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MSESP – Minnesota State Energy Sector Partnership Presentation Regional Meetings.

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Presentation on theme: "MSESP – Minnesota State Energy Sector Partnership Presentation Regional Meetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSESP – Minnesota State Energy Sector Partnership Presentation Regional Meetings

2 MSESP Grant MSESP is three year, $6 million US Department of Labor (DOL) grant to provide Statewide training, job placement, and related activities in the Energy efficient building, construction, and retrofit industries; the renewable electric power industry; and the bio- fuels industry.

3 Vision and Mission The strategic vision of MSESP is for Minnesota to be a global leader in energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. The mission of MSESP is to forge an integrated and demand-driven system of education, training, and support services in energy efficient and renewable energy industries that anticipates and advances skill attainment and sustainable career pathways for Minnesota’s workforce.

4 Leadership Executive Team: Private Sector Led The Partnership is a 40 member group of stakeholders including representatives from: Energy efficiency and renewable energy business and industries GWDC DEED -Department of Employment and Economic Development MWCA – Chair Director of the Minnesota Workforce Council Assoc. State cabinet officials from state agencies Labor organizations State legislators Nonprofit organizations Educational institutions Economic development organizations

5 AARA – Stimulus funding 28 Sub Grantees All grants competitive RFP 4 rounds of funding Review process Employer partnership required Grant info at

6 Grant data Plan TotalActual 4/1/13 Plan Outcomes by Percentage Actual Outcomes by Percentage 4/1/13 Participants Enrolled14952144 100% Participants Completed11961699 80% (of those served) 79% # Receiving Credentials10761528 90% (of those completing education/training 90% Participants Placed/ Incumbent Workers Retained Jobs 897 789/ 430 75% (of those completing education/training) 46% / 72% (2 nd figure includes incumbents) # Retaining Employment 2 qtrs718514 80% (of those placed in unsubsidized employment) 65%

7 Progress to Goals


9 Regional &Statewide Partnership Meetings Showcase the accomplishments and highlight the strategic process that positioned Minnesota as one of the top performing grants in the country. Leverage the value of the four year project for purposes of embedding the work into organizations to enhance sustainability. Build statewide platforms (at various levels) for continued focus, discussion, prioritization, and future opportunities for collaboration and coordination.

10 Questions


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