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Unit9 Lesson 2 On the Move. 1. Have you ever been on an airplane? 2. Have you ever been aboard? Where did you go? 3. Have you ever travelled a long distance.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit9 Lesson 2 On the Move. 1. Have you ever been on an airplane? 2. Have you ever been aboard? Where did you go? 3. Have you ever travelled a long distance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit9 Lesson 2 On the Move

2 1. Have you ever been on an airplane? 2. Have you ever been aboard? Where did you go? 3. Have you ever travelled a long distance on your own? How did you travel?

3 passport 护照

4 platform 站台,月台

5 check in 报到,登记 information desk 服务台

6 baggage \ luggage

7 passport control 护照检验处

8 seat belt safty belt 安全带

9 timetable schedule 时间表

10 boarding card 登机证

11 air hostess 空姐

12 ambassador (n) 大使 j sensitive (adj.) 敏感的 d grey (adj.) 灰色的 a gentle (adj.) 温和的 e fierce (adj.) 残忍的 h vocabulary (n) 词汇 c accent (n) 口音 f interpreter (n) 翻译员 k likely (adj.) 可能的 l schedule (n) 时间表 g foolish (adj.) 愚蠢的 b responsibility (n) 职责 m rely on (phrasal verb) 依赖 i

13 Listening How old do you think Mary is? Which words give this away? She may be over 60, because her hair is grey and she looks a bit like a grandmother. How old do you think Mary is? Which words give this away? She may be over 60, because her hair is grey and she looks a bit like a grandmother.

14 Listen and complete the information. FlightDestinationGate CA 233Beijing Shanghai DG 678 5 12 4 14 CX601 CX988 Guilin Guangzhou Why did Hao Qi not arrive? Because Mary remembered the wrong day. It was not the day for them to Xi’an.

15 Listen to the dialogues, decide where they are taking place and what the people are talking about and complete the function file. 听对话、填空;并找出对话发生的 地点和说话人谈论的话题。

16 Man: _________, are you sure this is your ____? Woman: Yes, I am. Number _____. Man: But my ____________ has got that number. Woman: Well, ask the air hostess about it. 14 A boarding card Excuse me seat Dialogue 1 in a plane, talking about their seat numbers

17 Woman: I’d like a _____ to Newcastle, please. Man: Single or ______? Woman: Single. Man: Smoking or non-smoking? Woman: Non-smoking, please. ticket return Dialogue 2

18 Man: That’ll be ____________________ please. Woman: What ________ does it go from? Man: Number 6, over there. Woman: And what time does it _____? Man: Er, at ____________________. twenty-five pounds ( £ 25 ) platform arrive half past ten (10:30) at a train station, buying a ticket

19 Woman: Good morning. How much _______ have you got? Man: Just one case. Woman: Could I see your ________, please? That’s fine. baggage passport Dialogue 3

20 Man: The _____ is late, isn’t it? Woman: Yes, but only 15 minutes. Here is your _____________. Go through ________ ________ now and then listen for the ____ number. Man: Thank you. flight boarding card passport control gate at an airport, checking in the luggage

21 Listen to three sentences and choose the correct meaning: a, b or c. 1. Eric wants to go to Krakow by train. a) Not Sarah. b) Not Beijing. c) Not by bus. c) Not by bus. train

22 2. I’d like a single ticket for a morning train in a non-smoking compartment. a) Not a return ticket. b) Not an afternoon train. c) Not in a smoking compartment. b) Not an afternoon train. morning

23 3. A man told me to go to gate number two at three o’clock. a) Not a woman. b) Not to gate four. c) Not half past two. b) Not to gate four. two

24 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1. As I ran on to the platform 2. The plane took off 3. I’ve already checked in 4. He was going through passport control 5. She pulled up suddenly a) when he realised he didn’t have his passport. b) my luggage. c) the train was just pulling out d) at the traffic lights. e) five minutes ago.

25 C: Can I help you? P: Good morning. Yes, I’ve lost my suitcase. It is important for me. C: Don’t be worried. We will try our best to help you. Can you describe your suitcase to me? P: Oh, thank you. My suitcase is ….The size is …×…And there is/are…on …

26 C: What’s your name? P: … C: What’s inside the suitcase? P: … C:I think we can find the suitcase for you. What is your phone number? P:…. C: I’ll call you as soon as possible when we find it. P: Thank you.

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