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IEEE FDC SAB Briefing The IEEE Future Directions Committee (FDC) anticipates and determines the direction of existing, new, and emerging technologies and.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE FDC SAB Briefing The IEEE Future Directions Committee (FDC) anticipates and determines the direction of existing, new, and emerging technologies and."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE FDC SAB Briefing The IEEE Future Directions Committee (FDC) anticipates and determines the direction of existing, new, and emerging technologies and related issues, and spearheads their investigation and development by IEEE.

2 Activities  incubates emerging technologies and new applications  identifies opportunities to engage with the general public  catalyzes technical, professional, and educational activities Operations  Monthly one-hour teleconferences for status reports  Twice yearly meetings in person  Work done on committees  Initiatives are involved in conferences, community, publications, and standards activities  FDC actively participates in Technology Time Machine

3 Initiatives Incubator Proposals  Internet of Space  Reliability Society Tutorials  World Utility Summit  Safe Advanced Mobile Power  Low-Power Image Recognition Competition In Progress  Big Data  Brain Initiative  Cybersecurity  Digital Senses Initiative  IEEE Internet Initiative  Internet of Things  Green ICT  Rebooting Computing  Smart Cities  Software Defined Networks  Cloud Computing  Life Sciences  Smart Grid  Transportation Electrification Community Graduated Candidate New Tech  5G and Beyond  Robotics Bold Lettering Indicates Explicit Mention of Standardization Efforts in November BoG Reports

4 First Impressions  Was not clear how to engage. Clearer now.  Initiatives generally well-connected with industry and have global reach  Emphasis on societal aspects as well as technology (coordinated with the IEEE Society on Societal Implications of Technology)  Some initiatives taking proactive approach to standards  Green ICT: Planning standardization workshop to identify and address standards gaps  Software Defined Networks: Planning 2 nd SDN standards workshop Q2 2016.  Digital Senses: Selection of existing / development of new standards is a goal  Rebooting Computing: Has requested coordination with SA in 2016  Brain Initiative: Identifying standards for brain-machine interface is a goal

5 First Impressions  IEEE standards only part of the story  Internet of Space  Multiple standards  802 prominent  Cybersecurity  Little mention of standards (would not read too much into that)  NIST may play dominant role  Big Data  Standards section “coming soon”  Focused on data exchange (NIST / JTC1)  Will need semantic interoperability for data sets (does not seem to be on RADAR)  5G, Smart Cities, Robotics …  Involve many standards

6 Recent updates: Areas of interest to the Computer Society  “Fog” computing. (See  Robotics and swarms  3D Imaging and Multi-Media  Power in Mobile Systems  In Memory Computing

7 Technology issues in 2016  3D Imaging and Multi-Media  3-D Printing  Bio-Fuel  Carbon Sequestration  Clean Water  Cognitive Radio  Power in Mobile Systems  In Memory Computing  Micro Fluidics  Nano-Pore DNA Sequencing  Reliability  "Robotics and Swarms"  Safety Critical Systems

8 Next Steps  Developing standards matrix across initiatives  Ensuring coverage of initiatives by SA

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