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© 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. PREPARED BY: YASEER PK, HSST-WOVHSS, Muttil

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1 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. PREPARED BY: YASEER PK, HSST-WOVHSS, Muttil

2 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 2 TERMS, CONCEPTS AND THEIR USE IN SOCIOLOGY

3 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. SOCIAL GROUPS AND SOCIETY

4 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Sociology is the study of human social life. Sociology is the study of human social life. A defining feature of human life is that A defining feature of human life is that humans interact, humans interact, communicate and communicate and construct social collectivities. construct social collectivities.

5 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. every society whether ancient or feudal or modern, Asian or European or African human groups and collectivities exist. every society whether ancient or feudal or modern, Asian or European or African human groups and collectivities exist. Types of groups and collectivities are different in different societies. Types of groups and collectivities are different in different societies.

6 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.



9 Any gathering of people does not necessarily constitute a social group. Any gathering of people does not necessarily constitute a social group. Aggregates are simply collections of people who are in the same place at the same time, but share no definite connection with one another. Aggregates are simply collections of people who are in the same place at the same time, but share no definite connection with one another. Such aggregates are often termed as quasi groups. Such aggregates are often termed as quasi groups.

10 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Quasi Group A quasi group is an aggregate or combination, A quasi group is an aggregate or combination, which lacks structure or organisation which lacks structure or organisation whose members may be unaware, or less aware, of the existence of groupings. whose members may be unaware, or less aware, of the existence of groupings. Example: Social classes, status groups, age and gender groups, crowds Example: Social classes, status groups, age and gender groups, crowds

11 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Characteristics of GROUP persistent interaction to provide continuity; persistent interaction to provide continuity; a stable pattern of these interactions; a stable pattern of these interactions; a sense of belonging to identify with other members, a sense of belonging to identify with other members, i.e. each individual is conscious of the group itself and its own set of rules, rituals and symbols; i.e. each individual is conscious of the group itself and its own set of rules, rituals and symbols; shared interest; shared interest; acceptance of common norms and values; acceptance of common norms and values; a definable structure. a definable structure.

12 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. TYPES OF GROUPS Primary and Secondary Social Groups Primary and Secondary Social Groups Community and Society or Association Community and Society or Association In-Groups and Out-Groups In-Groups and Out-Groups Peer Groups Peer Groups Reference Group Reference Group

13 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Primary and Secondary Social Groups Primary Groups small group of people small group of people connected by intimate connected by intimate face-to-face association face-to-face association co-operation. co-operation. The members of primary groups have a sense of belonging. The members of primary groups have a sense of belonging. Example: Family, village and groups of friends Example: Family, village and groups of friends

14 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Secondary groups Secondary groups are relatively large in size, Secondary groups are relatively large in size, Limited responsibility Limited responsibility Maintain formal and impersonal relationships. Maintain formal and impersonal relationships. The primary groups are person-oriented, whereas the secondary groups are goal oriented. The primary groups are person-oriented, whereas the secondary groups are goal oriented. Example:- Schools, government offices, hospitals, students association etc. Example:- Schools, government offices, hospitals, students association etc.

15 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Primary Groups

16 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Secondary Groups

17 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Community and Society or Association Community is the living population within a limited geographical area carrying on a common interest. Community is the living population within a limited geographical area carrying on a common interest. The term ‘community’ refers to human relationships that are The term ‘community’ refers to human relationships that are highly personal, highly personal, intimate and intimate and enduring, enduring, Example: family, with real friends or a close-knit group. Example: family, with real friends or a close-knit group.

18 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

19 ‘Society’ or ‘association’ refers to everything opposite of ‘community’, ‘Society’ or ‘association’ refers to everything opposite of ‘community’, Impersonal, Impersonal, Superficial and Superficial and transitory relationships of modern urban life. transitory relationships of modern urban life.

20 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. You may draw a parallel between the community with the primary group and the association with the secondary group. You may draw a parallel between the community with the primary group and the association with the secondary group. =Primary Group =Secondary Group

21 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. In-groups and Out-groups In-groups Out-Groups We feeling exists (we) Lack of We feeling (their) Face to face relationship Far relationship Feeling sacrifice and cooperation among members Lack of Feeling sacrifice and cooperation among members Domestic and Perfect relationship Working relationship and imperfection of relationship Ex: Migrants

22 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ?? People once considered members of an out- group become in-group members. Can you find out about such processes in history? People once considered members of an out- group become in-group members. Can you find out about such processes in history?

23 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Reference Group The groups whose life styles are imitated are known as reference groups. The groups whose life styles are imitated are known as reference groups. Example:- Example:- a person copies the life style of any film actor or artist. a person copies the life style of any film actor or artist. In colonial period, many middle class Indians tried to imitate English man. In colonial period, many middle class Indians tried to imitate English man. Reference groups are important sources of information about culture, life style, aspiration and goal attainments. Reference groups are important sources of information about culture, life style, aspiration and goal attainments.

24 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Nadakkav international school

25 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Peer Groups A kind of primary group, A kind of primary group, Usually formed between individuals Usually formed between individuals It is a group of people of the same age, status, interests, etc. It is a group of people of the same age, status, interests, etc. Example: classmates, school mates etc. Example: classmates, school mates etc. Often peer group influence on children is grater than parental influence. Often peer group influence on children is grater than parental influence.

26 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. SOCIAL STRATIFICATION Social stratification refers to structural inequalities between different groupings of people. Social stratification refers to structural inequalities between different groupings of people.

27 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Society can be seen as consisting of ‘strata’ in a hierarchy, Society can be seen as consisting of ‘strata’ in a hierarchy, more favoured at the top and more favoured at the top and less privileged near the bottom. less privileged near the bottom. Stratification plays a crucial role in the organization of the society Stratification plays a crucial role in the organization of the society Every individual and every household in society are affected by stratification. Every individual and every household in society are affected by stratification.

28 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Four basic systems of stratification in the society. Four basic systems of stratification in the society. Slavery Slavery Caste Caste Estate and Estate and Class Class

29 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Slavery

30 Slavery is an extreme form of inequality in which some individuals are literally owned by others. Slavery is an extreme form of inequality in which some individuals are literally owned by others. Example:- Example:- Ancient Greece and Rome Ancient Greece and Rome Southern States of the USA in the 18th and 19 th centuries. Southern States of the USA in the 18th and 19 th centuries.

31 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. What do you think is the base for stratification of Indian society?. What do you think is the base for stratification of Indian society?. How can you classify people based on their Wealth?. How can you classify people based on their Wealth?.

32 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Caste

33 individual’s position totally depends on the status attributes ascribed by birth rather than achieved. individual’s position totally depends on the status attributes ascribed by birth rather than achieved. The traditional system is generally conceptualized in terms of the four fold varna or ‘jathi’ of The traditional system is generally conceptualized in terms of the four fold varna or ‘jathi’ of Brahmins Brahmins Kshathriyas Kshathriyas Vaishas and Vaishas and Sudras Sudras

34 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 4 Jatis or Varnas in India

35 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Each position in the caste structure was defined in terms of its purity or pollution relative to others. Each position in the caste structure was defined in terms of its purity or pollution relative to others.

36 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. the Brahmin priestly castes, are superior to all others and the Panchamas, sometimes called the ‘outcastes’ are inferior to all other castes. the Brahmin priestly castes, are superior to all others and the Panchamas, sometimes called the ‘outcastes’ are inferior to all other castes.

37 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Class Class is a typical social stratification found in Industrialized society. Class is a typical social stratification found in Industrialized society. Social Class is a stratum of people of similar social position with regard to Social Class is a stratum of people of similar social position with regard to income, income, occupation, occupation, education and education and wealth. wealth.

38 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. In a class, a person’s social status is based on his/her achievements. In a class, a person’s social status is based on his/her achievements.

39 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Stratification on the basis of class is not dependent on birth, but it depends on Stratification on the basis of class is not dependent on birth, but it depends on profession, profession, ability, ability, skill, skill, education, education, science etc. science etc. Class is an open institution. Class is an open institution. An individual can change his/her class and acquire high status in social stratification. An individual can change his/her class and acquire high status in social stratification. Kind of class: Higher class, Middle class, lower class, Agricultural class. Kind of class: Higher class, Middle class, lower class, Agricultural class.

40 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Difference between Cast and Class CasteClass  It depends on Birth  Depends on social circumstances  Closed group  Open system  Rigid rules in marriage, eating- habits etc.  No rigidity  Permanent/ Stable organisation.  Less stable than caste system  Inherited Membership  Never inherited

41 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Class system allow social mobility. Class system allow social mobility. One may go to higher to better class or go down to a lower class. One may go to higher to better class or go down to a lower class.

42 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. According to Karl Marx, capitalist society consists of two classes. According to Karl Marx, capitalist society consists of two classes. The Bourgeois The Bourgeois The Proletariat The Proletariat

43 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. The Bourgeois The Bourgeois The owners of means of production: factories, business, equipment. The owners of means of production: factories, business, equipment. The Proletariat The Proletariat Workers Workers According to Marx, Bourgeois in capitalist societies exploit workers. According to Marx, Bourgeois in capitalist societies exploit workers.

44 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Life chance – Max Weber. Life chance is the social science theory of opportunities, each individual has to improve his quality of life. Life chance is the social science theory of opportunities, each individual has to improve his quality of life. It refers to the rewards and advantages afforded by market capacity It refers to the rewards and advantages afforded by market capacity Inequality, Weber argued might be based on economic relations. But it could also be based on prestige or on the political power. Inequality, Weber argued might be based on economic relations. But it could also be based on prestige or on the political power.

45 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Watch the Video Social mobility Social mobility

46 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. K. R. Narayanan ( 1920-2005) Former President of INDIA Former President of INDIA Perumthanam, Uzhavoor Village, Kottayam, kerala Perumthanam, Uzhavoor Village, Kottayam, kerala Dalit Community. Dalit Community. Studied political science at London school of economics. Studied political science at London school of economics. He served as ambassador to Japan, UK, Thailand, Thurkey, China, USA etc. He served as ambassador to Japan, UK, Thailand, Thurkey, China, USA etc.

47 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Status and Role Twin concept Twin concept Status Status A position in a society or in a group. A position in a society or in a group. It refers social position with defined rights and duties assigned to these positions. It refers social position with defined rights and duties assigned to these positions. Role Role Dynamic, Behavioral aspects of status. Dynamic, Behavioral aspects of status. Status is occupied, while role is played. Status is occupied, while role is played.

48 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. In modern society an individual occupies different positions or status during life In modern society an individual occupies different positions or status during life Watch the video…..>>>>

49 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Video – Everyday role of a House wife

50 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Status set Individual occupies multiple status in modern society… Individual occupies multiple status in modern society… Ex: Son-father-grandfather Ex: Son-father-grandfather

51 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Ascribed status and Achieved status Ascribed status Ascribed status Depends on birth Depends on birth Granted without any struggle Granted without any struggle Bases of ascribed status Caste Caste Kinship Kinship Birth Birth Gender discrimination Gender discrimination Age discrimination Age discrimination

52 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Achieved status Achieved status Achieved by the person on the basis of personal merits or qualifications is called…. Achieved by the person on the basis of personal merits or qualifications is called…. Bases of achieved status Education Education Training Training Wealth Wealth Occupation Occupation Political power Political power

53 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Status and prestige Status and prestige are inter connected. Status and prestige are inter connected. Every status is accorded certain rights and values. Values are attached to social position. Every status is accorded certain rights and values. Values are attached to social position. Ex: Doctor (high value), shopkeeper Ex: Doctor (high value), shopkeeper The value attached to the status is called prestige. The value attached to the status is called prestige. People can rank status in terms of their high and low prestige. People can rank status in terms of their high and low prestige.

54 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Find out the prestigious job in your society

55 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Role conflict Role conflict It occurs when status and role do not agree It occurs when status and role do not agree Role stereotyping Role stereotyping It is a process of fixing a particular role for a particular person- man and women. It is a process of fixing a particular role for a particular person- man and women. Role and status are not fixed. People fight against discrimination based on cast and gender. Role and status are not fixed. People fight against discrimination based on cast and gender.

56 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Society and Social control Social control means, different methods used by society to control disobedient member in society and bring them back to their norms.

57 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Use of force to regulate behaviour of individuals and groupFor maintaining order in the societyIt reduce the tension and conflict among individual and groupIt helps maintain stability Social control uses social processes, techniques and strategies to regulate the behaviour of individual and group.

58 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Formal and informal social control Formal Social Control Formal Social Control It means official, codified and systematic means of social control. It means official, codified and systematic means of social control. Informal Social Control Informal Social Control Personal, unofficial and un codified. Personal, unofficial and un codified.

59 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Formal Social Control includes control by state, law, police, bureaucracy, army, political power, educate etc.

60 © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ………The End………

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