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 -freed only the slaves in Confederate states.  -It did not free slaves in the Border States.

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2  -freed only the slaves in Confederate states.  -It did not free slaves in the Border States.

3  -Reasons Joined: freedom, citizenship, honor, respect & pay  -Hardships Faced:  if captured often killed or sold into slavery  received less pay than white soldiers  no guarantee of gaining the rights of citizenship

4  escaped slaves the right to join the Union army in 1862

5  consisted mostly of free blacks. In 1863 led a heroic charge on South Carolina’s Fort Wagner.

6  were against the Civil War, sympathized with the South, and opposed abolition.

7  is a constitutional protection against unlawful imprisonment.  Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus.  Lincoln saw Copperheads as a threat to the war effort and jailed them without evidence or trial.

8  -rich men $300 bought their way out of military service & poor men were being drafted to fight the war

9  -firing at close range, bayoneting, lack of medicine, & medical treatment  - Biggest killer: diseases, nearly twice as many soldiers died of illnesses as died in combat.

10  -Andersonville, Georgia (South) and Elmira, New York (North) were prison camps.  -Little shelter, food, or clothing.  -Starvation & disease killed thousands of prisoners.

11  -Women and men to old or young for military service worked in factories and farms.

12  Founded the American Red Cross  “Angel of the battlefield” who worked at field hospitals.

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