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3.6. POLLUTION Human Impact. Think, Pair and Share…  Why is Ontario charging 5 cents for each plastic bag?  Why are governments trying to find an alternative.

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Presentation on theme: "3.6. POLLUTION Human Impact. Think, Pair and Share…  Why is Ontario charging 5 cents for each plastic bag?  Why are governments trying to find an alternative."— Presentation transcript:

1 3.6. POLLUTION Human Impact

2 Think, Pair and Share…  Why is Ontario charging 5 cents for each plastic bag?  Why are governments trying to find an alternative source of energy besides burning fossil fuels?

3 What is pollution?  Harmful contaminants released into the environment  Examples – pesticides, fertilizers, car exhaust, product packaging

4 Impact of Pollution

5 What is a pH scale? A chemical property – How many H + ions

6 Acid Precipitation (rain)  Burning fossil fuel -> sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide  SO 2 and NO 2 combines with H 2 O vapor -> acids Asthma, bronchitis

7 Source of pollutants Based on the two pie charts, what are three specific actions you can do to reduce acid rain?

8 Oil Spill  Oil tankers navigate the oceans When accidents happen…

9 Oil Spill  Toxic  Slow to break down  Most vulnerable: seabirds and seals Oil on their wings  Ingest it while cleaning themselves -> damaging digestive tract, liver and kidneys  The feathers lose ability to insulate -> die of cold.

10 How to deal with an oil spill  Skimming / vacuuming Floating oil may be contained and skimmed or vacuumed up into a recovery vessel  Bioremediation Some micro-organisms feed on oil the use of micro-organisms to consume and break down environmental pollutant  Burning

11 Burning of petroleum - plastics  Manufacturing of plastics creates pollution and results in the consumption of petroleum: a non- renewable resource.

12 Application to our own lives Can you understand why:  Why Ontario charging 5 cents for each plastic bag?  Why governments are trying to find an alternative source of energy besides burning fossil fuels? What are three actions that you can do yourself to reduce the pollution you produce?

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