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NURS 432: Nursing Care in the Community

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1 NURS 432: Nursing Care in the Community
Spring 2016 Stephanie Durfor, PhD, RN, PHN

2 Community Health Nursing Public Health Nursing

3 Trends in Health Care Current trend to move more care into community settings and to reduce the number of hospital days for “sick” clients Community care is less expensive Community care is more appealing to people who prefer to remain at home rather than be treated in a hospital This trend is expected to grow and with it the role of the nurse in community settings will likewise grow and continue to change

4 What is Community Health Nursing?
What is it and how is it different from acute care nursing? Community-based Nursing Practice Population-focused Nursing Practice

5 What’s the Difference? Patient/Client: an individual
Acute Care Nursing Community Health Nursing Patient/Client: an individual More narrow practice focus Patient/Client: a population or community More global practice focus

6 Community Health Nursing
Community-based Nursing Population-focused Nursing

7 Community Health Nursing: Community-based Nursing Practice
Refers to the application of the nursing process in caring for individuals, families, and groups where they live, work, or go to school or as they move through the health care system Practicing nursing in the community Levels of Prevention: Secondary & Tertiary

8 Community-based Nursing Roles
Home Health Hospice/Palliative Care Clinics Case Management Parish Nursing Amusement Parks Cruise Ships Concerts Camp Nurse

9 Community Health Nursing: Population-focused Nursing Practice
Community-oriented; Population-oriented Synthesis of nursing practice and public health practice applied to promoting and preserving the health of populations A specialty with a distinct focus and scope of practice requiring a special knowledge base Goal: prevention of disease and disability for all people through the creation of conditions in which people can be healthy Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Examples: Public Health Nursing School Nursing Occupational Health

10 What is Public Health? Community efforts designed to prevent disease and promote health

11 Public Health Core Functions
Assessment Systematic data collection about a population Includes monitoring the population’s health status and providing information about the health of the community Policy Development Developing policies that support the health of the population through leadership and research Assurance Making sure that essential community-oriented health services are available Includes providing essential personal health services for individuals as well as a competent PH workforce

12 Essentials of Public Health Nursing
Conducting Community Assessments Preventing and Controlling Epidemics Providing Safe and Healthy Environment Measuring Performance, Effectiveness, and Outcomes of Health Services Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Providing Targeted Outreach and Forming Partnerships

13 Intervention Wheel Framework for public health nursing practice
3 Distinct Elements 1: Model is population based 2: Model encompasses three levels of practice Community Systems Individual/family 3: Identifies and defines 17 public health interventions


15 Levels of Prevention Nursing Process in Community Health
Nursing Interventions 3 Levels of Prevention Primary Prevention Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Secondary Prevention Diagnosis and Treatment Tertiary Prevention Rehabilitation, Health Restoration, and Palliative Care

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