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Working with ReSources 20TH OCTOBER 2015 SUE SENTANCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with ReSources 20TH OCTOBER 2015 SUE SENTANCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with ReSources 20TH OCTOBER 2015 SUE SENTANCE

2 Today’s menu TimeTopic 9:30Examples of resources 10:00Classification of resources 10:50Break 11:10Resources for assessment and progression with visit from Mark Dorling 12:30Lunch 1:30Evaluation of resources – establishing criteria 2:00Develop evaluation of two resources 3:20Presentation of evaluations 4:00Finish

3 Sessions around resources DateTopic 21 st OctoberResources for teaching Software tool/online environments Evaluation processes Progression Pathways 25 th January (am)Sharing of resources for teaching Classification of resources for your own use 10 th February (day) Physical Computing: resources involving hardware/kit BBC micro:bit, Arduino/Gadgeteer/Raspberry Pi etc. 16 th February (day) Development of your own resources Presentation of a resource of your own

4 STARTER ( 5 mins) An example of a resource for assessment is Socrative Create a student account on Socrative Find the room: PGCECSKCL Don’t start until I say you can start!

5 Objectives for today  You will be introduced to a new topic area  You will begin to understand different ways of approaching evaluation of resources  You will become familiar with new tools and environments that you can use in your teaching

6 Types of resources  Software  Specialist software tools  Web-based environments  Generic software (Office packages/web browsers etc) – are these resources?  Hardware  Micro-controller kits (eg Arduino)  Brick-based kits (Lego etc)  IWB / Little Whiteboards  Visualiser  Paper-based materials  All CS Unplugged etc resources  Worksheets/Tutorials  Other  Collections of resources etc

7 List of Online resources for teaching programming to start you off….  Alice (BYOD)  Scratch  Kodu (BYOD)  Code Academy  Greenfoot (3/5)  Blue J (BYOD)  Construct  GameMaker (3/5)  RoboMind   Minecraft  Livecode  Touch Develop  SNAP!  Blockley  Codio  The New Boston…  … your ideas

8 Other Examples of general or CS resources Video tutorials  YouTube  The New Boston Unplugged resources  CS Unplugged materials  Teach London Computing  CS Inside General depositories for teachers  Computing At School  Teach  TES Logic  Crocodile Clips  Networking - Cisco Packet Tracer (for Cisco academies at present) Fetch-Execute Cycle - Little Man Computer Databases - Mia’s Sandwich Shop Mia’s Sandwich Shop - Phoenix Circus Phoenix Circus - WhoDunnit Database WhoDunnit Database

9 Resources involving “kit”  Arduino  Raspberry Pi .NET Gadgeteer  Scratch Sensor Board  Lego Mindstorms/ We Do  … others We will explore these on February 10 th – please bring a laptop and I will give you some instructions as to what to install!.

10 Classification of resources What is it for? E.g. teaching, assessment, CPD, collaborative working etc. What format is it in? e.g. website, paper, hardware, person(!), etc. Who is it for? Students, teachers, which key stage, etc. What is the cost? Free, subscription, one-off cost, etc.

11 Task 1: Resource overview (60 mins)  In pairs, look at some of the resources on the list and add your own ideas  Try to identify WHO and WHAT this might be useful for  Is there a pedagogical strategy underlying the resource as far as you can see  Work collaboratively to organise resource you know into boards in 3 groups Example Trello Board

12 Task: Classifying resources (60 mins)  Trello is a tool for collaborating on projects  Create an account on Trello and join one of the 3 boards I have made for you Group 1 : Group 2 : Group 3 : Create lists for the classifications shown

13 Break

14 Visit from Mark Dorling, Progression Pathways

15 Lunch

16 Evaluation of resources  Predictive evaluation is based on evaluating the use of software/hardware resource prior to its use with students  Approaches to predictive evaluation  Reviews  Checklist  Frameworks  Squires’ approach (1997) – article on KEATS  Heuristic evaluation  Formed around questions such as:  Is the learner active?  How appropriate is the content to the curriculum?  What is the level of learner control?  What form of learner feedback is provided?

17 Evaluation of resources - criteria Development of criteria – some examples:  Is the learner active?  How appropriate is the content to the curriculum?  What is the level of learner control?  What form of learner feedback is provided? Now add 5 questions of your own.

18 Task: evaluation of 2 resources (60 mins)  Work in pairs (and one three) to evaluate two resources  Choose one from the list (no group to choose the same resource) and one of your choice  Establish your criteria for evaluation (who, what, how, etc)  Carry out the evaluation by answering the questions you have used as criteria. Make sure your criteria are clear.  Write up your evaluation as a presentation then upload to the group wiki into the Resources 2015 area  Presentations will start at 3:20 pm. You will have 8 minutes each to present.

19 Group work Groups  Aram and Joel  Dyon and Fassika  Jeffrey, Coco and Debbie  Caroline and Job  Grant and Steepana Choose two resources Each group to choose one of these and one other : 1. Python Tutor 2. Binary boxes 3. Codio 4. The Imp Computer 5. Codecademy

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