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1 CALPADS 101 Wes Scott. 2 Overview – What it is – What data is stored – Important Operations – Certified Data – How get data out of CALPADS Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CALPADS 101 Wes Scott. 2 Overview – What it is – What data is stored – Important Operations – Certified Data – How get data out of CALPADS Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CALPADS 101 Wes Scott

2 2 Overview – What it is – What data is stored – Important Operations – Certified Data – How get data out of CALPADS Outline

3 3 Accountability – What data is used and for what purpose – How is it used – Pre-id – Test/CALPADS matching Outline

4 What is it? California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System – Went live Fall 2009 Predecessor – CSIS – began in 2000 – Tracks students in California’s public schools School of attendance Demographics, including all changes State assessment results – A huge data warehouse – Assigns Statewide Student Identifiers (SSID) 4

5 Who Uses It CALPADS Administrator – Grants access to others (user accounts) Limited Access There is no ‘read-only’ access – Latest plan is to implement in 2015-2016 Number of users varies with district 5

6 What data is Stored? Student Enrollment Information (SENR) – SSID, CDS, grade, start/exit dates, exit codes, place of birth, a-g indicator Student Information (SINF) – Race/Ethnicity, Parent Ed, US School Entry date, home address, parent/guardian English Language Acquisition Status (SELA) – English Proficiency Status, date assigned, primary language 6

7 What data is Stored? Student Programs (SPRG) – 504 plan, Gate, Migrant, SWD (including primary disability), NSLP, Homeless, and a few others Bunch of other data – Staff demographics, staff assignments, courses offered, students schedules (including all classes, grades, etc.), student discipline, CTE, CAHSEE waivers and exemptions 7

8 CALPADS Data Significant data restructuring summer 2014 – Added SELA file (data was in SINF) – Moved a few data elements around – Added some fields for Homeless tracking – Only have to update SINF and SELA if there are changes, not every year – All students exited each year (new exit code E155 if expected to return to the same school) 8

9 9 CALPADS Data Data should be updated on an ongoing basis Data is updated when there is a change – Student changes districts or schools – Any demographic/program changes E.g. There is a SELA created when a student is first enrolled in CALPADS. A new record is submitted only when the English Proficiency changes.

10 Important Operations Each year data needs to be certified – Must be signed off by CALPADS Administrator and Superintendent Compares CALPADS snapshot reports to local SIS counts A major issue that impacts the certification process is concurrent enrollments (CCE) – Student can have a primary enrollment in only one LEA/school at a time – District needs to exit students immediately 10

11 Important Operations MIDS (multiple identifiers) – When a student is assigned multiple SSIDs Preventable Why does this happen? – Lose longitudinal data until resolved – Typically the newest one is assigned 11

12 Certified Data Fall 1 – Data snapshot as of Information Day (first Wednesday in October) – Finalize previous years status all students Student exit codes and reasons – Including Graduates Impacts graduating class cohort – English Learner Information – Immigrant Information 12

13 Certified Data – Current year enrollment and related data NSLP – Direct Certification (CalFresh and CalWORKS) Foster youth - California Department of Social Services (CDSS) – Districts may add students not in CDSS data, but they might not be in LCFF – Certification date is second Friday in December Embargoed Graduation Rate/Dropout/Enrollment Unduplicated Counts (for LCFF purposes) – Amendment deadline is second Friday in February – LFCC is based on this certified data 13

14 Certified Data Fall 2 – Data as of Information Day – Teacher demographics and assignments Highly qualified teachers identified – Courses offered and student class enrollments – English Learner services – Certification deadline is first Friday of March – Amendment deadline is first Friday of April 14

15 Certified Data End-of Year – EOY1 – Student course completion and CTE concentrators and completion – Grades 7-12 only – EOY2 – Program Participation – EOY3 – Discipline (suspensions and expulsions) – EOY4 – CAHSEE waivers/exemptions – Certification deadline 7/31 – Amendment deadline is first Friday in September 15

16 Getting Data out of CALPADS 16 ODS Extracts – ODS – Online Data Store All of the data Not tied to certification process – Extracts Data files (not reports) In the same format as uploaded data – Two additional date fields (first upload and updated)

17 Getting Data out of CALPADS Typical dialog prompts – Data type to extract (e.g. enrollment) – Enrollment start and end date E.g. first and last day of school calendar – Active Student (check box) Do NOT check this for accountability reporting Checking this box will limit extract to currently enrolled students, leaving out students who exited the school/district earlier in the school year. 17

18 Getting Data out of CALPADS Effective dates (SINF) – Looks at individual record start/exit dates – Only picks up the most current records, not all records for the date range Any data updates create a new record/dates Only most recent record is returned which may not be the data of record as of a given test date This is why KDS requests multiple SINF data extracts CDE works with all records for the school year 18

19 Getting Data out of CALPADS Many extracts seem to work as follows regardless of what data is being requested – Select SENR data based on enrollment dates and ‘Active Student’ check box – Matches requested record types to the SENR enrollment records that were selected – SINF adds a filter based on the effective SINF start and end dates – Some extracts ask for academic year (SDIS) 19

20 CDE Data Extracts Late June – first release of accountability reports (6/27/2014) November – post data corrections accountability reports (11/24/2014) Mid-December – Private preview in January based on Fall 1 certified data Early January – CELDT DRM matching April – Preliminary AMAO report Likely June/July for final CELDT matching 20

21 Accountability LCFF based on Fall 1 counts AYP, AMAO, API (2015) – Matches student answer documents (SAD – data files from testing contractor) to CALPADS on SSID – 2012 used for continuous enrollment – 2013 used for demographics and continuous enrollment – 2014 Added AYP CALPADS reports 31.1-31.4 21

22 Accountability – 2014 CAASPP and CELDT SAD updated from CALPADS before sending results to LEAs – Demographic corrections made in CALPADS not SAD Missing or bad SSIDs corrected in SAD on contractors data correction web site Cohort Graduation and dropout rates – First used for class of 2010 graduation rates (base rates for determining 2011 targets) 22

23 Assessments Pre-id – 2015 CAASPP from CALPADS Both SBAC and paper/pencil tests (STAR) CDS, student name, SSID, grade, gender, Hispanic, Race, SWD, English Proficiency, 504 plan, SED, primary language, CELDT levels, Migrant, EL start date, RFEP date – CAHSEE will continue as is (no CALPADS pre-id) – CELDT will continue as is (abbreviated pre- id…will get demographics from CALPADS before sending results to LEAs) 23

24 CALPADS Matching Special rules for matching SAD to CALPADS – Applied to 2014 AYP and AMAO – Likely apply to all future matching – Primary matching on SSID (LEA) and School (school level reporting) – Data used based on test date and CALPADS start/end dates – Special rules when no matching (bad/missing SSID, dates don’t line up) 24

25 CALPADS Matching No SSID match Use local student ID and school code School code, last name, first name, birthdate, gender School code, last name, birthdate, gender School code, birthdate, first 3 letters of last name, first 3 letters of first name 25

26 CALPADS Matching No SSID match If student has multiple SSIDs (MID) – Retired SSID is ignored – Uses non-retired SSID May not match to all historical data If no match – Two or More Races – Not in EL, SWD, SED subgroups – Continuous Enrollment set to ‘Yes’ 26

27 CALPADS Matching Date Matching Applies to all applicable CALPADS file types Matching attempted in priority order Priority 1 – When getting data for: Hispanic, Race, US Entry Date, Parent Ed, English Proficiency, SWD – Match on SSID and School – Test date within a CALPADS start/exit date – If within two CALPADS records, use the one with the start date closest to the test date 27

28 CALPADS Matching Date Matching Priority 2 – When getting data for: Hispanic, Race, US Entry Date, Parent Ed, English Proficiency, SWD – Match SSID and School but test date not between a start/end date – Use CALPADS with start or exit date closest to test date No match through priority 2 – Parent Ed, English Proficiency, SWD set to standard no-match defaults 28

29 CALPADS Matching Date Matching Priority 3 – When getting data for: Hispanic, Race, US Entry Date – SSID but no school match – Test date within CALPADS start/end date Priority 4 – When getting data for: Hispanic, Race, US Entry Date – SSID but no school match – CALPADS record with start or end date closest to test date 29

30 CALPADS Matching Date Matching Priority 5 – No Match on SSID within current school year – Hispanic and Race only Look at historical CALPADS to get a match If no match, Two or More Races CAHSEE ELA and Math test dates may match up to different CALPADS records – May impact AYP 30

31 CALPADS Matching Missing or Invalid Test Dates CAASPP (STAR) – Use the most common test date of other students at same school – If only day portion blank, set to 15 – If still unknown, set to March 15 CELDT – Set to September 1 CAHSEE – Missing one content area, use other content date – Use steps 1 and 2 of CAASPP logic 31

32 Miscellaneous NSLP – If student eligible any time in school year, NSLP set to ‘Yes’. – Exception: CALPADS start date before current school year and end date after current school year SWD – If exited Special Education services within last two years (March 15), still in SWD subgroup 32

33 Summary The district CALPADS person is your friend Maintain CALPADS continually Be sure correct and valid SSID in all pre-ids and/or hand-bubbled SAD Be sure CALPADS data current and correct at time of testing and for CALPADS pre-ids Be sure all paper/pencil test dates are bubbled – CAASPP (STAR) – SGID sheet – CAHSEE – SGID sheet – CELDT – individual answer documents 33


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