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World Semester 1 Final Baseball. Christianity & this faith were monotheistic, had a sacred text, & missionary activity.

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Presentation on theme: "World Semester 1 Final Baseball. Christianity & this faith were monotheistic, had a sacred text, & missionary activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Semester 1 Final Baseball

2 Christianity & this faith were monotheistic, had a sacred text, & missionary activity

3 We are waiting for you to be quiet

4 Both the Roman empire & this empire had centralized govts

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6 Loyalty to the ruler, female chastity, respect for old ppl, & obedience to the father were part of this social order

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8 Of the founders of major world religions, who lived 1,000 yrs after the others

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10 Arabs expanded into urban areas, while this group invaded places that were less urbanized

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12 Middle Eastern, East African & Asian merchants traded here (1000- 1450)

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14 The Japanese equivalent of the medieval knight

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16 Islam & Hinduism spread here through trade

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18 Mongols tried to invade here, but failed

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20 Europeans wanted tropical colonies to harvest pepper, sugar & this

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22 The Spanish conquered this group by forming military alliances with their enemy

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24 Africans brought music, folklore, crop cultivation & this to the New World

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26 This gender system assumes that women are inferior & must be protected by men

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28 Judaism, Islam & Christianity recognize the existence of Adam & _____________

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30 After Islam expanded into Africa, Christians remained in Egypt & this country

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32 This country halted exploration because it was concerned with domestic problems & wanted to focus on protecting its borders

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34 This language was the result of global trade

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36 This empire re- established the Silk Road between Asia & Europe

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38 This European traveler learned about paper $ & frequent bathing at Kublai Khan’s court

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40 During the 16 th century, Italian city states & this empire dominated Mediterranean trade

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42 European powers were able to trade with Asia by 1600 because they got this from the New World

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44 Russia absorbed traditions & technology from Europe & this empire

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46 This agreement between Spain & Portugal resolved territorial disputes over the Americas & the Indian Ocean

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48 This part of the Roman Empire had a loyal army, a skilled bureaucracy & profitable agriculture

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50 This religion spread from China to Korea to Japan

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52 Both Rome & this empire were invaded by borderland peoples

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54 Cultural commonalities in sub-Saharan Africa can be attributed to descendents from this group

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56 Before 1400 this had the most significant impact on population

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58 The need for efficient administrators led to the adoption of Neo Confucianism by this dynasty

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60 These two groups emerged after the fall of the Mongol khanate

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62 This empire converted the Slavs to Christianity

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64 This empire extended across parts of Europe & Asia, spread the plague, tried to conquer Japan, & expanded trade across Central Asia

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66 In the post-classical era (700-1200CE), the Islamic empire & this empire were urbanized & traded on both land & sea

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68 This culture helped transmit Greek & Arab learning to Medieval Europe

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70 After the 6 th century, these emperors maintained political unity primarily by making dynastic marriages & diplomatic alliances

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72 The largest decline in % of global population in history occurred here

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74 Between 1600 & 1700, the main product in the Atlantic trade was

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76 The introduction of this crop led to an increase in northern Europe’s population

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78 This group founded the Qing dynasty in China

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80 This Mughal leader’s goal was to build an extensive empire

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82 The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain was initially based on this product

83 Both the Roman empire & this empire relied on mercenary armies Abbasids

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85 Both Christianity & this were outgrowths of other religions, developed monastic orders, were aided in their spread by trade networks & venerated ppl of high spiritual merit

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87 Both of these New World civilizations used innovative agricultural techniques to increase agricultural production

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89 Leaders in West Africa & Europe adopted scholarship from this civilization

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91 In the time period 900-1450, both the Middle East & Europe imported gold from this region

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93 After this war, France lost most of its holdings in India, while England gained territory in North America

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95 This country set expeditions to explore North America, Alsaska, & the Hawaiian Islands

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97 The name for the biological exchange between the E & W hemisphere

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99 The spread of Islam in W. Africa was the result of the influence of this group

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101 During the 16 th & 17 th century, this country exported more than it imported, & had most of the world’s silver

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103 In this type of 17-18 th century European govt, the monarch made, interpreted & carried out the laws

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105 The introduction of new crops from the Americas led to an increase in population in this Asian country

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107 The largest number of Muslims in the world today live in this region

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109 This country had the greatest manufacturing capacity before 1450

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111 People from this region were sold into slavery between the 16 th & 19 th centuries

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113 During the 16 th century, Italian city states & this empire dominated Mediterranean trade

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115 British colonies in the southern part of N. America had economies similar to this region

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117 Both Asian & European philosophies were closely associated with this before 1450

118 After the 13 th century, Crusader states established a trading relationship with this group

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120 This religion was founded on a belief that it is possible to end suffering

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122 Under this Indian dynasty, a Muslim minority ruled over a Hindu majority

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124 During the 16 th -18 th century, Korea, China & this country had isolationist policies & regulated interactions with foreigners

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126 This group managed household supplies & finances in Europe & Japan during the feudal period

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128 This Chinese admiral stopped at East African ports on the Indian Ocean

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130 During the 14 th century, merchants traveled to India for this coveted spice

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132 Both Southeast Asia & this region depended on forced labor

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134 This country began trading relationship with West Africa after making important discoveries in navigational technology

135 We are waiting for you to be quiet

136 This country appointed administrators to run its colonies in the New World

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