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Presentation on theme: " Status of the LIDO East Sicily Station F.Bruni."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the LIDO East Sicily Station F.Bruni

2 2 AGENDA  Work progress status  Payload  SN-1 observatory  Integrations  Surface station  HMI  Test program  Deployment procedure

3 3 LIDO East Sicily Station  Based on SN-1 seafloor observatory properly upgraded  Two missions successfully completed  2002-2003 (autonomous configuration)  2005-2008 (hybrid configuration, compatible with cabled or autonomous operation)

4 4 LIDO East Sicily Station  Maintained  Frame  MODUS-assisted deployment and recovery  Seismometer installation procedure  Interface with electro- optical cable  Sensors directly managed by SN-1 DACS  Modified/changed  All batteries removed  Acoustic telemetry removed  Mass memory devices removed  New optical telemetry  New power management and distribution  Scientific payload increased  Dedicated frame for magnetometers  Completely new Shore Station implemented  Sensors individually accessible from shore

5 5 SN-1 observatory general assembly Magnetometers module ROV mateable connector (in parked position) ADCP DACS Bioacoustic bentosphere DPG Depth sensor Bioacoustic hydrophone

6 6 SN-1 observatory general assembly Bioacoustic bentosphere OAS hydrophone SMID hydrophone Currentmeter CTD Gravity meter Seismometer + release Magnetometers module

7 7 Work progress status (Tecnomare) ActivityStatus Observatory upgrade Mechanical designCompleted Observatory upgrade Mechanical constructionCompleted, except for minor supports Observatory upgrade Electrical designCompleted Observatory Hardware upgrade developmentCompleted Observatory Software developmentCompleted Payload tests (on single sensors) Completed, apart from N/A sensors (currentmeter, gravity meter, SMID hydro) SN-1 observatory electrical integrations Completed, apart some minor tasks (j- boxes) SN-1 observatory functional tests (electronics + payload) To be done, when all sensors shall be available Shore station power rack - design, development and test Completed Shore station control rack – integration and tests Ongoing HMI software development and testOngoing Final tests (observatory + shore station)To be done

8 8 Payload SensorModelLOCATIONNOTES SeismometerGuralp CMG-1TTECNOMAREUpgraded after previous SN-1 mission CTDSea Bird SBE-37SMTECNOMARE Used in previous SN-1 mission TO BE CALIBRATED Gravity meterIFSIINAF CurrentmeterMAVS-3 NobskaNOBSKA Used in the 1st Nearest Mission CURRENTLY C/O NOBSKA FOR REPAIR Scalar MagnetometerSentinel, 3000 m versionINGV Vectorial Magnetometer Modello Piattaforma inerziale Ditta Sulas Sergio TECNOMARE Hydrophone 1 (geophysics)OAS E-2PDTECNOMAREPreviously used, Tested c/o NURC Hydrophone 2 (geophysics)SMID modello 70 XA 405 101 00SMID ?NEW BioacusticsINFN NEW IMU Gladiator Technolgies LMRK10IMU-150-02-130 INGV NEW A 2nd unit is c/o Tecnomare (LMLRK20) Depth sensor (pressure) Paroscientific 8CB4000-I P/N 1700-003-0 INGVNEW DPG (Differential Pressure Gauge) University of California San Diego DPG vs. 6.3 TECNOMARENEW ADCP RDI, Workhorse Sentinel 600 kHz WHS600-I-UG149 INGVNEW

9 9 SN-1 observatory general assembly

10 10 Magnetometer module layout Vectorial magnetometer (glass sphere) Magnetometers j-box Scalar magnetometer Lifting handle (hinged) Weight in air : about 125 kg Weight in water: about 17 kg Buoyancy elements (adjustable number and position) Lifting handle (fixed)

11 11 Magnetometers module layout

12 12 Mechanical frame status

13 Payload test: seismometer – DPG – OAS hydrophone Sensors: Guralp CMG-1T (s/n T1049) DPG vs 6.3 (s/n 05057) Hydrophone OAS E-2PD (ex SN-4) Acquisition through Guralp DM24 digitizer (s/n A1699) - 100 Hz HYDROPHONE DATA ACQUISITION ELECTRONICS DPG SEISMOMETER

14 14 Seismometer and digitizer Seismometer and digitizer after upgrading work (Dec. 2008 – Nov. 2009)

15 15 Payload test: seismometer – DPG – OAS hydrophone

16 16 SN-1 electronics: DACS integration OPTICAL BOX (telemetry) DC Power supplies (12, 24, 48 VDC) AC transformer 24-bit digitizer CPU, switch Compass IMU Ethernet – RS232 converters

17 17 SN-1 electronics: magnetometers J-BOX Vectorial magnetometer electronics (power supply + 24 bit digitizer) integrated inside a dedicated pressure vessel

18 18 Shore station station: power supply and control

19 19 Shore station: power supply rack Generates 500 VAC mono-phase for the observatory through a step-up isolation transformer Requires 230 VAC input Monitors the umbilical cable isolation Automatic and manual output voltage ramp control (soft start) Display of power status parameters (current in, voltage in, current out, voltage out, isolation resistance) Equipped with an intelligent unit (PLC) Transmit power status data through RS-232 connection to the HMI PC

20 20 Data acquisition rack: telemetry unit Data connections to SN-1 sensors: RS-232 Underwater LAN RJ45 connectors GPS input (MIL) and telemetry (2 x SC) 220 VAC SC optical connectors to the surface OPTICAL BOX

21 21 HMI Control software

22 22 Final test program (proposal) TestWherePurposeDescriptionActions 1Tecnomare (Marghera) Check of  SN-1 fully integrated  Power & data transmission  Data acquisition and management software  all payload (geophysics, oceanographic, bioacoustic and status sensors) connected to SN-1 DACS  Surface station connected via short test electrical and optical jumper cables  SN-1 operated via the shore station  Simulated missions carried out with real- time data acquisition from the Shore Station  INFN to provide surface telemetry  INGV to provide remaining sensors  INFN/INGV to provide dedicated units (PC for bioacoustics, geophysical sensors etc.) to be connected to the data acquisition rack

23 23 Final test program (proposal) TestWherePurposeDescriptionActions 2INFN (Catania) SN-1 shore station networking  Connect Shore Station to INFN network  Verify all Users have remote access to the various units  Verify GPS acquisition  INFN to make available ICT support  INFN to make available personnel for installation and connection of the Shore Station components 3INFN (Catania) Final test of the system  Shore station installed and tested  SN-1 integrated and connected to Shore Station via simulated Umbilical cable  SN-1 operated via the shore station  Simulated missions carried out with real-time data acquisition from the Shore Station  Remote access from various Users verified  INFN to provide FO spools to simulate umbilical cable length and optical losses  Tecnomare to provide a power resistor to simulate the umbilical ohmic loss

24 24 Deployment and start-up procedure (preliminary for discussion) ship final positioning on site MODUS + SN-1 deployment (winch) descent (MODUS) final positioning and alignment with respect to INFN j-box (winch) touch-down (MODUS) disconnection MODUS recovery ROV deployment (ROV) connection of the electro-optical jumper to INFN j-box (shore station) Switch on power supply (shore station) check of SN-1 observatory and payload status (ROV) extract and deploy the magnetometers module (shore station) check of magnetometers module (shore station) release seismometer, start mission ROV recovery

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