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Lesson 1- Text-based Lesson 2- Lexical Approach Lesson 3- Task-based

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1- Text-based Lesson 2- Lexical Approach Lesson 3- Task-based"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 1- Text-based Lesson 2- Lexical Approach Lesson 3- Task-based
Lesson Plan 3 ways Lesson 1- Text-based Lesson 2- Lexical Approach Lesson 3- Task-based

2 Lesson Plan 1 Text-based Plan

3 Presentation Phase Type of text

4 So you’re in Thunder Bay what do you do now?

5 How do you find information?
Internet Guide books Travel brochure Travel magazines

6 E X P E R I E N C E T H U N D E R B A Y O C O N T A R I A N A D A

7 Purpose- travel magazines
Why do you use them? When do you use them? How do you use them? What do they inform you about?

8 Travel Magazines What do you notice about this magazine?
Subsections with highlighted text Informal language- Information text- tells you about the place Advertising- sells city, restaurants, etc Easy to read- short text and bullet form Don’t need to read the whole thing- can skip many sections Lots of pictures- appealing design

9 Practice

10 Practice activity-Scavenger Hunt
In partners, look through a copy of magazine and complete the scavenger hunt

11 Production

12 Thunder Bay is growing and needs your help!!!!
“Thunder Bay Experience” needs you to design a subsection designed for international newcomers. On this page(s) you can include information (real or made up) about services that Thunder Bay could provide you with which could help your move here easier or more convenient. You can create a business or a service to advertise if you feel it is necessary Some possible ideas….. Language translation hotline Government assistance programs Thunder Bay tours for international students International shopping places Directory of where to find specialized products

13 Lesson 2- The Lexical Approach

14 Presentation Lexical Chunk

15 Lexical Chunk English language is filled with 1000s of words that are commonly combined to express ideas. Red wine (its purple) Fast car Beautiful day We call these collocations- they are extremely important in developing natural speech English speakers acquire these chunks the same way they learn their language English as a second language learners must learn to be aware of these and memorize them

16 “ Thunder Bay Experience” page 38
We’ll spark your imagination! Your days and nights will be filled with captivating entertainment - whether you’re enjoying blockbuster movies, or the excitement of casino gaming. Maybe it’s the performing arts that moves you. Enjoy first-rate theatre performances & full-scale productions including Broadway, dance, symphony, comedy and more!

17 “ Thunder Bay Experience” page 38
We’ll spark your imagination! Your days and nights will be filled with captivating entertainment - whether you’re enjoying blockbuster movies, or the excitement of casino gaming. Maybe it’s the performing arts that moves you. Enjoy first-rate theatre performances & full-scale productions including Broadway, dance, symphony, comedy and more!

18 Synonyms Spark your imagination Days and nights
Captivating entertainment Blockbuster movies First-rate Full-scale

19 Practice Can you find the collocations?

20 Production Write an advertisement headline

21 Create a headline for Confederation College
In pairs... Using at least 3 collocations from today’s lesson, create an advertisement headline encouraging international students to come to study at Confederation College. . After we will share our headlines

22 Collocations Spark your imagination Days and nights
Captivating entertainment Blockbuster movies First-rate Full-scale Home to Impressive selection Up-to-the-minute Unspoiled wilderness Impressive array Magnificent scenery Come to Confederation College! It is home to an impressive selection of courses and up- to-the-minute technology.

23 Lesson Plan 3 Task based

24 Pre-task Phase

25 Video Thunder Bay tourist video will be inserted here

26 Lindsay’s top 5 suggestions for living and enjoying Thunder Bay
You should go to the Hoito for Finnish pancakes You ought to climb the Sleeping Giant You had better try a Persian You should swim in Lake Superior You ought to go fishing

27 What’s your top five? Create a top 5 of things to see and do in your home city. After pair and share

28 Task Phase

29 Task A good friend of yours is coming to Thunder Bay this weekend!
You have offered to show her the sights of Thunder Bay during her stay. You plan to pick collect her Saturday morning and to spend the day showing her the sights and sounds of Thunder Bay You offered to send her a list of suggestions for things to see and do for the day. Instructions Plan a suggested itinerary keeping in mind your friend’s personality traits (likes/dislikes) and budget. You need to find enough things to do to fill an entire day (from Saturday 9:00 am until Saturday 9:00) Create a poster display of suggested things to do. Present your suggestions to the class using your poster as a guide.

30 Likes: Adventure Nature Hiking Bicycling Pizza Shopping Live music Coffee Picturesque views Dislikes: Waiting in long lines Crowded and noisy places Fatty food Country music Spending more than $100/day

31 Post-task

32 Modals of Advisability
We use modals of advisability to make suggestions Today we used should, ought to, had better (you’d better) Lets look at grammar practice exercises

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