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NEXPReS Period 2 Overview Work Packages 1234 T. Charles Yun, JIVE
Work Packages NEXPReS consists of 8 Work Packages ▫ Networking Activities: WPs 1, 2, 3, 4 ▫ Service Activities: WP 5, 6 ▫ Joint Research Activities: WP 7, 8 The work packages will be presented in their groupings by: ▫ NA- T. Charles Yun ▫ SA- Arpad Szomoru ▫ JRA- Ari Mujunen and Norbert Meyer NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 2
Work Packages WP TitleLeaderOrganization NA 1- ManagementT. Charles YunJIVE NA 2- EVN-NRENRichard Hughes-JonesDANTE NA 3- eVSAGFracisco ‘Paco’ ColomerFG-IGN NA 4- CommunicationsKristine YunJIVE SA 5- Cloud CorrelationArpad SzomoruJIVE SA 6- High Bandwidth on Demand Paul BovenJIVE JRA 7- Computing in a Shared Infrastructure Mark KettenisJIVE JRA 8- FlexBuffAri MujunenAalto NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 3
Project Office Staffed at JIVE in the Netherlands ▫ Project Coordinator, Manager, and Assistant (Yvonne Kool) Project infrastructure is run from JIVE ▫ Mailing lists (private) ▫ Website ▫ Project wiki (public and private sections) WP 1- Management NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 4
Changes to the Board Norbert Meyer (PSNC) is the new Chairman ▫ Ralph Spencer is the outgoing Chair John Conway (Onsala) is the new Vice-Chair ▫ Meyer was previously Vice-Chair Both approved by the board after the June 2012 Board Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark WP 1- Management NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 5
Second Board Meeting 20 June 2012 ▫ Hosted by NORDUnet, Copenhagen, Denmark ▫ Work Package Updates delivered to Board ▫ Paco Colomer delivered WP 2, 3 and 4 updates Financial Update Preparation for the Period 2 Review WP 1- Management NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 6
Deliverables 24 Deliverables completed during Period 2 1 Deliverable due during the period is not part of the report ▫ D5.09 Control systems and scheduling mechanisms for 4-Gbps JIVE at correlator ▫ Explanations provided during the WP’s update 21 Deliverables remain Milestones ▫ 4 milestones remain for the final period WP 1- Management NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 7
Completed Deliverables (1 of 3) Slide: 8 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 D#Title D1.05Conclude Consortium Agreement D1.10Period 2 Report D2.02EVN-NREN meeting 2 D2.04Presentation on regions of increasing interest to Radio Astronomy and Networking D3.01eVSAG meeting 1 D4.07Publish Print Items D5.02Metrics, selection criteria and user feedback D5.04Automated job scheduling D5.05VDIF Mark5 conversion software WP 1- Management
Completed Deliverables (2 of 3) D# Title D5.06Control systems and scheduling mechanisms for 4-Gbps recording equipment D5.07Unattended correlation D5.08Monitoring, remote control and client software including the authorization and authentication layer D5.10Corner-turning platform D6.01Proof-of-concept system for reserving and provisioning On-demand networking capacity D6.03Configuration of 10Gbps BoD for the LOFAR archive network D6.07Demonstration of international BoD connectivity at 4Gbps D7.03Workflow Manager Implementation Slide: 9 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
Completed Deliverables (3 of 3) D#Title D7.04Automated Correlation D7.05Real-time middleware components D8.03Design document of storage element allocation methods D8.04Design document of transparent local/remote application programming interface for storage elements D8.05Performance and integration test report of simultaneous I/O storage elements D8.06Test report of storage element allocation methods D8.07Test report of transparent local/remote application programming interface for storage elements Slide: 10 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
Completed Deliverables Slide: 11 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management D#dueactualdescrip D1.0517 (1)18Conclude Consortium Agreement D2.022227EVN-NREN meeting 2 D2.041925Presentation on regions of increasing interest to Radio Astronomy and Networking D3.011617eVSAG meeting 1 D4.0723 Publish Print Items D5.02425Metrics, selection criteria and user feedback D5.0419 (9)25Automated job scheduling D5.051525VDIF Mark5 conversion software D5.061826Control systems and scheduling mechanisms for 4-Gbps recording equipment D5.071925Unattended correlation D5.082226Monitoring, remote control and client software including the authorization and authentication layer D5.102426Corner-turning platform D6.012025Proof-of-concept system for reserving and provisioning On-demand networking capacity D6.032425Configuration of 10Gbps BoD for the LOFAR archive network D6.071824Demonstration of international BoD connectivity at 4Gbps D7.031819Workflow Manager Implementation D7.0424 Automated Correlation D7.0524 Real-time middleware components D8.0316 (10)16Design document of storage element allocation methods D8.0417 (15)22Design document of transparent local/remote application programming interface for storage elements D8.052125Performance and integration test report of simultaneous I/O storage elements D8.062225Test report of storage element allocation methods D8.072226Test report of transparent local/remote application programming interface for storage elements
NEF System Significantly improved compared to Period 1 ▫ More stable ▫ Integrated EoR is convenient Eliminates the rounding problems from P1 Areas for improvement ▫ Overall speed and responsiveness ▫ Cryptic error codes Often times error flags are given when they should not be ▫ Roles and role management are still difficult Fortunately, most problems can be trumped by acting as coordinator, but this is prob non-optimal WP 1- Management NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 12
WP2: EVN-NREN Richard Hughes-Jones DANTE
EVN-NREN Activity Leader: Richard Hughes-Jones (DANTE) Purpose: ▫ Provide a forum to enable direct communication between Network providers and Radio Astronomy users linking technical experts from GÉANT, NRENs & Astronomers ▫ Encourage the exchange of information & issues Required network connectivity & services Presentations of the on-going work in NEXPReS Updates on Network technology developments, Bandwidth on Demand, Services & Future NREN plans. Discussion of geographic regions that require improved connectivity NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 14
Deliverables D2.2 EVN-NREN meeting 2 ▫ Meeting date was delayed to coincide with NORDUnet meeting ▫ Meeting 2 was held the Monday before the P2 Review D2.4 Presentation on Status of Networking in Relation to Radio Astronomy locations of interest Slide: 15 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 2- EVN-NREN
D2.02 EVN-NREN meeting 2 Following EVN-NREN meeting 1 held at Aveiro, Portugal, 25 May 2011 excellent communications were in place between the NRENs and the Radio Astronomy community. Work Package leaders proposed that meeting 2 should be near or at the end of Period 2 and linked with another meeting. It was held on Monday 17th September, co-located with the NORDUnet Conference 18th – 20th September 2012, Oslo, Norway The aims of the EVN-NREN meeting included: ▫ Exchange of NREN development and NEXPReS requirement Roadmaps ▫ Discussion of the current development and operation of BoD services ▫ Identification of the lessons learned from the NEXPReS Tests & Demos ▫ Identification of common work areas for the future Slide: 16 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 2- EVN-NREN
D2.02 EVN-NREN meeting 2 Slide: 17 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 2- EVN-NREN
D2.02 EVN-NREN meeting 2 The Agenda items were: GEANT 100G rolloutRichard Hughes-Jones, DANTE NREN Aggregated updateRHJ NORDUnet & BoDNORDUnet Update on BoD at SURFnetGerben van Malenstein, SURFnet News from AustraliaGuido Aben, AARNet NSI v2Guy Roberts, DANTE Summary of BoD work at JodrellJimmy Cullen, Jodrell Summary of WP6Paul Boven, JIVE Discussion of lessons learned from the NEXPReS Tests & Demos all SKA - an update for two sitesRoshene McCool, SKA Identify common work areas for futureall Slide: 18 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 2- EVN-NREN
D2.04- Radio Sites of Interest Provides an update on the network connectivity for: ▫ Existing and new Radio Telescopes around the world regions. ▫ Networking infrastructure of potential interest to Radio Astronomy. Information is provided for the following regions: ▫ GÉANT: Pan European and a summary of connectivity to world regions ▫ Links between Europe and the US – ACE & GÉANT ▫ Africa ▫ The Pan-Asia Region – the TEIN Network ▫ Australia & New Zealand ▫ Latin America ▫ Russia The presentation will be updated as new data becomes available ▫ First update has been shared with the Commission Slide: 19 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 2- EVN-NREN
D2.04- Radio Sites of Interest Slide: 20 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 2- EVN-NREN
Additional P2 Activities of Note Active in Bandwidth on Demand activities ▫ Coordinated with JANET, GÉANT, NORDUnet, FUnet, JBO and MRO to establish 4 Gbit BoD ▫ Assisted with the creation, commissioning, & testing of the dynamic links JBO-London JBO-Stockholm JBO-MRO Helped liaise with NORDUnet for connections to be used in the NSI BoD tests. WP 2- EVN-NREN NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 21
WP3: eVSAG Francisco ‘Paco’ Colomer FG-IGN
WP 3: eVSAG Activity Leader: Francisco Colomer (FG-IGN) Purpose: ▫ eVSAG- e-VLBI Science Advisory Group ▫ Coordinates the discussions linking the science and technology of e-VLBI with possible operational and policy impacts ▫ Explain the activities of NEXPReS and its implications for the scientific community at large P2 Deliverable ▫ D3.01 eVSAG F2F meeting 1 Slide: 23 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012
D3.01 eVSAG F2F Meeting Held on Nov 4 2011 @ Royal Observatory of Madrid (Spain) Present 10 members + other 12 by videoconf (EVO) Link: Slide: 24 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 3- eVSAG
D3.01 eVSAG F2F meeting Agenda items: ▫ WP7 demo ▫ Availability of e-VLBI ▫ Proposals statistics ▫ Scheduled e-VLBI sessions ▫ Proposals requesting ? ▫ Revision of call for proposals ▫ Disk recording vs. e-transfer Slide: 25 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 3- eVSAG
D3.01 eVSAG F2F meeting Action items: ▫ Keep updated the inventory of e-VLBI telescopes (Done). ▫ Investigate user demand on e-VLBI (will do at next EVN Users’ meeting @ Bordeaux, October 11 2012. ▫ Changes in proposal tool NorthStar to allow flexible disk+e-VLBI combinations in a single proposal. Slide: 26 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 3- eVSAG
WP4: Communications Kristine Yun Public Outreach Officer, JIVE
WP4: Communications Activity Leader: Kristine Yun (JIVE) Purpose: ▫ external communications – astronomy community, networking community, greater scientific community, general public ▫ internal communications - partner support via wiki, meetings, outreach materials P2 Deliverable ▫ D4.07 Publish Print Items NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 28
D4.07 Publish Print Items Brochure printed for D4.06 in P1 Since then, no significant project updates to warrant changes to the brochure Additional copies of the brochure made to replenish supplies and fulfill deliverable D4.07 (approved by EC) NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 29 WP 4- Communications
D4.07 Publish Print Items Movie: “JIVE – Forging a path to the future of radio astronomy” Features major activities of NEXPReS and EXPReS Includes animated explanations of interferometry, VLBI, and e-VLBI NEXPReS partners encouraged to use film segments in presentations, and to work with outreach office to make local- language subtitles NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 30 WP 4- Communications
D4.07 Publish Print Items Deliverable completed on-time and on-budget ▫ Brochure printing costs were as planned ▫ Movie was coordinated by WP4 activity leader (thus WP4 personnel resources); production costs were paid by JIVE NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 31 WP 4- Communications
Additional P2 Activities of Note Display: GARR 2012, JIVE Review, JENAM 2012, and Resolving the Sky 2012 (+ IAU GA at beginning of P3) Brochures: All partners, 9th e-VLBI Workshop, GARR 2011, ERIS, and Future Internet Week Poznan Additional publications: EC press release, GÉANT Expert Group Report, and R&E Networks e-Science Briefing 9 scientific papers, 26 technical talks, and 2 technical posters ASTRON/JIVE Daily Image: 9 appearances NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 Slide: 32 WP 4- Communications
Questions/Comments Contact Information: ▫ T. Charles Yun ▫ NEXPReS Project Manager ▫ JIVE ▫ ▫ Additional information available via NEXPReS is an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3), funded under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013) under grant agreement no RI-261525. Slide: 33 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012
Recommendations from P1 Review After the P1 Review, the reviewers had six items that they wanted to see addressed The following slides identify our actions to each of the six points Slide: 34 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
R1- Revise D5.2 Revise the content of Deliverable D5.2 to include real metrics to measure reliability, availability as perceived by the user, scalability, robustness as planned in the DoW (see the comments on progress with WP5 in the review report) and resubmit before the end of November 2011. After the P1 review, WP5 Leader Szomoru exchanged emails and telephone calls over the end of November 2011 and early December 2011 with the Project Officer to clarify manner in which the project would address this issue. The commission agreed that Deliverable 5.2 was to be amended resulting in three addendums (part of the 5.2 deliverable bundle) which addressed the concerns Slide: 35 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
R2- Overspending Get formal commitment from partners who have largely overspent that they will provide the ongoing support within the budget as foreseen in the DoW before the end of November 2011. The Commission received and accepted two statements from the overspending partners CSIRO and INAF indicating their commitment to the project on 1 Dec 2011 Both partners provided letters that described their historical partnerships with the EVN as well as their commitment to maintain their efforts to complete the necessary work associated with the project. Slide: 36 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
R3- Testimonials (1 of 2) Close and fruitful links with end-users can be assumed but are not well documented in the deliverables. Some testimonials should be brought to the next review. The role and effectiveness of eVSAG should also be described in more detail in the deliverables or reports of the second period. The eVSAG meeting Nov 2011 highlighted the way in which the eVSAG brought together information and showcased the increasing use of e-VLBI by the community (presented by Tom Muxlow as chair of the EVN PC) ▫ There was a prominent NEXPReS WP7 Demo *and* how to adjust responses to ToO ▫ Additional talks covering: status of current e-VLBI sessions, e-VLBI proposal rates, and e-VLBI science results Slide: 37 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
R3- Testimonials (2 of 2) Muxlow has confirmed that an EVN Users Session will be incorporated into the next EVN Symposium ▫ October 2012, Bordeaux, France ▫ Muxlow supported the session and desire to “solicit some feedback and testimonials with regard to e-VLBI” ▫ …and took a personal interest, stating “I will ensure that a discussion regarding e-VLBI is placed in the agenda “ The eVSAG is helping to organize a large conference “Locating Astrophysical Transients” in May 2012 ▫ The week-long meeting is being held in Leiden, the Netherlands ▫ The goal: promote (e-)VLBI and the (e-)EVN to the broader astronomical community engaging the community to provide new ideas on how transient research should be done with the EVN ▫ Further to identify “hot topics” in various fields (supernovae, GRB, optical transients, TeV sources etc.), and how the needs of this broader community could be best served Slide: 38 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
R4- WP7 workplan WP 7 must revise its workplan in order to recover the accumulated 2-month delay during the next 24 months. New workplan should be submitted by the end of 2011. In December 2011, WP7 Leader Kettenis produced a revised workplan addressing the delays in the workplan The Commission approved the document in January 2012 Slide: 39 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
R5- Publication Rate (1 of 2) WP5 and WP1 (as management) should pay more attention on publication rate in support of an adequate dissemination of the results. Some actions to accelerate the publication pace of the final user, the radio-astronomer, using e-VLBI should be studied and proposed in a revised workplan by the end of Q1, 2012. During conversations at the end of Nov 2011 and beginning of Dec 2011, it was agreed that NEXPReS (or the EVN) has little control over publication pace ▫ Most of the advances that come out of WP5 will not result in publishable papers until multiple telescopes can support 4 Gbps observations ▫ The geodetic users are turning around publications more quickly because they have the ability to implement their changes directly into observations Slide: 40 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
R5- Publication Rate (2 of 2) We took these issues seriously and integrated the concerns into the revised D5.2 deliverables as appropriate We note that e-VLBI based papers are asked to cite e-VLBI, JIVE and NEXPReS Slide: 41 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
R6- WP8 & User Requirements The future deliverables in WP8 must describe explicitly in which way the technology choices are influenced by the user requirements identified (e.g. D7.01 and D7.02). Across WPs ▫ WP6 – BoD links provided for testing (OSO, UMAN) ▫ WP7 – Actively involved (e.g. in WP8 face-to-face meetings) developers of WP7 software correlation To bring in WP7 user requirements To maximize WP7 ↔ WP8 software compatibility With the VLBI user community ▫ Fulfilling the need for handling telescope data rate increases 4Gbps (near-term with dBBC) and beyond Slide: 42 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
Recommendations from P1 Review Revise the content of Deliverable D5.2 to include real metrics to measure reliability, availability as perceived by the user, scalability, robustness as planned in the DoW (see the comments on progress with WP5 in the review report) and resubmit before the end of November 2011. Get formal commitment from partners who have largely overspent that they will provide the ongoing support within the budget as foreseen in the DoW before the end of November 2011. Close and fruitful links with end-users can be assumed but are not well documented in the deliverables. Some testimonials should be brought to the next review. The role and effectiveness of eVSAG should also be described in more detail in the deliverables or reports of the second period. Slide: 43 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
Recommendations from P1 Review WP 7 must revise its workplan in order to recover the accumulated 2-month delay during the next 24 months. New workplan should be submitted by the end of 2011. WP5 and WP 1 (as management) should pay more attention on publication rate in support of an adequate dissemination of the results. Some actions to accelerate the publication pace of the final user, the radio-astronomer, using e-VLBI should be studied and proposed in a revised workplan by the end of Q1, 2012. The future deliverables in WP8 must describe explicitly in which way the technology choices are influenced by the user requirements identified (e.g. D7.01 and D7.02). Slide: 44 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 1- Management
Additional P2 Activities of Note Improved videoconferencing system ▫ Additional camera (simultaneous audience and presenter video feed) ▫ Support hardware upgrade Slide: 45 NEXPReS P2 Review – Brussels - 21 September 2012 WP 3- eVSAG
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