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‘My work was too descriptive,’ My Feedback Says Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser This workshop will... − Explore ways to engage in analysis/be analytical.

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Presentation on theme: "‘My work was too descriptive,’ My Feedback Says Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser This workshop will... − Explore ways to engage in analysis/be analytical."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘My work was too descriptive,’ My Feedback Says Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser This workshop will... − Explore ways to engage in analysis/be analytical for essays − Cover some practical tips about how to question theories, practices or models − Help you to identify arguments and counter-arguments 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice1

2 The Plan… 1. What markers want 2. How to apply critical analysis 3. 6 ways to question anything 4. Identifying an argument 5. What a counter-argument is 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice2

3 1.What markers want ‘there is not enough depth’ ‘you need more analysis’ ‘too much description’ ‘you did not apply much critical thinking’ ‘you need to use more critical analysis or thinking’ 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice3 Be critical and develop a reasoned argument

4 2. How to apply critical analysis Engaging analytical thinking − Your initial impressions − Breaking it down using close observation Employing critical thinking by… − Asking questions − Evidencing your conclusions and findings − Keeping an open mind 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice4

5 Gun control laws make Americans safer What are your initial impressions? Break it down ‘Gun control laws’ and ‘make’ and ‘safer’. What questions do you want to ask? Why would an author write this? Is there an agenda? What evidence is presented or should be presented? None, and possibly crime statistics comparing different Western countries or research relating to perception of safety amongst population. Keeping an open mind – are you biased? 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice5 2. How to apply critical analysis

6 3.6 ways to question anything 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice6 Element to consider Overview of what to look for in TPMPossible questions to ask Methodology The approach chosen, why chosen, and the methods and tools chosen What methods and samples were used to gather data or test the t/p/m? Do these appear reliable? Applicability Ability to apply the theory, practice or model to a number of situations What are the main counter-arguments (opposite arguments) to the t/p/m generally, or in relation to particular situations? Exceptions To the above, i.e. what does the theory, practice or model NOT apply to What are the ‘exceptions to the rule’ in relation to the t/p/m - and why? Cultural adaptability Specific ability for a theory, practice or model to adapt (or not) across different cultures We live in a world that transmits ideas quickly, so…To what extent, if at all, does the t/p/m adapt to other societies and cultures? Currency The validity of any theory, practice or model, i.e. when it was developed/written and if it therefore relevant to your work How valid is the t/p/m today? Does it make sense? To youDoes the t/p/m make sense to you from your own experiences? This can be a good starting point for exploring ideas

7 Applying the 6 ways Methodology: Based on primary research. Watching tv programmes and content analysis of specific age-related tv programmes in particular US states. Applicability: What is the theory? that tween viewers could, maybe they would not. Theory does not appear to suggest other influences, such as ‘real world’ gender stereotyping, are at play. Exceptions: (Anecdotally) since tween programming started, increasing number of women in positions of power Cultural adaptability: No idea if children in other countries would react same Currency: Only 4 years old, so still valid Does it make sense: ? 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice7 3.6 ways to question anything

8 A. Understanding the context: emotive and persuasive language B. Identifying the conclusion: beginning/end and look for signals C. Identifying the reasons: ArgumentConclusion Warranting 4.Identifying an argument 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice8

9 An argument against your own ideas: have a discussion with yourself Take a balanced and objective viewpoint to critically analyse your own argument Not every point needs to be countered 5. What a counter-argument is 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice9

10 Counter-arguments Counter argument: Having children is a choice, and it is the parents’ responsibility to organise appropriate childcare. Counter argument: Having children is a choice, and considering how important your career is should be part of that decision making process. Counter argument: Many people consider child raising the work of women. Counter argument: It is not generally considered a company’s job to help raise families. 23/12/15 Academic Skills Advice 10 5. What a counter-argument is

11 Cottrell, S. (2013) The study skills handbook. 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Monty Python’s Flying Circus. (2008) Argument clinic. Accessed 5 January 2015. Neville, C. (2009) How to improve your assignment results. Maidenhead: OUP University of Idaho. (2004). Argument identification. Moscow: University of Idaho. Accessed 19 December 2014. Accessed 19 December 2014 University of Surrey. (2014) Writing skills. Guildford: University of Surrey. _01.htm Accessed 6 March 2014. _01.htm 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice11 References

12 Van den Brink-Budgen, R. (2010) Critical thinking for students. 4th ed. Oxford: How To Books Ltd. Wallace, M and Wray, A. (2011) Critical reading and writing for postgraduates. 2 nd ed. London: Sage Publications Ltd. Writers at Work. (2014) Persuasive essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 110_WritersAtWork_CH04.pdf Accessed 5 January 2015. 110_WritersAtWork_CH04.pdf Writing Centre. (1999) Counterargument. Cambridge: Harvard College. argument Accessed 5 January 2015. argument 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice12 References

13 Academic Skills Advice Service Where are we? Chesham Building B0.23. Give us a call or come speak to us via B0.23 Who am I? Louise, the dedicated workshop adviser. Who can help me with study and writing skills? Lucy and Russell run Instant Study Skills Advice sessions every weekday 10-4 and Writing Skills Clinics three times a week. You can also access self-help resources on our Who can give me maths advice? Helen and Michael specialise in Maths support for students though clinics and pre-booked appointment. How do I get in touch? Email: academic- Telephone: 01274 236849academic- 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice13

14 Any questions? 23/12/15Academic Skills Advice14

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