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Water, water everywhere Vocabulary Can you DBQ? Geography Ancient Civilizations 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10.

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2 Water, water everywhere Vocabulary Can you DBQ? Geography Ancient Civilizations 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10

3 Vocabulary – 10 Points QUESTION: What is papyrus? ANSWER: Tough water plant, used to make paper in ancient times

4 Vocabulary– 20 Points QUESTION: What is a delta? ANSWER: An area of sediment deposited at the mouth of a river

5 Vocabulary– 30 Points QUESTION: What is a nomad? ANSWER: Someone who travels from place to place with no established home.

6 Vocabulary– 40 Points QUESTION: What are tributaries? ANSWER: Small streams that flow into a larger ‘parent’ river

7 Vocabulary– 50 Points QUESTION: What is topography? ANSWER: The surface features of a place or region ( elevation), such as mountains.

8 Can you DBQ? – 10 Points QUESTION: What does DBQ stand for? ANSWER: Document Based Question

9 Can you DBQ?– 20 Points QUESTION: Where does the punctuation belong when using parenthetical citations? ANSWER: Outside the parentheses

10 Can you DBQ?– 30 Points QUESTION: This is the main claim of your essay, also called chickenfoot or your road map. ANSWER: Thesis Statement

11 Can you DBQ?– 40 Points QUESTION: What is in the cream of the OREO cookie sandwitch? (3 main things) ANSWER: Transition, evidence, and citation

12 Can you DBQ? – 50 Points QUESTION: What is the analytical question asked by one of the two DBQs we have done so far? ANSWER: Hammurabi’s Code: Was it Just? OR How did the Nile River shape Ancient Egypt?

13 Geography – 10 Points QUESTION: What major river runs through Egypt? ANSWER: Nile River

14 Geography – 20 Points QUESTION: Africa and ancient Egypt is mostly what physical feature? ANSWER: desert

15 Geography – 30 Points QUESTION: What are the names of the two deserts on the east and west of the Nile? ANSWER: Libyian and Nubian

16 Geography– 40 Points QUESTION: What body of water lies east of the Nile River, between modern day Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula? ANSWER: Red Sea

17 Geography– 50 Points QUESTION: Name two of the three bodies of water in ancient Canaan ANSWER: Jordan River, Sea of Galilee, Dead Sea

18 Ancient Civilizations – 10 Points QUESTION: Every year with the yearly flood of the Nile, what was deposited that left the soil fertile, and good for growing crops? ANSWER: Silt

19 Ancient Civilizations– 20 Points QUESTION: Besides foods such as wheat, barley, vegetables, and fruit, what often got in every Egyptian meal? ANSWER: Sand!

20 Ancient Civilizations– 30 Points QUESTION: Ancient Egypt had 3 seasons, what was the harvesting season also know as? ANSWER: Shemu

21 Ancient Civilizations– 40 Points QUESTION: What is the difference between the Jordan River in Canaan and the Nile River in ancient Egypt? ANSWER: The Nile floods every year.

22 Ancient Civilizations– 50 Points QUESTION: What desert lies east of the Jordan River in ancient Canaan? ANSWER: Syrian Desert

23 Water, water everywhere– 10 Points QUESTION: The Nile River flows into the…. ANSWER: Mediterranean Sea

24 Water, water everywhere– 20 Points QUESTION: Every year the Nile flooded, which divided up Egypt into how many seasons? ANSWER: three

25 Water, water everywhere– 30 Points QUESTION: The Nile River flows from two smaller rivers, what are there names? ANSWER: White and Blue Nile

26 Water, water everywhere– 40 Points QUESTION: Besides size, what is the difference between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Galilee ANSWER: Sea of Galilee was freshwater

27 Water, water everywhere– 50 Points QUESTION: Approximately how many inches of rain does the Nile delta receive every year? ANSWER: 4 inches

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