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No More Bullies in the Workplace: A Strategic Imperative for Organizational Leaders Northwest Arkansas Human Resources Association, Inc. NOARK November.

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Presentation on theme: "No More Bullies in the Workplace: A Strategic Imperative for Organizational Leaders Northwest Arkansas Human Resources Association, Inc. NOARK November."— Presentation transcript:

1 No More Bullies in the Workplace: A Strategic Imperative for Organizational Leaders Northwest Arkansas Human Resources Association, Inc. NOARK November 13th 2014 Evelyne R. Matthews B.A, CMH Tranformationalist CEO, Matthews & Matthews Consulting

2 Ladder of Knowledge for Bullying Awareness Wisdom Judgment Knowledge Information Wisdom Knowledge Information Judgment 2

3 Bullying in Brief Frequent, unfavorable treatment of a person by another in the workplace beyond what is considered appropriate workplace practice. 3

4 Bullying Comprehensive “Repeated, malicious, health-endangering mistreatment of one employee…by one or more employees. It may come in the form of the yelling and screaming boss who regularly inflicts high decibel tirades upon a subordinate; …or the way workers deliberately sabotage the reputation of a co-worker by spreading lies and rumors about her performance or character. In any of its overt and covert variables, bullying inflicts serious harm upon employees and organizations causing psychological and physical injuries to workers, sapping productivity and morale. Source: Yamada, David. C (2008). Workplace Bullying and Ethical Leadership. Journal of Values-Based Leadership Vol. I, Issue 2, Summer/Fall 2008 4

5 Audience Polling Question 5 Have you ever witnessed bullying in the workplace? A. Yes B. No

6 Various Forms of Bullying  Sabotage by others that prevent work from getting done  Verbal abuse  Threatening conduct  Intimidation  Humiliation 6

7 Are You this Individual Who Has Been a Victim of Bullying? 7

8 8 3 Types of Behavior Involved with Bullying Prejudice - prejudging others based on information that we may have “heard” or been told. This behavior is learned and so can be unlearned. It is often based in fear and the information that is given to us is often wrong.

9 9 3 Types of Behavior Involved with Bullying Stereotype - a fixed and distorted generalization that puts people into categories regardless of whether they want to be there or not. A short hand we use when we don’t want to take the time to learn more about people.

10 10 3 Types of Behavior Involved with Bullying Ethnocentrism - the cultural attitude that one’s culture or group is superior to another person’s culture or group. Outgroups are contemptible and inferior. Therefore I can bully you!

11 Did You Know?* 37% of American workers; 49% of adult Americans are affected by it – as targets or witnesses 52% Hispanics; 46% African-Americans; 34% White; 31% Asian-Pacific 57% of the targets are in the same group as their bully *Source: US Workplace Study. Conducted by Zogby International based on a sample of adults based on race, ethnicity, union affiliation, age, parental status and gender. Workplace Bullying Institute (Sampling of 7,740 participants on line) 13

12 Who are the bullies? 73% bosses; 18% are peers/co ‐ workers with same status; 9% lower status 32% male – male; 29% female – female 28% male – female; 11% female – male Who supports the bullies? 43% leadership/environment; 33% harasser’s peers; 10% target’s peers Source: US Workplace Study. Conducted by Zogby International based on 7,740 participants from an online survey and a sample of adults based on race, ethnicity, union affiliation, age, parental status and gender. Workplace Bullying Institute (2007) 11

13 Audience Polling Question 13 Have you ever been the target of bullying in the workplace? A. Yes B. No

14 What Causes Bullying? Value Differences Status Differences Divergent Goals Ism’s Miscommunication Perceptual differences Role Obligations 14

15 Proactive Interventions Against Bullying: You Must Understand the Following! Values - are what a person regards as good or bad according to one’s belief system. Dignity - is the quality or state of being worthy, honored or esteemed. Respect - is to be decent or correct in character or behavior. Sensitivity - is the awareness of the needs and emotions of others. 17

16 Case Study Jeb is a long time 30 year employee at LMN which is a 501 C 3 organization. He is known as the “man” at the job and in his community in Rogers. He is the Community Affairs Coordinator. His style is of the “in your face” variety and seemingly he has been successful in his dealings with political leaders especially in Little Rock. He uses obscenities consistently. He has difficulty taking orders from the Executive Director who is a women who recently landed the job. She just returned to the workforce after the birth of her child and earning a Masters degree on line from the University of Phoenix. Terry is the new Director of Youth Services. Terry has heard about Jeb’s use of offensive language and has already personally overheard Jeb in action. Jeb does not report to Terry and it is not clear who he reports to. Last week Terry was in the lunch room and Jeb was particularly “colorful” in his description of Dane who is the new fiscal administrator from Boston and has a heavy New England accent. Dane is gay. The situation has created an underlying tension in the office where there is a relatively small staff. A board member who knows both Jeb and Terry has approached you in your capacity as the Human Resources Manager of the organization. How would you proceed?

17 17 Is Workplace Bullying Behavior Appropriate or Inappropriate? What Do You Think!!! When in doubt, don’t do it! Behavior that you would not want described in a newspaper for your friends, family, co-workers or employer to read Inappropriate behavior undermines mutual respect Bullying can escalate to other workplace offenses that violate policies, procedures, directives and laws!

18 18 Proactive Approaches to Eradicating Bullying Behavior What You Can Do: It’s the impact of your behavior not your intent that is key Do unto others as THEY would like since perceptions vary Hindsight is 20-20!

19 Workplace Violence  Determine Internal & External Factors  Institute Preventive Measures  Understand different types of Workplace Violence (Physical, Psychological, etc)  Identify the potential stakeholders  Create and sustain a threat assessment team  Launch a training initiative at your organization 18

20 How Can Your Organization Help? Provide ongoing training and education around bullying and workplace violence Create a manifesto that articulates that the organization embraces a bully and violence free workplace Develop a rapid response team of skilled practitioners who are available around the clock to provide advise, support and appropriate intervention 19

21 Contact Information Evelyne R. Matthews B.A, CMH Transformationalist CEO, Matthews & Matthews Consulting (914) 830-1075

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