your Student Share with your elbow partner. Questions?

56 Brain Break Activity

57 Let’s Play! Enter Game Pin You will be asked questions. You will respond by choosing the correct COLOR of shape.


59 Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Student Profile Paints a verbal picture of the students academically, functionally, socially, behaviorally. Standard Area of need for the student Standard Area of need for the student Present Level of Performance The areas of strengths & needs pertaining to the identified standard Present Level of Performance The areas of strengths & needs pertaining to the identified standard Impact Statement How the stated needs keep the student from reaching the standard selected Impact Statement How the stated needs keep the student from reaching the standard selected Annual Goal

60 ELA Learning Progressions



63 -- Michael Yudin Have high expectations for children, and there are no limits on what they can do.

64 Planning for Day Three Keep the IEP pages for Larry, Karen, Jerome, and your student. We will use those next time to create goals. Review 5-10 student folders/IEPs.

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