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WALT KNOW THE HUMAN ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Endocrine - ? Hormone – what is it?

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Presentation on theme: "WALT KNOW THE HUMAN ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Endocrine - ? Hormone – what is it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 WALT KNOW THE HUMAN ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Endocrine - ? Hormone – what is it?

2 Exocrine or Endocrine Exocrine – release chemical products (enzymes) into ducts – Examples : Sweat, tears, digestive juices Endocrine – directly to bloodstream; NO DUCTS – Example : Hormones

3 Endocrine System Hormones – chemical products that travel in the blood stream and causes changes in the body in order to maintain homeostasis Glands – release hormones to bloodstream directly. Target cells – have specific receptors for specific hormones

4 regulates What does the human endocrine system do? Section 39-2 by means of the Growth Water balance ReproductionMetabolism Calcium and glucose levels Response to stress The Endocrine System Pituitary Ovaries TestesThyroidPancreasAdrenals Parathyroids

5 Five levels involved in the endocrine system : 1. Brain 3. Pituitary gland (Master gland) 4. Hormones 5. Target cells in various organs 2.

6 German vocabulary : 1.Gehirn 2.Hypothalamus 3.Hypophyse 4.Hormone 5.Zielzellen

7 Hypothalamus Part of brain and attached to pituitary Controls pituitary secretions

8 Pituitary Gland Master gland – Controls the other endocrine glands Growth Hormone (GH) – Too much – gigantism – Too little – dwarfism Antidiuretic (ADH) – Stimulates kidneys to keep water

9 WALT know the glands, hormones produced and their functions. Task : Watch the video. 1.Make a list of the names of the endocrine glands in the human body. 2.Name the hormone produced in each gland. 3.State the function of each hormone. Extra time :

10 Hypothalamus The hypothalamus makes hormones that control the pituitary gland. In addition, it makes hormones that are stored in the pituitary gland. Pituitary gland The pituitary gland produces hormones that regulate many of the other endocrine glands. Parathyroid glands These four glands release parathyroid hormone, which regulate the level of calcium in the blood. Thymus During childhood, the thymus releases thymosin, which stimulates Tcell development. Adrenal glands The adrenal glands release epinephrine and nonepinephrine, which help the body deal with stress. Pineal gland The pineal gland releases melatonin, which is involved in rhythmic activities, such as daily sleep-wake cycles. Thyroid The thyroid produces thyroxine, which regulates metabolism. Pancreas The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon, which regulate the level of glucose in the blood. Ovary The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is required for the development of secondary sex characteristics and for the development of eggs. Progesterone prepares the uterus for a fertilized egg. Testis The testes produce testosterone, which is responsible for sperm production and the development of male secondary sex characteristics Section 39-1 Endocrine Glands

11 Project Term 2 – Hormone Game Aim – To create a game based on hormones. Work in pairs, involves 4 phases : Phase 1 – Planning (1wk) Phase 2 – Creating (1wk) Phase 3 – Presenting (1wk) Phase 4 – Testing by G8 (1wk) Each stage will be graded.

12 Project Term 2 – Hormone Game Planning Phase At the end of today‘s lessons, your team needs to hand in an information sheet. It should include : Name of hormone/s. Name of gland that produces it. What kind of hormone is it? Is it water soluble or lipid soluble? How does it function? Why we chose this hormone? Good Luck. Each stage will be graded.

13 Project Term 2 Creating phase Computer games - Scratch Board games Quiz – on paper/computer Who wants to be a millionaire?

14 The game should have these criterias : - easy to understand instructions - informative - enjoyable - not time consuming End product – tidy, neat and attractive Note : You have two weeks of `Creating phase´. Week 1 – brain storm ideas, rules etc. Week 2 – the final product ready for presenting and testing.

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