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Jack Ballantyne Department of Chemistry University of Central Florida, Orlando National Center for Forensic Science The Determination of Physical Features.

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Presentation on theme: "Jack Ballantyne Department of Chemistry University of Central Florida, Orlando National Center for Forensic Science The Determination of Physical Features."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jack Ballantyne Department of Chemistry University of Central Florida, Orlando National Center for Forensic Science The Determination of Physical Features of the Donor of a Crime Scene Sample

2 Problem a DNA profile is recovered from a body fluid/tissue found at the crime scene or in connection with an incident under investigation, but…… –there is no suspect for comparison (or previous ones have been eliminated) and interrogation of a database of profiles from convicted offenders (CODIS) or suspects proves negative Is it possible to obtain any additional information from the body fluid/tissue (other than the standard DNA profile) that could aid the investigators?

3 Eyewitness Identification is a Wee Bit Shaky What about a genetic eyewitness?


5 Nature versus Nurture

6 heritability is the proportion of phenotypic variation in a population that is attributable to genetic variation among individuals. Variation among individuals may be due to genetic and/or environmental factors. Heritability analyses estimate the relative contributions of differences in genetic and non- genetic factors to the total phenotypic variance in a population.phenotypic variationgenetic variation

7 Gender

8 Ethno-Geographic Origin

9 Hair Color

10 Eye Color

11 or MATP ASIP Blue/gray eyes OR = 2.4 Black hair OR= 26 Olive skin OR= 29 Brown eyes OR=3.5

12 Height

13 Weight / Build

14 Facial Features

15 Personality and Behavior

16 Age

17 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Newborn: 0 – 3 mth Infant: 4mth – 1 yr Toddler: 2 – 4 yr Child: 5 – 12 yr Adolescent: 13 – 18 yr Adult: 19 – 45 yr Middle-age: 46 – 65 yr Old age: 65 yr

18 Age Determination from RNA

19 Determination of Individual Physical Characteristics Age –Telomere Shortening –Mitochondrial DNA mutations Deletions & Insertions –ROS damage to mtDNA Reactive Oxygen Species –Messenger RNA Profiling Global Gene Expression Profile from body fluids / tissues commonly encountered in forensic casework Focused on the Degenerative Aging Process Focused on the Developmental Aging Process

20 Hemoglobin Persistence throughout Life

21 HBG mRNA is present in individuals of all ages! Newborn Juvenile Old-Aged 154 bp

22 HBG1 & HBG2 in N, J, O Blood Newborn Juvenile Old-Aged N J O HBG1 HBG2 1 ng RNA 5 ng RNA

23 Specificity of the novel transcript HBG1n * Children Newborns Adults Toddlers Middle-Age Juveniles Infants Elderly + Ctrl 1hr 1hr 8d 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 8m 9m 10m 14m 19m 2y 2.8y 4y 6y 9y 12y 13y 15y 16y 17y 18y 53y 59y 63y 47y 72y 79y 84y 86y 89y24y 31y 38y 45y

24 1 hour S15 1 month 14y, 47y HBG1n-S15 Duplex

25 Familial Searching "The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children" Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice," act III, sc. V, l. 1

26 Crime: theft Evidence: touch DNA and saliva Physical/behavioral characteristics DNA analysis performed Who Ate the Porridge? perpetrator: female, caucasian, adolescent, blonde hair, blue eyes behavior: willingness to take risks/ thrill seeker

27 Acknowledgements Michelle Alvarez (PhD student) NIJ/TSWG for funding and belief in the project

28 We shall never cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot Thank you for your attention!

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