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Lesson Four Section Two Task 1: What Do You Like For Entertainment?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Four Section Two Task 1: What Do You Like For Entertainment?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Four Section Two Task 1: What Do You Like For Entertainment?

2 Words & Expressions Proper Names: 1. Brooklyn: One of the five boroughs of NY City. 2. Benny Gross 3. Kimberley Martins

3 Key to the Exercises Interviewee: Students of the Brooklyn Acadamy of Dramatic Arts Major: Benny – piano Kemberley Martins – modern dance

4 BennyKimberley (1) Art gallery (2) Ballet (3) Classical concerts (4) Exhibition (5) Folk concert (6) Opera (7) Pop concert (8) Theatre lots of times a few times many times photographic ones never two or three times never once or twice lots of times almost every time sometimes Lots of times. Those about famous people never Yes, and she saw Madonna once Yes, she ’ s been to the theatre

5 Keys to the Exercises Benny: (3) → (1) → (4) → (6) → (2) → (8) Kimberley; (2) → (4) → (1) → (7) → (3) → (8)

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