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Use the new words to complete the sentences. 1. We often _______ children _____ flowers. 2. How has the global warming ___________? 3. We burn large ___________.

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Presentation on theme: "Use the new words to complete the sentences. 1. We often _______ children _____ flowers. 2. How has the global warming ___________? 3. We burn large ___________."— Presentation transcript:


2 Use the new words to complete the sentences. 1. We often _______ children _____ flowers. 2. How has the global warming ___________? 3. We burn large ___________ coal every year. 4. The president _______ his view on this subject. 5. Hard work __________ success. compareto come about quantities of stated results in

3 Using language --Reading and discussing What can we do about global warming?

4 What cause the Global Warming? It is too hot!

5 smoke from cars

6 smoke from factories


8 Water pollution

9 Deforestation

10 The war

11 What are the effects of global warming?

12 1. What disasters do they mention in this video? 2. What cause these disasters? Watch and discuss:

13 What can we do about global warming? Reading and discussing

14 Skim the two letters, and answer the questions below: 1. Who are the writers of these two letters? 2.What is the purpose of writing the letters? 3.Do Earth Care agree that individuals can have no effect? Task 1:

15 1. Who are the writers of these two letters? Ouyang Guang and Earth Care. 2.What is the purpose of writing the letters? Getting and giving some suggestions. 3.Does Earth Care agree that individuals can have no effect? No, Earth Care dose not agree.

16 Now scan the second letter and list Earth Care ’ s suggestions in the chart on P30, and discuss whether you can carry out each suggestion. Give reason for your answers. Task 2:

17 Earth Care’s suggestion Can you carry it out? Reason Turn off electrical appliances. Yes Save energy clothes instead of heat. Yes Save energy walk or ride a bike Yes Save energy Recycle; recycled materials. Yes Save energy

18 Earth Care ’ s suggestion Can you carry it out? Reason parents or friends buy products that are made to save energy Yes Save energy Yes Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air Talk about global warming Yes Together, individuals can make a difference. Plant more trees

19 Further discussion: From your point of view, which of the following activities will harm our earth the most? Why? How to solve it?

20 A B C D The war Smoke from factory Cutting down trees littering

21 A nuclear bomb 核弹 gas bomb 毒气弹 radiation 辐射 Chemical weapons 化学武器 ban the war peace

22 B harmful gas acid rain 硫酸雨 reduce air pollution solar energy 太阳 能 wind power hydropower 水力 发电

23 C CO ⒉ floods draughts only- once chopsticks 一次 性筷子 paper handkerchief 纸 巾

24 D pollute earth surface terrible smell reduce reuse recycle

25 A. The War nuclear bomb 核弹 gas bomb 毒气弹 radiation 辐射 Chemical weapons 化学武器 ban the war peace B. Smoke from factory harmful gas acid rain 硫酸雨 reduce/air pollution solar energy 太阳能 wind power hydropower 水力发电 C. Cutting down trees Carbon dioxide floods draughtsonly- once chopsticks 一次性筷子 paper handkerchief 纸 巾 D. littering Pollute earth surface terrible smell reduce reuse recycle

26 I think B will…and … because…. I think A will affect our earth the most… Present your idea and others can object to it.

27 Help me, help you, help everyone. Return GREEN to the earth! Help me, help you, help everyone. Return GREEN to the earth!







34 windmills

35 hydropower

36 solar energy




40 Homework: 1.Write down your result of the discussion and hand in tomorrow. 2.Search more information about global warming on the internet.

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