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Prepositions & conjunction By : Siti Ilmiyeh 1305020115 FKIP English.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepositions & conjunction By : Siti Ilmiyeh 1305020115 FKIP English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepositions & conjunction By : Siti Ilmiyeh 1305020115 FKIP English

2 Prepositions are words that are used with a noun or pronoun that are placed in front of them to show a relation between these words with another part of the sentence.

3 Here are same examples of commonly-used prepositions: Aboutaboveafteragainstalong among along atbeforebehindbelowbesidebetweenby downduringforfromininsideinto nearofoffonout ofoppositeoutside totowarduntilunderwithwithinwithout

4 Study the most frequently used preposition. Listed below:  At : at night, at school, at 7 o’clock etc. example : - we usually watch television at night. - the meeting finished at 10.00 p.m  About example: - we are talking about our English teacher.  After example: - he died after a few days.  Against example : Indonesian people fought against Japan bravely.  Along example : they walked along the sidewalk.  Among example : divide the apple among you three.

5  before example : - you must be back before five.  behind example : the child is hiding behind the door.  below example : there is a pencil below the table.  beside example : yuki is sitting beside me.  between example : she sat between me and ricis.  by example : do you go to office by bus?  during example : during vocation, we visited many places of interest.  for example : this flower is not for you.  from example: topan comes from London.  in example : petter will finish his study in 2010.

6  inside example : there is a parcel inside the box.  into example : they come into her room when it was raining last night.  near example : my house is near the royal living.  Off example : the TV is off.  to example : we go to school by bus.  Under example : Marcus is waiting under the banana tree.  Until example : he has been reading until now.  down example : her hair is hanging down her back.  with example : this letter was written with a pen.  within example : they will arrive within two days.  without example :my father cannot read without glasses. Etc

7 Conjunction are words that are used to connect words or a group of words or sentences. Conjunction are usually in the adverbial clause.

8 Types of conjunction: Coordinating conjunction  is to join words phrases, and clauses together which are usually grammatically equal, the sentences or words do not depend anything to give themselves meaning. There are seven main coordinating conjunctions : For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So (FANBOYS) Example : my house and her house have same type. I’m sure he will succeed for he has studied hard. She nor he finish the test. Jhon play music well, but he can’t sing. You may go with me or you can stay at home. She is rich; yet she is not satisfied. You have to go right now, so you won’t miss the bus.

9 correlative conjunction  the correlative conjunction are simply pairs of conjunction which are used to join equal sentence element together. List of common correlative conjunctions:  Either… or  Nether… nor  Not only… but also  Both.. And  Whether… or  So.. As Sample sentence :  Both my brother and my family are lawyers.  I can’t decide whether l’ll take Chemical Engineering or take Medical Technology in college. Etc

10 subordinate conjunction  this type of conjunction is used in linking two clauses together. Subordinating conjunction also describe the relationship between the dependent clause and the independent clause in the sentence. List of common subordinating conjunction : while, as soon as, although, before, even if, because, no matter how, whether, wherever, until, after, how, while, unless, so that, thought, since, etc. Sample sentence :  it is so cold outside, so I brought you a jacket.  Because it is so cold outside, I brought you a jacket. etc


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