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International Institute of Christian Discipleship CS 05d Technical Aspects of Community Services Ministry: Grant Proposal Writing General Conference of.

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Presentation on theme: "International Institute of Christian Discipleship CS 05d Technical Aspects of Community Services Ministry: Grant Proposal Writing General Conference of."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Institute of Christian Discipleship CS 05d Technical Aspects of Community Services Ministry: Grant Proposal Writing General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists ®

2 Creating a Professional Grant Proposal

3 Seven Steps for Successful Proposal Writing 1.Make a case 2.Research and match 3.Inquire 4.Write 5.Rewrite and review 6.Send 7.Follow-up

4 What is a proposal? A document that speaks on behalf of its author, answers all questions it might generate, and persuades the reader to the author’s point of view—usually in the author’s absence.

5 Who receives and considers proposals for funding? Foundations (family, independent, community, corporate, small, large, etc) Government (all levels) Businesses (from local to international) Associations

6 Who receives and considers proposals for funding? (cont.) Churches Federations Pass-through organizations (e.g., an organization gets a grant to distribute to others) Individuals

7 Exercise in Making a Case Define the need or describe the problem you will solve. Define expected outcomes. Explain inherent values. Describe what will be done, how, by whom and when.

8 Essential Information to Research Commitment to field of interest Geographic limitations Range of award size Applicant eligibility Special population groups of interest Award restrictions

9 Essential Information to Research (cont.) Matching or cost-sharing requirements Procedures Deadlines Format and/or forms Contact information

10 Research Resources Electronic Volumes News sources of all kinds Individuals/Colleagues Similar institutions Annual reports Libraries

11 Suggested Exercise The trainer should bring into the session a few samples from foundation guidelines so that students can learn how to do appropriate prospect research, and should also discuss how to determine interests of other funders.

12 Writing the Inquiry Letter (or, Letter of Intent) One page, preferably Objectives and outcomes Specifically addressed Title of project Possibly include summary and budget Suggest your follow-up Keep cost reference to minimum

13 Suggested Exercise The Elevator Exercise. Divide up participants into pairs. One will be a potential funder, the other will be the person making the request. Here is the scenario.

14 The Elevator Exercise You are entering an office building in your city. You notice that a foundation employee is entering the elevator. You enter as well, greet that person, and begin to present your case. You have exactly four floors during which to do this, and you don’t know just how long the elevator will take to get to the 4 th floor.

15 The Elevator Exercise (cont.) What will you say? Practice, and your instructor will tell you when the elevator has reached the 4 th floor. You can’t hold the “door open” button, but perhaps can continue for a few minutes in the hallway.

16 The Elevator Exercise (cont.) When you are finished, change roles and do the exercise again. Then discuss what you could have done better, what you would do next time, and how you felt about this experience.

17 Proposal Components Cover sheet (cover page, face page) Abstract (executive summary, summary) Table of contents Introduction Problem statement (need statement, program statement) Goals, Objectives, Outcomes

18 Proposal Components (cont.) Proposed solution (method, procedure) Timeline Impact of grant Rationale Staff

19 Proposal Components (cont.) Facilities Evaluation Budget and budget narrative Future funding Description of organization

20 Proposal Components (cont.) Appendices 501(c)(3) letter (tax letter) List of board members Organizational budget Audited financial statement (if your organization is small, there are ways to avoid an expensive audit—check with the IRS or an auditor).

21 Preparation Suggestions Plan ahead. Involve others. Customize your proposal. Focus. Be reader-friendly. Proofread.

22 Review Processes Internal review—why, who, how. External review—why, who, how.

23 Writing Suggestions Be confident. Show credibility and capability. Be clear. Don’t use jargon, other obfuscating language. Try to find out who your readers are. Get the reader excited. Be specific and factual. Don’t forget both the head and the heart.

24 Submission Nitty-Gritty Cover letter Deadlines Enclosures Bindings Multiple submissions

25 The Proposal Letter Increased use. Follows proposal format. Know the differences in various kinds of letters. Challenges.

26 Follow-up What to do if funded. What to do if rejected. Reasons why proposals are rejected. Reporting procedures.

27 Your Action Steps Develop your case. Be ready! Identify prospective funders. Contact and/or cultivate funders. Develop proposal. Develop budget. Write! Review. Send.

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