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FY2009 NSGP Application Workshop. To ensure that nonprofit organizations from the Houston Urban Area are equipped to develop strong proposals that will.

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Presentation on theme: "FY2009 NSGP Application Workshop. To ensure that nonprofit organizations from the Houston Urban Area are equipped to develop strong proposals that will."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY2009 NSGP Application Workshop

2 To ensure that nonprofit organizations from the Houston Urban Area are equipped to develop strong proposals that will be competitive against other applicants from across the Unites States. Workshop Purpose

3  $15 million for nationwide allocation  $15 million available in FY2008 621 proposals 232 were funded No Texas proposals were funded  $24 million available in FY2007 FY2009 NSGP

4 To support target hardening activities at nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack. Also designed to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness among public and private community representatives, State & local government agencies, and Citizen corps Councils. NSGP Summary

5  Officially, the limit is $75,000  State of Texas takes 3% for “management & administration”  Therefore the max a local organization can receive is $72,750 Max Grant Award

6  75% Federal – 25% Local (grantee match)  Match must be from non-federal sources  Cash or in-kind match is acceptable  Training can be used as match: - use of new equipment - general purpose security training - emergency preparedness  Regular personnel costs don’t count. NSGP Cost Sharing AKA: The Match Requirement

7 Proposals from Nonprofit organizations UAWG Exec Committee Local Review Committee Scores Prioritization The Grant Process SAA (GDEM) DHS Prioritization (by score) for all TX UASIs

8 NIMS COMPLIANCE - Handout on NIMS recommendations for NGOs - Additional info online for healthcare organizations - 501(c)(3) Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) Number Houston Urban Area - City of Houston - Harris, Montgomery, Ft Bend, Galveston, Brazoria Counties Your Application Step 1: Are you eligible?

9 Step 2: Is what you want to do allowable? Your Application - Review the grant guidance - Check the authorized equipment list (AEL): - If in doubt, call: Caroline Stephens at 832-393-0928

10 Step 3: Fill out the template Your Application - Access the FY2009 NSGP project template from - Download it (save it onto YOUR computer) - In MS Word, under Tools, use the Word Count feature to ensure that you are within the allowable limits

11  Name of Organization  Organization Type [e.g., medical, religious]  501(c)(3)  Dun & Bradstreet:  FY2009 Urban Area: HOUSTON! Section I. Applicant Info Your Application

12  Double click in the box under the heading Local Grant Request (to launch Excel)  Enter the amount of your request  Hit tab; everything else will auto-calculate  Click back on the main worksheet (Excel will close) Section I. Applicant Info - Project Budget Your Application

13  Prior NSGP Funding: enter dollar amount and year [e.g., $50,000 FY2007 NSGP]  Prior DHS funding: enter dollar amount and source [e.g., $2 million FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant]  Current DHS contract: enter yes or no. If yes, briefly identify it. Section I. Applicant Info Your Application

14 Section II: Background Your Application  Membership/community served  Citizen Corps Council involvement  Symbolic value of site  Known infrastructure in close proximity  Role (if any) in response or recovery

15 Critical Infrastructure Sectors Your Application  Agriculture & Food  Banking & Finance  Chemical  Commercial Facilities  Communications  Dams  Defense  Drinking water  Emergency Services  Energy  Government  IT  Monuments/Icons  Nuclear  Postal/shipping  Public health  Transportation

16 Section III: Investment Heading Your Application  Investment name  Total funding request [include state M&A]  Investment phase [new or ongoing]

17 Section IV: Baseline Your Application  FY2008 NSGP award = $0  FY2007 NSGP award  FY2005 award  Other DHS funding

18 Section V: Risk Your Application  Threat: discuss findings from prior risk assessments and/or police findings  Vulnerabilities: discuss the organization/facility’s susceptibility to destruction, incapacitation, or exploitation by a terrorist attack.

19 Section V: Risk Your Application  Potential Consequences: discuss potential negative effects on the asset, system and/or network if damaged, destroyed, or disrupted by terrorist attack

20 Section VI: Target Hardening Your Application  Outline what you propose to do - Include budget (total funds requested) - Include AEL category/code  Directly correlate what you propose to the responses in Section V (Risk)  Be organized and linear in your presentation; don’t make them hunt for the information.

21 Section VII: Milestones Your Application  Should read like a project plan  Example: start: 9/1/2009 end: 12/31/2009 Milestone: Secure Environmental & Historical Compliance authorization Key Activities: Secure required forms/documentation; complete FEMA checklist; submit request; provide follow- up materials (as required)

22 Section VIII: Project Management Your Application  Who will manage the project? - Describe roles and responsibilities [project management, fiscal management, subject matter experts (e.g., law enforcement, security personnel, architects, etc.), overall governance]  Implementation Challenges - “None anticipated” is the only wrong answer - Environmental clearance delays; hurricanes  Coordination with state/local partners

23 Section IX: Grantee Match Plan Your Application  How will you meet the match requirement?? - If cash, identify the source of the money - If in-kind, explain it.  Any other money? - Beyond the required match, is there other funding that you’re investing in target hardening?

24 Section X: Impact Your Application  How will you know you’re successful? - Outputs (e.g., # personnel trained, # lights installed) - Outcomes (e.g., follow-up vulnerability assessment)  What target capability are you working to achieve? - (Federal Links/DHS tab/TCL) - Options: Risk Management; Community Preparedness & Participation; Critical Infrastructure Protection

25 1/13/09 Proposals due by 10:59 pm to 3/20/09 SAA (GDEM) submits aps to DHS 1/15 – 2/6Committee review of submitted proposals 2/6/09Reviewer deliberations/final scores submitted 12/12/08Application Workshop Houston NSGP Timeline 2/9 – 2/13Executive Committee prioritization (by score) 3/6/09 Local scores/prioritization submitted

26 - Program updates - Application form - Links to guidance - This presentation

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