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Ready for Anything SUPPORTING NEW TEACHERS for SUCCESS by Lynn Howard.

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Presentation on theme: "Ready for Anything SUPPORTING NEW TEACHERS for SUCCESS by Lynn Howard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ready for Anything SUPPORTING NEW TEACHERS for SUCCESS by Lynn Howard

2 Seminar 1 Beginning the Teaching Profession Overall Goal To provide tips, ideas, suggestions, and logistical support for the first weeks of school.

3 Agenda Welcome to the World of Teaching Schedule and Seminar Details Seminar 1:Beginning the Teaching Profession Facilitator Strategies: The Logistics of Teaching Beginning Organization Beginning Management Teacher-Directed Student Activities: Beginning the First Day and Week “I’m Ready for Anything” Self-Assessment

4 INTASC Standards 1.Content Pedagogy 2.Student Development 3.Diverse Learners 4.Multiple Instructional Strategies 5.Motivation and Management 6.Communication and Technology 7.Planning 8.Assessment 9.Reflective Practice: Professional Development 10.School and Community Involvement

5 “Welcome to the World of Teaching!” You are embarking on a fulfilling, rewarding career that enables you to touch the lives of hundreds of children. Seminar 1: Beginning the Teaching Profession

6 Having a Successful Start as a New Educator Get to know your school Get organized Establish classroom procedures

7 Getting to Know Your School Learn about your community/state your building the “lingo” school personnel dress code first day procedures

8 Getting Organized Lesson Plan and Gradebook Review Special Request Form Materials & Supplies Arranging the Room Focus Board and Visual Displays Audiovisual Equipment

9 Classroom Procedures The teaching “spot” Proximity/Circulating 6-Step Directions Classroom Procedures Calling on All Students Positive Repetition

10 Teaching Tip Don’t announce to your students that you’re a first-year teacher. It’s normal to be nervous on the inside, but on the outside you should appear organized and ready. “Fake it” if you have to!

11 Meet the Teacher Create 20 multiple- choice questions about yourself Ask each question and have students discuss possible answers Give the correct answer and explain why

12 Textbook Safari Have students work alone or in pairs to locate answers within a textbook. Review and discuss the importance of understanding the book format, as well as the content, and being able to find information within its pages.

13 Teaching Tip Take time to get to know your students, including knowing their names as well as how to pronounce them correctly. Introduce yourself as “Mr.” or “Ms.” to the class and become comfortable in being addressed as such.

14 Reflection Expectations for Success Using index cards, create a set of words and phrases from this seminar. Meet as a group and pass the cards around to review the workshop Share comments and questions Who is your support network?

15 Self-Assessment I’m Ready For Anything….

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